Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

By Night ...

“You are needed.” The voice said, “Mission waiting.” Then the call ended. Well, I thought, there goes my boredom.

I quickly changed into some civilian clothes and walked over to my wardrobe. There I picked up my duffle bag and started to get my gear together.

I threw in my uniform, my small sniper, my glock and a couple of good grenades, some spare clothes and other nick-knacks I find useful, my bankcard and some cash.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and rushed out of the building. I headed straight down the side ally. Waiting there for me was a black SUV, I got in back and the car went off.

“It’s good to see you again Blaze.” The driver, Sam, said.

“Afternoon Sam, still alive I see” I grinned. He laughed. “What have you got for me today?” Sam became serious as he handed me over a manila folder full of information.

“All your information is in that folder. Good Luck and see you next time.” Sam said as he stopped the car. I got out and found that I was in a deserted street somewhere. I walked into an ally and sat down. I pulled out my file and started reading it.

On the top of the file was a post it with the vital information, like the person and there location. The rest of the file was just background. People didn’t usually live long enough for me to need to read this. The background is only for profile building, if the target escapes.

The post-it note said:
“Maria Margenta
Drug Dealer
Age 24
126 Appleblossom Road”

Followed by the co-ordinates of the location. The address is always incomplete like that. Just the street and number, the co-ordinates give the rest of the info. I pulled out my phone and checked the co-ordinates and I looked on my maps, this Maria person lives a few streets down. I walked deeper into the alleyway and out of site.

I quickly changed from my civilian gear and into my uniform. My uniform consists of some black loose cargo pants with army boots and a black tank top. Luckily my hair is too short for my need to tie it up. I stalked out of the alleyway, blending in to the growing shadows around me as the sun began to set.


The sun had set a few hours ago, and I had set up surveillance on a rooftop of a neighboring house of Maria’s. I had been lying here for a few hours until I saw here return home from work and enter the house. I had also devised a plan. I opened my duffle bag and pulled out a white over top to put on over my uniform and jumped off the roof lightly.

I hid my glock in my boot and walked up to the front door. I rang the doorbell.

When a big guy opened the door, obviously a body guard, I wasn’t surprised.

“Hi, can you help me? My car broke down just down the road, and you look like a capable man, could you help me?” I asked, putting on such a sickly sweet voice it made me want to gag. But it seemed to work. It probably helped that I looked like just a high school girl who couldn’t be any threat.

The man stepped down and shut the door behind him. I started to walk a few meters down the road. “It’s just down here” I said, he nodded.

That’s when I attacked.

I spun around on my right foot and hit him hard in the jaw with the left. As I went to follow-through with a punch he ducked to get his gun off his belt, as if I didn’t see that. Stupid man, he needs to hide it better. He drew his gun and pointed it. But he was to slow, I was already behind him. I tapped on his shoulder with a giggle as he spun around to find nothing, as he spun back around I swept the floor with my leg and he dropped. I jumped on him, kneeing him in the chest. I heard the satisfying crack of a rib. I pulled out my glock and hit him hard over the head with it. He was limp after that.

I stood up and started to walk back to the house. That man probably won’t die; he will be found and sent to hospital… if he is lucky.

I knew there would still be a few guards with my target, but they will be easy if they were anything like that guy.

I walked to the door and kicked it open. There was another man there, but I had my glock drawn already, I shot him in the head, with a silencer of course, don’t want to alarm the neighbors. I walked upstairs to where the target will most likely be, and was happy when I saw another two guards outside a door. I sprinted towards them, jumping in the air and kicking one guard in the chest. I heard a slight woof the breath flew out of him as I turned and punched the other in the throat. Enabling them both speechless. The guard that I had winded jumped up and grabbed me from behind, lifting me up. I head butted him and kicked him with my heel in the groin at the same time. He fell to the floor. The other guard was pathetic; he was still lying on the floor gaping like a fish. I shot them both.

I opened the door silently and slid through the gap. The room was dark, but my eyes quickly adjusted to the light. There was a large bed in the middle of the room with a women lying there with her red hair spread across her face. She looked to be my target. I got closer and pulled the photo I was given with my file. Yep this is her. She was sound asleep so I just silently shot her in-between the eyes and left. Sprinted back to the house I made my surveillance tower and retrieved my duffle bag.

I jumped back off the house with my gear. Not leaving a trace, a slipped into the shadows and started skulking/running back home. I didn’t know where I was, so I pulled out my phone and I got directions.


I was soon home. I didn’t want to make a fuss when I walked into the front door, since I’m in high school and I’m returning home so late, and dressed to kill… that wouldn’t go down to well now would it? So I climbed the back wall and into my bedroom window. I had a shower and got dressed in my pajamas before I even looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. I went and had a quick snack then went to bed. It took me awhile to fall asleep, especially that I had school tomorrow. But I got to sleep in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Should i write more?
comment me and let me know.
