Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

First Time

It took no time at all for Forest to put his stuff away. He needs to go shopping to get clothes and objects alike to liven up his room. Forest was sitting in the dining chair across from mine as I looked at the package bomb in front of us. It was simple enough. It was a relatively low level of explosives, low level construction and simple materials. Even if the bomb had gone off in our faces when I cut the wire, we would only have minimal burns and no eyebrows.

“But why would someone send me a package bomb? And why one so weak?” Forest asked looking up at me.

“To test our abilities perhaps? I don’t know …” I said standing up and yawning. It was eleven o’clock already. “I’m gonna go to bed, you need to be woken in the morning or do you have an alarm clock?”

“I have an alarm clock” He replied smiling.

I just turned to head to bed when my mobile rang. I looked at the phone. “Looks like I won’t be going to bed anytime soon.” I flipped the phone open.

“You are needed. Mission waiting.” The voice said then cut out.

“Go get ready.” I said pushing him towards his room.

“What do I need to take?” He asked, looking nervous again.

“Whatever you think we might need … but try to leave it on the light said of heavy. I usually wait till I’m on scene to change into the uniform. I bring my small sniper, my glock, grenades, spare clothes, bank card and some cash. Maybe some other nick-knacks I want … but nothing to big! Keep it small things!” I yelled from my room as I put the respective things into my duffel bag.

“Ok!” I heard from the other room as I stepped into the main room again. A minute or so later Forest stepped out with his own duffel bag.

We walked out of the room together and into the elevators.

Forest looked as nervous you can get.

“It’s ok Forest; they wouldn’t have given us a long and difficult one for your first shot.” I said trying to calm his nerves.

“Ok” he coughed as the elevator doors slid open. “Blaze? What do they say on the phone when you answer it?” he asked as we went out of the building and into the side ally.

“It’s just a voice that says ‘You are needed.’ And then ‘Mission waiting’, or something like that.


“Anyway. Forest I would like you to meet our lovely driver, Sam.” I said opening the back door and climbing in with Forest following behind me.

“Good evening Blaze” Sam said, and then turned to forest. “And you must be Forest! Nice to meet you, I take Blaze hasn’t killed you yet.”

“Oh stop it Sam. He’s nervous enough as it is. Give me the file.” I said holding out my hand.

“Ok Forest. As you can probably tell, when we get the call we come down here to meet Sam and then while he drives, if there is enough time, we look at the folder. But Sam’s driving is insane, so I usually don’t get to read the file in the car. When the car stops we have to get out quickly and make our way to some cover so we can read the file and change. Ok?”

“Alright.” Forest said nodding his head; his adrenalin must have kicked in, for he wasn’t looking so nervous anymore.

When Sam braked Forest lost his balance. “Don’t worry; you learn to move your body with the car pretty quickly.” I smiled. We jumped out of the car and Sam sped off again, disappearing in seconds.

I motioned to go into a small side street between two large buildings. There we got changed, Forest with his back turned like a gentleman. The men’s uniform was different then the women’s. I had a tank top, while Forest had a normal black T-shirt; but the cargos and boots where the same. When we were both changed we sat down against a wall and I pulled out the file Sam had given to me and my mobile.

“Okay, in the file you will see a few surveillance pictures, a post-it note and some background information into the subject. The best picture, I usually take with me so don’t make a mistake.” I said as I slid the photo into my boot. “The background information is mainly for profile building if the target escapes. But this post-it note is where the main information is.” I said handing him the note.

“Nick Kelly
Gun Runner
Age 19
151 Richardson”

“I thought they didn’t tell you why they are being hit?” Forest asked with brows furrowed.

I shook my head. “They used to just do name and place. But then the academy used an assassin to take care of a personal matter. So now upper management has made sure it won’t happen again. Because to get a hit passed upper management it has to fully check out.” Forest was nodding his head. “Don’t worry about the how though. Just do what the file says and we can’t go wrong.” He nods again.

