Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

The New Kid

The next morning I awoke with my alarm screaming in my ear. I had to keep buying new ones since I kept throwing them across the room. I hated that beeping noise!

I looked over at my clock then, and saw I got about 5 and a half hours sleep last night. Sigh, I would give anything to not go to school today. But I know I have to.

I mean, I have gone to school with no sleep at all before, but it was awful! I shuddered internally, that was a bad mission, I spent the entire night out, and by the time I got back I had to go to school.

But anyway, I got up from my nice warm bed and went to the shower, after showering and getting dressed I went and ate breakfast. As I picked up my bag and walked out the door, my mobile rang. I pulled it out of my pocket, and held it to my ear as I pulled my door shut and locked it.

“You are needed.” The voice said, “New file update.”

That surprised me, I knew I wasn’t going to get another mission after last night, but I haven’t had a file update in awhile. A file update is when something in your own file has been changed. Usually it’s just some random bit of information that needs to be confirmed, but sometimes it’s more.

As I walked down the back ally I saw Sam’s car waiting for me. I slipped into the passenger seat this time.

“Morning Sam,” I said happily. I turned to Sam to see his face blank. “What’s wrong?”

“You aren’t going to like this …” he said as he handed me my file.

“To school please Sam.” I said absentmindedly as I opened the file.

I looked quite good in my file photo. My short black hair was in a mess, but still looked great and my electric blue eyes were ablaze with adrenaline, my gun was drawn and was pointed to the side of the camera. I can remember that day, I had just finished training so my skin was slick with sweat, and it made me look even more dangerous, especially in my uniform.
Under my picture in the top right corner was a smaller picture of a young man, about my age or so. I knew what this meant.

“NOOOOO!!!” I said disbelieving.

“Mmm hmm.” Sam nodded, as he spun the wheel hard. Sam wasn’t known for his calm driving. That’s what I loved about him. I looked down at the photo again; he had short, straight and floppy light blonde hair that hung in front of his dark hazel eyes. He didn’t look to strong, but neither did I … and I could easily stop Mase’s punches, and his muscles sure as hell weren’t hiding. This sucked ass!

“His name is Forest Hunn. He is straight out of the academy and he has been appointed you’re new partner.” Sam said grimly at me, he knew as well as I knew this was not going to end well.

Partners are to stay with each other as much as possible, for protection and in case of emergency missions and such. This Forest guy was going to be in my school, living with me, the whole shebang! My apartment was only big enough for one person for crying out loud! I really didn’t like this.

“When is he coming?” I asked with clenched teeth.

“He arrived last night while you were out. Axel thought it best to tell you this morning once you had some sleep. He will be at school today. Here is a copy of his timetable; he already has a copy of yours. Good luck,” he said as he pulled up to the school, screeching to a halt with his tires hitting the curb in a perfect park. I got out of the car to face some inquisitive looks from my peers. As I was about to shut the door Sam called to me.

“And Blaze? Try not to kill him, give him a chance” he pleaded. I grimaced.

“I’ll try” I replied in a bleak tone.

I walked up to the big doors of this prison like institute. I was about ready to punch someone.
I sighed as I pulled out his timetable. Ugh. He is in 4 out of my five classes; everything except history. He has Art instead. As I got to my locker I got my English and math stuff out and headed off to English.

As I sat down in my seat at the back I noticed most of the students had already arrived, but no teacher and no new kid.

After a few minutes the teacher came in followed by a student I had never seen before, except in my file, it had to be Forest. He was looking down. I looked at the empty seat next to me and hoped to god the teacher didn’t put him there.

“Class, this is Forest, he is a new student.” The teacher called out in a smooth tone. I looked down at my desk as he looked up; I was probably the only one looking down, everyone was anxious to see the new kid.

“Take a seat Forest.” The teacher said as she moved to the front of the class. I heard the chair next to me move as he sat down and a thump as his books landed on the table. I looked up at him, he was quite tall.

“I take it your Blaze?” he said in a sure voice with a knowing look. I just nodded. His voice was deep and smooth with a small rough edge. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of sorties …” he said.

“Only half of them are true” I said shortly and looked forward to the teacher, who had just started the class. It will be interesting to see what type of character he is, I hope he will keep a low profile. Well, as low as he can with being the new kid and all, but the newbie’s at this job think they are unstoppable … especially guys.

I know he is going to mess up, but I hope he doesn’t mess up to much or too big.
English was easy again today, we learned all this back at the academy. I could see that Forest was having an easy time to. The class soon ended and I trudged off to Math with Forest by my side, everyone stared at us.

As we got to Math, Forest got introduced again, and again, he came and sat next to me up at the back. I looked up at the teacher, and could see girls crushing on Forest already.

“So …” Forest began near the end of Math. “Where are we going to sit at break?”

Just because we have to work together doesn’t mean we trust each other instantly and become fast friends. I held in a growl.

