Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

Saturday – 2 days before mission start

Only a few more days until our newest mission starts, and the adrenaline is already starting to flow. God, I am so looking forward to this mission. But I’m a bit worried about Forest; I have never had a partner before … I hope it will be a smooth mission, especially because forest is still so new at all this. But what if I stuff up, what if I let Forest down? I’m still not used to this whole “Partner” thing. I sighed and looked down at the books sprawled in a mess on the desk in front of me and shook my head. This homework, so simple and easy, yet so hard to do, I sighed. My mind just keeps wandering today. I need to go clear my head.

“Forest!” I yell as I walk over to my wardrobe to grab a jacket, the weather was uncharacteristically cold for this time of year. Not that I’m complaining. I love the cold weather.

“What?” I hear floating through the air from the lounge area.

“I’m gonna go for a walk, I need to clear my head, I can’t even concentrate on the homework I got yesterday.” I sigh again as I walk out into the kitchen.

“You’re still doing that stuff?” he asked, tearing his eyes from the television in front of him. “I finished that ages ago!” he gloated.

“Well if you’re so smart, go do mine! I have too much on my mind!” I growl playfully as I head to the front door.

“Hehe! You wish!” was my reply. “Hey! While you’re out can you get some hot chocolate from that chocolate place down the road! … Please!”

“Fine …”I laughed and shut the door behind me. I made my way to the elevators, pulling my jacket into place. The elevator slowly inched towards the lobby, I never realized how annoying elevator music is. As I stepped out of the elevator and away from the boring tune I noticed that Liz was packing up ready to leave.

“Hey Liz” I smiled. “Where you off to so in such a hurry?”

“Oh!” she exclaimed as she looked up at me.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to frighten you!”I giggled.

“It’s ok Blaze” she let out a breath. “I’m just a bit jumpy today.”

“Everything ok?”

“Yeah, yeah!” She nodded her head feverishly. “I’m just going to go meet some friends I haven’t seen in a long time!” she grinned.

“That’s nice.” I smiled. “Hey Liz, do you mind if I ask you something?” A thought just occurred to me.

“Of course Blaze!”

“Can you remember that night that Forest moved in with me? When I came down here to give you back the old room key? And there were three men down here talking to you?” I paused and saw that Liz had stopped packing up and her smile had dropped. “Who were they?”

“Ummm …” Liz started, looking down. She wouldn’t meet my gaze. Her eyes flicked to everything in the room except my face. She looked like she was in the middle of an internal battle, whether to tell me the truth or not; I couldn’t tell.

“They were just p-people from m-m-my past,” She managed to stutter out. “No one of interest.” She smiled.

“Ok Liz, have a nice time with your friends.” I grinned and waved to her as I walked out onto the street.

As I walked slowly down the street, I thought swiftly about what Liz had said. She wasn’t lying to me, but she surely wasn’t giving me the whole truth; A half truth, nothing more. I turned around to see Liz walk out of the building and across the street. Maybe I should I follow her? No. I’ll deal with that mystery later; I have enough on my mind at the moment …

I was walking towards the park when I saw him. Just out of the corner of my eye, on the other side of the street, was a tall young man with bright blue hair. I quickly darted across the street and fell in step behind him about twenty five meters back.

I wonder where he’s off to.

After a few minutes he turns into the park, I groaned, now I won’t have the cover of other people on the sidewalk. But I followed him anyway. He walked until we were in the middle of the oval like section. All this time I was wondering where he was going, but I realize now; he knew I was following him.

I stopped walking and crossed my arms, glaring into his back. I heard a chuckle come from the man in front of me as he turned around and faced me to.

“Well hello Blaze.” He grinned. “How nice to see you again. Did you get my note?”

“The note in my locker? Yes. How did you know which locker was mine?” I asked.

“Connections.” He winked.

“What’s your name?” I asked him with a scowl.

“Why?” he smirked.

“You know my name, it’s only fair if I know yours.” I smirked back.

He sighed. “Very well, my name is Leo Viridian, at your service.” He said and bowed. My heart stopped in my chest as I heard that name. I knew that name. It was so familiar … but so strange and new at the same time.

He chuckled when he saw my reaction.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Something wrong?” he asked with a coy smile.

