Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin


“Stupid, annoying, god-awful piece of technology that never should have been created.” I growled as my alarm clock went off the next morning. I threw my covers off the bed and clambered out. I walked into my new bathroom and splashed water onto my face. My eyes drifted over the sparkling white bathroom, until my eyes were drawn to the black uniform that I hung in the shower to dry last night. We were on duty tonight.

I walked out of my bathroom, taking my uniform and laying it on my bed, and then walking into the main room. I looked around; nope Forest wasn’t up yet, just checking.

I walked over to his door and lightly knocked on it before I opened it. Forest was sprawled out over his bed in nothing but some pajama pants. He did rather have a nice chest I laughed to myself.

I tiptoed to his bedside and shook his arm. “Forest! Wake up!! It’s time to get up!” I said. He groaned and then turned onto his side.

I sighed and went into the main room again; I glanced at the clock as I walked into the kitchen. We had 25 minutes to get to school, with a 10 minute walk. Great … I have been late for class to many times, and if Forest doesn’t wake up soon …

Why don’t you just set your alarm earlier you might ask? You try going out and doing missions at night and get maybe 4 hours sleep. I can usually make it, it just depends whether I wake up to the alarm or not, but if I do run late … it just means I need to run the 10 minute walk, to make it a 2 or 3 minute run.

I got a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water. I walked back to forests room and stood at the end of the bed and launched the water out of the cup and onto him. He jolted awake. I grinned.

“I said, it was time to get up!” I said as I put the cup down on his drawers and then headed back to my room to get changed.

I walked into my wardrobe and picked out a pair of jeans and a nice top. I got changed and then got my backpack and put my homework that I should have done last night in it. I’ll do it when I get to class. I also put in my laptop, note books and a small concealable dagger. I went back to the main room and saw that Forest was ready as well; he was walking towards the kitchen… I looked at my watch. We had five minutes to get to school.

“No time Forest! We’ll have to eat from the cafeteria today.” I said as he opened the fridge.

He looked a bit sulky. “Fine.” He drawled and we headed out the door. The elevators seemed to move so slowly today! When we got to the main floor Liz wasn’t there. I stopped and looked at her desk. She was always here … where was she?

“C’mon Blaze! I cannot be late for my second day!” Forest shouted as he sprinted out the door. I followed him out.

He had stopped at the corner, looking from left to right. I laughed as I shot passed him. We ran to school, racing each other … he was only a second faster than me, but other than that we were around the same speed.

We arrived at school as the bell rang.

When we arrived at my locker Forest moved on for a few meters then bent down to get his books out. We had English first. We rushed to the class as fast as we could without actually running. As we walked into the door I heard the teacher call my name.

“Here!” I said as I sat in my seat, Forest beside me. That was a close one! I smiled in relief and glanced at Forest who smiled at me and winked. I turned my attention then to the homework I didn’t do last night. It was simple enough; by the time English was over I had all questions answered.

As we walked to Math, I got a feeling of someone watching us. It wasn’t a feeling I got lightly. I scanned the hallways discreetly. Forest beside me was chatting about something, but I had zoned him out. The halls were filled with walking, running, laughing, shouting children. There was nothing out of the ordinary. I frowned as I walked into the class room and sat down.

The rest of the morning was normal, math to break, break to science, science to history, history to lunch.

“So your stuff should be at the apartment when we get home?” I asked as we sat in our normal spot at lunch.

“Should be.” Forest said as he bit into the sandwich he bought from the café, making a face as he did so. I looked down at the macaroni and cheese I had. Some school café’s had beautiful tasting food, I’m sure, but mine, did not.

“This looks like slime…” I said sloshing my fork through the food.

“Why didn’t you get a sandwich like me, and play it safe?” he asked.

“Take another bite, and you will see why…” I said with a small smirk with knowing eyes. He looked down and eyed his lunch carefully, letting it fall through his fingers and back onto its wrapping.

“Tomorrow … were getting up earlier and making our own lunch!!!” he exclaimed.

“Definitely!” I agreed sniffing at my lunch and then putting it down in front of me.

We were just talking lightly, bantering between ourselves when I got that feeling again. We were being watched. I cast my eyes over the oval in front of us, and then through the fence we were leaning on, looking at the street beyond; nothing. But as I was about to turn away, I notice a familiar face.