“I’m sitting at my usual spot, you can sit anywhere you want, I’m sure plenty of people here would just love to get their hands on you …” I replied as I stood up and walked out of the room seconds before the bell rang for break.

I threw my stuff into my locker and got my food, as I was straightening up out of my crouch (my locker happened to be on the floor, nice huh?) I felt a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around with force. I caught myself on the locker behind me. Standing there was Mase.

“So I hear that the new kid has taken a liking to you Blaze.” He said, drawing out my name.

“Mase, if I was you, I would get out of my way, or I might do something we both will regret.” I must have looked scary because Mase took a few steps back, but as I went to pass him, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back against the locker. His face inches from mine as he snarled in my face.

“Most girls in this school would kill to get me to talk to them, you should be honored.”

“Well I’m not one of those girls; go bug someone else for a change.” I said trying to restrain myself from kicking him where it hurts.

“If I’m interrupting …” a familiar voice said, cockily. Ah shit. Forest was here.

“No, no were fine.” I said. Pushing Mase away from me, he staggered back and nearly fell. I smiled crookedly at him as I walked off, followed by Forest, of course. This was all getting to complicated.


The science teacher was late, so Forest wasn’t introduced in that class. Which he looked pleased about.

“Where is the art room?” he asked me as we walked out of the Science room.

“Walk down here until you reach the courtyard, and then turn left towards the stairs and you will see it. It’s not hard to miss; the windows are brightly painted.” I said pointing down a walkway.

“Thanks” he said walking in the direction I pointed him. I spun on my heel and walked the completely opposite way, I sighed contently … my only class without Forest. He probably isn't as bad as I think he will be, I have to give him a chance, like Sam said.

I was late to History, as I had walked to slow, savoring the aloneness. We had to complete the activity we were given yesterday, and as I pulled it out of my file I heard some people whispering a few rows down. I had pretty good senses; I had to, to survive.

“I bet there related ... there is no way someone like him would go out with someone like her …”

“I heard she punched Mase, of all people. Mase …”

“… who does she think she is?!?!”

“I wonder if he’s single …”

“I bet they met before today!!”

Ugh, great. Rumors, lies, exaggerations and crushes on the new kid. This might get interesting. History passed in a blur after that, I just concentrated on the work in front of me.
The bell rang signaling lunch, I wasn’t looking forward to it, and I was going to have to deal with Mase, Forest, rumors and probably most of the student body for “punching” Mase.
I got my lunch from my locker quickly and practically ran to my normal spot, Forest was already there …

“How …” I started, but just shook my head and sat down next to him, with our backs against the fence. He just grinned.

“Where do you live?” he asked.

“In an apartment building up here,” I answered pointing up the road. “When will your stuff be arriving?”

“Tomorrow morning, we both are off call tonight to get sorted.” He answered looking out across the oval. “Mase alert.” He said, chuckling, and looked down.

“Don’t get too cocky …” I whispered to him before Mase was standing in front of us, looking down.

“What do you want now?” I asked.

“Wanted to see if the rumors were true …” he said, leaning down, looking between me and Forest. “You guys related, or is there really something going on?” he said in a mocking tone.

“Ok.” I stood up, I really had enough of this boys shit. “No, were not related, no were not dating, no we hadn’t met before today, the only rumor that is true is that I punched you in the face.” I stated matter-of-factly.

“But you didn’t …” he started until he was interrupted by my fist making contact with the side of his jaw. I turned around and sat back down next to Forest, who was sitting there with his mouth open, staring at me.

Mase stood up and staggered over to me, his face already bruising. I didn’t even bother to get up. Forest was in front of me as quick as lightening. He just shook his head and looked down his nose at Mase, even though he was taller.

Mase was obviously intimidated as he turned around and swore softly, rubbing his jawbone.
Forest sat back down next to me. “That guy … is a prick.” He said to me.

“Yep.” I giggled in response.

We spent the rest of lunch eating in silence. We finished just in time for the bell. Sport next.
In sport, Forest was introduced then sent to the borderlines to watch, as he had no sport uniform yet. And it’s against school policy for him to participate without one. Stupid, I know.
Today we ran again, I decided to just run halfway and then fake a sprained ankle; it was killing me that I couldn’t run at my full sprint. I went and sat next to Forest. He looked at me with one eye-brow raised, I just gave him a look that expressed how I felt, I think he got the message because he nodded, and turned back to the track.

We didn’t talk much, just trivial things, trying to get to know each other better.
The class was soon over and we all walked back up to the lockers, the other students panting like mad. I got my stuff organized and waited down at the entrance for my new room-mate.

After about ten minutes of waiting I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see the blonde haired boy standing next to me, with a grin on his face.

“Let’s go.” He said.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its long, and probably boring ...
but I realy enjoyed writing this chapter!!
i hope you like it .. let me know what you think =D

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