Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

Sunday - 1 day before mission start

We had run at full sprint all the way home, so we were panting as we threw countless things into our duffle bags. All the while I was grumbling profanities under my breath.

We both burst out of our rooms simultaneously, Forest turning towards the door.

“This way, we’ll create too much commotion if we go back out that way, Liz was suspicious enough when we came in …” I pointed out as I started strapping my duffle bag on my back. I slid the glass door aside and stepped onto the balcony. Forest looked at me like I was insane as I started to climb over the railing.

“You have got to be kidding me” Forest mumbled as he tied his bag to his back as well.

I looked down the side of the building and smiled as I launched myself off the side.

I grabbed the railings and pipes with my hands and gracefully scaled down the building. I landed on my feet with a soft thump.

Years and years of practice, I smirked to myself as I brushed the dirt off my uniform.

Looking back up at Forest, I saw he was unusually pale. I gave him a thumbs up and a cocky grin.

He shook his head and disappeared from my view. I could see he was stifiling a yell as he fell down the side of the building. He tried to look graceful, but failed, and when he landed it was on his ass. I laughed as I walked over to him.

“Don’t worry, mate. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.” I giggled as I helped him up.

“Yea” he said, shakily.

The smile left my face as I slammed open the door to the SUV.

“Sam! This better be fucking important! It’s not like we have a big day tomorrow or anything!” I shouted at the man in the front seat.

“I’m sorry Blaze, but Axel said this one was too … delicate for anyone else.” He sighed, handing me a folder. “Oh, and I got that hair spray you wanted.” He said throwing a backpack at Forest.

“Thanks Sam.” Forest smiled.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” I growled under my breath as I read the name on the folder.

“Sonya Hemmings
Corrupt Politician
Age 37
SquareLift Hotel, 529 Clutch Street, 32nd floor, room 483.
Special information: Make it look like an accidental death.”

Followed by the coordinates.

“Who is it this time?” Forest asked me as he leaned over to look at the file in my hands. His face fell as he read the name and location. “This is going to be a hard one isn’t it?” He groaned. “That’s a very high class hotel, we’re gonna need a plan.”

Attached to the front of the file was an additional sticky note.


I am sorry to give you this mission on the night before a long-term undercover op, but this opportunity was too good to waste. The SquareLift Hotel is hosting a formal dinner tonight, this will allow you to sneak in and out with minimal detection.

Good luck,

I passed the sticky note to Forest. “Good thing I have a plan then.”

Sam was already racing down some road at a ridicules speed. I quickly searched for a formal dress shop on my phone, and found one a few miles from the hotel.

“Sam, Change of plans. Take us here.” I said and threw him the phone. He caught it and glanced at the screen.

“Ok Blaze, if you say so.” He sighed and pulled a sharp corner. We were there a few short minutes later.

“Stay here please Sam, we won’t be too long.” I said as I pulled Forest out of the dark car, and into the shop.

The shop was brightly lit, with multicolored gowns on one side of the shop, and gleaming black suits on the other.

“Go.” I said shoving Forest in the direction of the suits. “Something spiffy.”

“Spiffy?” He asked, with a confused look on his face.

“Handsome!” I growled as I dashed to the women’s side of the shop.

“Can I help you?” a shop attendant asked me as I flipped through the racks.

“Umm … yes please, I would like to go try this on, Can you unlock the changing rooms for me?” I asked sweetly while pulling out a dress at random.

Of course!” The young women replied with a fake smile.

Ounce I was in the changing rooms, I moved as fast as I could. I quickly striped down to my underwear and slipped into the elegant dress. The dress I pulled out of the rack was a startling blood red. It had a V-neck and a low back. The dress had a long split up my right leg, all the way to my hip. This will do.

I took it off and headed over to the cash register, to find Forest standing there with a look of great distaste on his face. I shot him a questioning glance as I placed both our clothes on the counter.

“Did you get a tie?” I asked him as I walked over to the women’s shoes section.