It was that blue haired man I saw talking to Liz late last night. But the angry expression on his face was replaced with a sickening smirk that was as cold as ice. He lifted his hand and tapped his finger to his nose, like in those old con artist movies. A car drove past, and by the time it was past, he was gone.

When we got back into the school after lunch, I pulled forest aside into an empty classroom.
“At lunch, did you feel like you were being watched?” I asked him.

He looked at me a little dumbfounded. “No?” he said this more like a question then an answer. I didn’t really expect him to say yes, he is brand new at this; he hasn’t had time to build his senses yet. I explained to him about the man.

“Why do you think he was following you?” Forest asked.

“You mean us.” I said. “You’re my partner, everything is “Us”. Rule number One with this job: If you have a partner, it’s always “Us” and “We”, Never “You” or “I”. Rule number Two: Is to always consult your partner, communicate and work as a team. But to achieve that you need to know your partner and their tactics. Which will be hard to start with since you don’t have personalized tactics yet; just what the academy taught you. So you will be all over the place till you find what works for you.” He started to look a bit worried. “Don’t worry, that’s why you’re with me, so I can teach and help you.” I grinned. C’mon, let’s go to sport.”

Forest shook his head. “Right.”

“I don’t know anyway, but I have a feeling we are going to find out.” I said as we joined our peers in the hall.

Sport began and ended. Even I am starting to get sick of training for the races… at least Forest did sport today, he got himself a uniform.

We were walking home, both looking around for the blue haired man, but both found nothing.

When we entered the apartment building, I nearly squealed with delight. Liz was back.
“Where were you this morning Liz!!!! You had me worried sick.” I said walking up to her desk.

She jumped, but hid it well. “Afternoon Blaze, sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I was … out with family that I hadn’t seen for so long.” She said. I decided to let it go. She looked fine, what am I worrying about?

“That’s nice. Have Forests belongings arrived?” I asked as I started to walk towards the elevator.

“Yes and a parcel came for you Forest.” She said bending down to get something from behind the desk.

“Thanks Liz.” Forest said as she handed him a small parcel wrapped in brown paper. “Did you have fun with your family?” he asked, smiling.

Liz hesitated for a short second. “Oh yes, we went back to their house for awhile and then went for a nice drive to the lake.” She smiled widely.

“That sounds nice” Forest replied.

When we got to our apartment, Forest picked up his package and started tearing into it.
“Wait!” I yelled. He froze in place. I pulled out my switch knife and lifted a piece of paper carefully. Yep. As I thought, wires. “Okay, there are wires and pressure pads on the packaging. Don’t move.” I said calmly. Forest’s eyes widened and he went a bit pale.

“Ok.” He said softly.

“Okay, it’s not necessarily a bomb, but that would be my best guess.” I said, but before I could say more I was interrupted.

“Okay, okay, okay … can you disarm it?” Forest asked nervously. Poor kid, second day out of the academy and look what happens?

“I think so.”

“You think so?!?”

“There are always variables with these things. Never forget that.”

He took a deep breath. “Okay, variables…”

“Now it all depends on who made the bomb and how good they are…. But if I just put pressure here and cut this…” I said marking my words with actions, “it should just switch…”
When I cut the wire there was a whirring noise going off.

I straightened up.

“…off!” I beamed. Forest took another deep breath and then put the parcel down on the table and then flopping into one of the lounge chairs nearby, letting out a huge breath.

I looked around, some boxes and suitcases were lying in the doorway.

“Forest, why don’t you go put your stuff away, and I’ll have a look at this?” I said indicating the parcel in front of me.

“Sure. No problem.” He said getting up. He was recovering quickly from his first real bomb experience, already grinning like crazy.

“But remember if the phone rings… we need to be ready for it.” I said.

Forest looked a bit nervous, like an actor about to perform. But bit his lip and nodded. His first job is going to be hard for both of us. For me because I’m not used to having a partner, and for him … this will be his first time out of the academy, where everything is real, everything is life or death, and it will be awful. It always is.
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Sorry It's been soooooooooo long!
some stuff happened and I couldnt get in the mood to write. BUT!! I am back, and am in the mood to write!!
I hope this chapter makes you guys happy!!

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