“Who are you? And why do I know that name?” I asked again, losing my patience.

Another sly chuckle came from the man in front of me. “The more you know the less fun this will be.” He said in a sing song voice.

“Now why do you have to be like that?” I replied with an expression somewhere in the middle of a smirk and a glare.

“Orders are orders missy. You of all people should know that.” He chuckled again.

“Who do you work for?” I asked.

“As if I’m going to tell you, you really expected me to? A villain never reveals his secrets to the hero at the beginning of the movie does he?” he sneered.

“Is that who you are? A villain?” I mocked as I rolled my eyes.

“Yes. No. Maybe. Who am I to say? Who is anyone to say? Good and bad, right and wrong, it’s all in the perspective isn’t it?” he laughed, with the permanent smirk that seems to be always on his face.

“I guess.” I narrowed my eyes. This conversation is getting me nowhere.

“How do you know Liz?” I tried.

“Who? The receptionist at your apartment building? Let’s just say, we have a friend in common.” He chuckled. My eyes narrowed.

“What no more twenty-questions?” he mocked me when I didn’t reply.

“What do you want from me?” I asked. This was the most important question. I really hope I get a straight answer.

“There are two answers to that. What you really should be asking is ‘what does my boss want from you?’”

“Ok then, what does your boss want from me?” so much for my straight answer.

“He wants you dead. Not that that’ll happen anytime soon.” He chuckled.

“A lot of people want me dead.” I shrugged.

“And yet you’re still alive.” He grinned showing all his teeth.

“And what’s the second answer to my question?” I asked, getting him back on track.

“What was your question again? Oh, right! What do I want from you? …” his smile dropped from his face and he looked down. “… I want you to remember, I want you to know the truth.”

I was taken aback by his sudden change in character. “Then why don’t you just tell me?” I asked softer then I meant.

He sighed. “Orders are orders, Hun.”

Silence enveloped us as we both retreated into our thoughts. I closed my eyes; I came out here to clear my head, now I have more questions and worries than ever. I sighed, when I opened my eyes again the blue-haired man, now known as Leo, was gone.

I spun around on the spot looking all over the park for him, but he was gone.

“Damn it!!” I growled.

I started making my way back home, and after awhile I walked into the now empty lobby. I wonder if a replacement should come in when Liz is gone.

I was so tired now. Even though my brain was in overload, it still didn’t help me block out the awful elevator music. I scowled, what happened? This place used to have lovely elevator music.

As I unlocked the front door I heard rushed footsteps and a thump from inside. I opened the door to see Forest sitting in the same spot I left him in.

“I see you have done so much since I was gone.” I laughed.

“Oh ha-ha!” he said sarcastically. “How was your walk?” he asked.

“Interesting. I ran into the blue-haired man.”

Forest’s eyes widened. “Are you ok!?” he asked, concern covered his voice.

I grinned, “Yea I’m fine.” I said and then I told him everything that had happened. He didn’t interrupt me once, which I was surprised at. When I was finished telling him the recount of my walk his mouth was hanging open in shock.

“I have one question.” He said when he recovered a bit.


“Where is the hot chocolate I asked you to get?” he said with a smirk.

“Really?!?” I asked. “After all I just told you, that’s what you’re asking about!?!” I said in playful disbelief.

“Go relax.” He laughed, pointing to my room. “You look all tense, I’ll go get them. You want whipped cream on yours?” he asked with a kind grin on his face.

“Please.” I smiled, as I headed towards my room as he headed towards the door. I fell onto my bed and just laid there as I heard the front door open and close. I rolled onto my side, clicking my back; my eyes caught sight of the desk with my homework on it.

I pulled myself up and went over to the desk with a sigh as I sat down at it, but as I picked up my pencil I noticed that the essay I was writing was complete. The handwriting perfectly mimicking my own.

I smiled to myself and walked into my bathroom ready to take a shower.

God Forest was good.
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I hope you like this. :)
eugh. I'm sick :( so either updates will be coming out faster cause I have nothing else to do, OR they will be coming out slow because I don't have enough energy to form a coherent sentence. so lets all hope for the former, yes? XD
I wrote another one-shot!
so please go check it out! It's called If a River Could Talk

anyway, Please comment and subscribe!
see you next chapter!
love you all <3