He glanced up at me and his eyes widened slightly, as he jumped back to his side of the shop. I picked a random pair of black high heels and headed over to the few necklaces in the shop. I took more time here, trying to pick one that would look nice. It would have been a dead giveaway if my necklace didn’t match the rest of the outfit.

I ended up getting a simple black chain with a big deep ruby crystal hanging off of it.

I smiled as I walked back to the counter. Forest was already there with a silk purple tie in his hands and silver cufflinks.

The young attendant’s eyes widened as she rang the items up on the till. I groaned as I saw the number. Remind me never to shop here again, It was outrageously priced.

I pulled a wad of cash out of my duffel bag, being careful not to show her any of the other things in it, and handed it over.

“All that money for a dress and a suit!?!” I cried as we got back in the car.

“Whatever.” Forest chided, “Drive.” He said to Sam.

“Slowly!” I amended. Sam gave me a look, but pulled out of the car park at a normal speed.

“Go to the hotel, but drive normally.” I elaborated.

“Why?” Sam groaned, as he waited for traffic to allow him to get onto the road.

“Cause we need to change.” I winked at Forest, as I took my top off. Both Forest and Sam stiffened and looked away. I giggled under my breath.

It was hard to do my zip up in the confined space, and had to get Forest to do it for me, who was trying very hard not to look uncomfortable.

Just as Forest and I were ready, Sam announced we were there, he seemed very relieved. He hates driving so slow. Forest was about to get out, when I stopped him.

“What?” he asked as he turned back to me. I straightened his tie, and patted down his hair.
“Perfect” I said, and smiled. He laughed and stepped out of the car.

I followed suit, and as soon as the door was shut, Sam sped off down the driveway again.

As Sam sped away, I noticed Forest was staring at me. “You ok there, Forest?” I asked with a smirk on my lips.

“You … look … uh …” He tried.

I laughed. “I know, I look good. You shape up nicely too, babes.” I smiled at him, looking over his outfit.

He was in a sharp black suit, with a lilac purple silk top on underneath and a tie to match it. He looked very handsome.

“C’mon, let’s go do our job.” I sighed and held my hand out for him. He rolled his eyes and gingerly took my hand in his.

“The folder said she was on the 32nd floor, room 483.” I said heading towards the elevator.

But when we reached said elevator we saw a member of hotel staff standing in front of it.

“I’m sorry ma’am but only hotel residents are allowed to use the elevators.” The old man droned at me.

“But we are hotel residents. We would like to go to floor 28 please.” I said in a confident tone.

The old man gave me a suspicious look before eventually stepping aside. The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.

I quickly hit the button for floor 28, and stood back. I scanned the elevator for cameras and found only one; I made the extra effort to look casual and ditzy for the people watching the security tapes.

When we reached “our” floor, we got off.

“Why didn’t we go straight to the 32nd?” Forest asked me as I looked around the halls.

“So the elevator cameras show us getting off nowhere near the 32nd floor. Just in case.”

I pointed to the door to the fire stairs. “C’mon. I want this over and done with as quickly as possible.”

“Yea, ok. That makes sense.” He said as he followed me to the stairs.

Walking up four flights of stairs in high heels is not fun!

“Fuck!” I growled as we reached the 32nd floor. Forest looked around at the door numbers and lead me down the hall.

“Will our mark be there? Or will she be down stairs?” I whispered as we neared her door.

I poked my head around the corner. Four bodyguards were posted outside her room.

“Ok, so she is still there.” Forest pointed out. “Now what?” he growled.

“Now, we wait.” I sighed.

It took 35 minutes for her door to open.

“Steve, Mike, come with me. You two, stay here. I don’t want anyone going into my room.” We heard a sharp voice say.

The sound of shuffling footsteps approached us, and Forest panicked. His eyes darted from my face, to the doors of some random rooms and back again.

I rolled my eyes and turned the door knob of the door I was leaning on, and swung it wide. I smirked at Forest’s dumb-founded expression and pulled him into the closet with me.

