Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

The New Mission

We walked down to the side ally, were we saw Sam’s car waiting for us. I would say mission debriefs were very boring if they weren’t so important. I mean, there’s no action, we don’t even need to change into our uniform for these things. We both climbed into the black SUV and the car jolted to life.

“Evening guys.” Sam said happily from his position in the front.

“Evening Sam” We replied.

“So what’s up?” I asked as Sam handed me a thick heavy file. I grimaced, I hate paperwork.

“Okay, we want you to infiltrate and investigate a business we have reason to believe are trafficking human cargo underground for reasons unknown. The company is very well known and very high end, be discreet and exercise with extreme caution.” He said taking a sharp turn.

“Where is it?” Forest asked, flipping through the file.

“Downtown.” Sam replied.

“What’s the company?” I asked.

“The place is called “Rockland Business”. They are an Import/Export Center, high rank business career workers work there, so be careful. You will need to continue going to school as you do this mission for a short while. So you will be stretched thin, but I’m sure you can handle it. You are to start next week. Your fake identities are already set up. Read the file for the details of when and where you go on Monday.” Sam finished as the car lurched to a stop.

Forest and I were about to get out when Sam leaned into the back seat and looked me dead in the eye.

“And stay in contact!” Sam growled at me. Oops, he still must hold a grudge since last time I ‘disappeared’ on the job. I held in the smirk that threatened to show on my face.

“I will Sam, Promise.” I said as sincerely as I could. Sam turned to Forest.

“Make her keep that promise.” He said lightheartedly, but desperately.

“Sure.” Forest replied and we both got out of the car just before it sped off at top speed. I loved Sam’s driving skills. I grinned. We had been dropped back at the side alley.

“Should we go back up to our room and look that over?” Forest asked, pointing at the file in my hand.

“Okay then.” I sighed.

As we walked in the door I noticed Liz wasn’t there again. I frowned to myself but dismissed the thought as thoughts of the heavy file in Forest’s hands entered my mind.

We were talking softly about what the file could contain as we walked out of the elevator and into our room. We sat down at the dining table opposite each other with the file between us.
“Ok, so what we got?” I asked myself as I started reading.

“Stage One:

On the Monday following your debrief, you shall go to Rockland Business Centre where your aliases will have a job interview, “Patricia Andrews” is going to be the new Lobby Receptionist and “Ted Allens” is the Janitor. The Receptionist job interview is at one 1:40 pm as the Janitor application is at 10:20 am. Do not be late.

The next few pages contain information on your aliases, read them thoroughly. There are no photos of Patricia and Ted as of yet. When you have read your information sheets, create the person. Change your hair, clothes and posture style. When this is done send us headshots of your aliases with various expressions so we can finalize documents. Also email us cover stories for “Patricia’s” relationship to “Ted” and vice versa.

Stage Two:

When you’re working days start, we will notify the school saying you are on vacation. We will make sure there is no doubt you have left the country. Also, you will not be able to return to your real home until the operation is complete. We have given you one of The Academy’s various houses in the area to use; it will come equipped with secret rooms and hiding places filled with various tools.

Keep an eye out for anything suspicious and keep a note of things. Since “Patricia” works on reception, it is important for her to keep an eye on who comes into the building, messages, mail, and etc. while”Ted” is the unseen man of the building and has an excuse to stay after hours.

Stay inconspicuous. This is important, the last thing you want to do is to be remembered, so talk to your fellow workers, but don’t become friends.

Relay any information back to us via Sam, who will be a taxi driver waiting outside Rockland Business every lunch time to pick “Patricia” up and take her to her favorite coffee shop. You will know which cab is him.

Stage Three:

When we are sure no more information is needed or wanted, we will tell you when to strike.”

- Axel

“Well, this looks interesting.” I say to Forest as we finish reading.

“Who knew this was so complicated?” he asked with a light groan. “How do they know we will get the jobs?”

“Don’t worry about it. We will get the jobs.” I smile, taking my aliases information sheet from the file and moving over to the couch to get comfy. We only get the basic information in these sheets, we have to make up the rest of the character, for example, is Patricia Andrews a dog person or a cat person? And so on.

Forest sat down in the armchair next to me with his sheet in hand to. “What kind of name is Ted anyway?” he grimaced.

“Hey! I got Patricia! So don’t complain to me about getting a crappy name! I mean seriously, do I look like a Patricia to you?”

“Do I look like a Ted?”

“You will when we’re done.” I smirked looking down at my sheet. Ok Patricia Andrews. 20 years old, comes from a rich background, yada yada yada... ok to the fun stuff!

I walked into my room and threw open my drawers and wardrobe and emptied the contents onto my bed. Ok what would Patricia Andrews wear? Hmmm ... she feels like a long skirt person. With boots and a nice sweater, and maybe some jewelry?

Ok so now I have her in my head … I don’t own any of that. I groaned, we have to go shopping again.

I walked back into the main room to see Forest was nowhere to be seen. I sat on the couch and picked up “Ted Allens’” information sheet. 21 years old, rich family but doesn’t like to show it off, other than that an average Joe. About an hour later Forest came out of his room and my mouth nearly hit the floor. Standing in front of me … was Ted.

He had long brown hair that was in a loose ponytail and brown eyes and light stubble around his mouth. He had a plain white tee with bleach stained blue jeans and white sneakers on, topped off with a silver necklace. I could hardly recognize him.

“So am I a Ted or what?” he grinned.

“Oh yes, you’re a Ted!” I smirked and gave him a high five.

“Why aren’t you all Patricia-like?” he asked with a frown.

“I have to go buy Patricia’s wardrobe, since I only have Blaze’s wardrobe” I grimaced. “Speaking of which, where did you get the hair extensions and dye and stubble?” I asked.

“Gift” he grinned.


The shopping trip to buy Patricia’s wardrobe was long and tiring. But when I got home Forest had a nice hot homemade dinner for me.

“Thank you so much Forest!” I sighed contentedly as I forked some of the delicious substance into my mouth.

“When you’re done, I want to see Patricia!” he smiled at me with excitement in his eyes. I laughed and nodded.

I walked into my room and got changed into Patricia. First thing I did was die my hair a brown-y red. I blow-dried my hair and then added extensions, but instead of just letting them hang straight I added a wave to them. I then walked back into my room and put on a white singlet with a tight lime-green sweater over the top. Then I put a long brown skirt on with chocolate brown leather boots. I topped the outfit off with metallic green and silver metal bangles on both wrists and silver rings and a thin brown scarf. I put on some brown lipstick and eye shadow and some silver dangle earrings.

As I was about to walk out the door I looked at myself in the full length mirror and smiled. I was Patricia. And I looked awesome!

I walked out my room and Forest nearly fell out of his chair. I laughed.

“So am I a Patricia?” I asked, mimicking his own words from before.

“Oh yes!” he answered.

We took each other’s pictures that they wanted us to take and then emailed them straight from my phone to The Academy.

As we practiced talking and walking as Patricia and Ted, we were talking about the job. After a few hours of debating we decided that Patricia owns the house they will both be living in and she rents a room to Ted, it was just a coincidence that they both happen to work at the same place.

As we perfected our identities we realized it got late, and I was tired. I got changed back into blaze and crawled into my bed, dumping clothes onto the floor.
I’m kinda looking forward to this mission … I hope everything goes smoothly, especially since it’s Forest’s first big deal.
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hey guys!

sorry this took so long, but as you can see it contained alot of plot points that I needed to get right. :D
I hope you all can forgive me?
Wanna go check out my one-shot? It's called The Music of the Meadow. :)

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The more coments I get the more inspired I am to update this story!!!
Love you all!!