I pull out my phone and put the coordinates into the GPS. The house is a few blocks from here.

We start moving quickly through the shadows and we find ourselves standing out front of the house in question.

“Now.” I whisper to Forest, “we sometimes need to make a hit look like an accident or suicide or something, but this isn’t one of them. This kid lives alone, so there may be body guards, but there may not. I’m thinking not, since he’s nineteen and all.” I said rolling my eyes.

Forest seemed a bit confused, but nodded and trusted my judgment.

“Follow my lead. We will head into the hose by picking the front door, then head upstairs, find his room then leave the same way, locking the front door again. If we find body guards, dispatch of them quickly and quietly. We don’t have to kill the guards, but sometimes that’s unavoidable. Ok, ready?” I said, adrenaline pumping through me.

He nodded and we were off towards the front door. I picked the lock and had my glock drawn, with silencer of course. I looked at Forest who also had a gun drawn, but I couldn’t see what it was.

We creeped up the stairs looking into rooms until we found him. He was fast asleep.
I turned to Forest. “Do you want to do it? Or should I?”

Forest turned to me and nodded. He stepped forward and pulled the trigger. The bullet left his gun smoothly and landed right in the forehead of the target.

He turned to me with a weak grin. I grinned back. “Congratulations, that was your first.” He looked like he was about to faint. “Don’t worry, when I started I threw up for my first, then passed out. But don’t tell anyone that.” I grinned.

“You?!” he asked in disbelief. I nodded. “The academy talks about you like you’re … a God. He said looking for words. I laughed.

“Everyone starts out shaky.” I grinned. He looked more relaxed as we headed back down stairs and, locking the door behind us, stepped into the night air.

We walked down the street, moving with the shadows as I pulled out my phone, one in the morning. I typed in my address to the GPS and we were on our way.

“How do we get back?” Forest asked.

“We walk.” I said smiling.

“How far is it?” he asked.

“Not far.” I shrugged.

It was a long walk/run/skulk home. It was two thirty in the morning when we got back. I laughed. Only Sam could make an hour and a half walk to a three minute drive.

We couldn’t go back through the front door to get to our apartment, so we scaled the building, using fire escapes and drain pipes to get to our balcony. We slid open the glass door and stepped inside.

I was so tired I was practically a member of the walking dead. So I didn’t notice the feeling of being watched. So when I turned the light on and we weren’t alone I jumped and pulled my weapon on the intruder, Forest mimicked my actions as well.

Sitting at the dining table was the Blue haired man.


“What are you doing here? And who are you?” I demanded.

He just grinned and put his hands behind his head. “I just wanted to see what your place was like. And for who I am? You’ll find out soon enough.” He grinned coldly and stood up.

“Move again, and I will riddle you with bullets.” I said.

He put his hands in the air in front of him. “Calm down Blaze, I mean you know harm.” He said with an odd expression on his face.

“Why are you following us?” I asked. He giggled. If I wasn’t so tired! Then it clicked. That’s why he chose now to visit, because we were exhausted after our mission.

“That’s for me to know… and for you to find out.” He said quietly. Then he laughed loudly and ran for an open window. I shot at his shoulder three times, but he was moving so fast. I ran to the window, looking down. There was nothing. I put my gun back into my belt. And saw that two of my bullets went out the window, but one landed into the frame of the window. Shit. I’m going to have to fix that tomorrow.

“Well. I’m even more tired now. And him being so cryptic is not helping!” I groaned. “Ok go get changed and do whatever, I’ll make us some food then we’ll go to bed.” I said heading towards the kitchen. He nodded and went into his room.

I made some toasted sandwiches, nothing special, had a shower and then went to bed. It was 3 in the morning now and school started in five hours. I set my alarm and snuggled into bed. I was asleep before I hit the pillow.
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Here's the next chapter!
I am really in a writing mood atm!! yay!

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