It was a stroke of luck that a cleaning closet was situated here. During the 35 minutes we waited for our target to move, I had fun picking this lock. Alas it was only about thirty seconds of entertainment, but entertainment none the less.

The footsteps retreated to the elevators, and we waited for the noise of the elevator doors closing.

I opened the door again, and stepped out.

“When?” Forest asked me, indicating the door.

“I thought a hiding spot might be handy.” I shrugged. “You were sizing up the body guards.”

“Wait here.” I said as I pushed myself off the wall. “Jump in when it gets to the fun stuff.”

I fluffed my hair and rounded the corner. Both the bodyguards stared at me as I walked past. Grinning like wolves at a sheep.

“Hi Boys.” I said seductively as I walked up to them.

Their eyes widened as I drew closer. That’s when I attacked.

I flipped my right leg up and smacked the first guy on the side of his face. The second bodyguard’s hands went straight for his short wave radio on his belt, but Forest stopped him.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He whispered into his ear when he had successfully got the bulky man in a tight headlock.

I flipped out of the way of my attacker, who was getting more and more furious.

Adrenaline was rushing through my veins, an evil grin plastered on my face.

I punched him in the sternum, I felt it crack under the pressure. Followed by a kick to the throat to silence his screams. Both men were crumpled on the floor.

“I’m surprised you were able to fight like that in a dress like that.” Forest laughed.

I just shrugged.

I swiftly picked the lock on the door and we both stepped inside.

“You do realize we are going to have to kill them.” I said looking around the lush room.

“I know.” Forest sighed.

If it was possible, I always left guards alive. One’s that didn’t see my face of course.

“You do the main room, I’ll do the bathroom.” I said, heading into the large bathroom connected to the room.

The room was all white, almost blindingly so. The shower was still wet, and steam was still on the mirror. My heels clacked on the white tiles as I walked over to Sonya’s toiletries bag.

Inside I found the normal things, a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, various hairclips, etc. etc. I also found a bottle of sleeping pills.

“Forest!” I called. “You can stop looking now! I found something that could work.”

“Well, that’s good. Cause I got nothing.” Forest complained.

“These are prescription sleeping pills.” I showed him.

“Yes, I can read you know.” He glared at me.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a plastic zip bag full of identical white tablets.

“What are those?” Forest asked me.

“I took to start carrying these around about a year ago, it was a job just like this one, it had to look like an accident or suicide. And I didn’t have any way of doing so. This” I said pointing to the tablets, “Is going to kill our target. These are triple dose of the same sleeping pills Sonya takes.”

I opened the pill bottle and emptied it out into the toilet, and half filled the empty bottle with the tablets from the bag.

When I was done I screwed the lid back on and wiped the bottle of any fingerprints using some of the toilet paper. I placed it carefully back where it was and exited the bathroom.

“Done!” I smiled. “Come on; let’s go deal with those guards.”

We exited the room and locked it behind us. The bodyguards were still unconscious, so that makes it easier.

Forest bent down and placed his guy in another headlock, and waited for the chest to stop moving and the body to stop twitching.

I did the same. “Be careful not to leave print on the necks.” I said under my voice.

When we were both done, I quickly wiped the door handle of our prints with my dress, and we headed back to the stairs.

“That … was relatively easy.” Forest said.

“I know …” I sighed. “Bit boring though.” I laughed.

When we got down to the 28th floor, we got back into the elevator and rode it back to the lobby.

“Have a nice night ma’am” The elevator man said as we exited.

“Thank you.” I replied politely.

When we got outside Forest started complaining. “We have such a big day tomorrow and we have to walk home?” He grumbled.

“Yea right! As if!” I said as I pulled out my phone.

“Sam, pick us up.” I commanded and shut the phone off.

“I will admit, it was really nice to get some violence out of my system before a deep cover op.” I smiled up at Forest.

“Yea, I agree.” Forest winked at me; Sam drove up about a minute later. God, I love his driving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the next one guys!
Sorry it took me so long to write!
I had a mini life crisis ...

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