Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

Friday – 3 days before mission start

I woke up this morning to the annoying beep of my alarm clock, as per usual. Today was our last day of school before the mission starts for which I was thankful. School is such a mind-numbing place, don’t you think? Can you believe we have to keep going to school for a week and a half during this mission!? I mean it’s crazy.

I rolled out of my nice warm bed and the cold air bit at my skin. I grimaced, I hate mornings. I took a quick shower and quickly got dressed and packed my bag. As I walked out of my room I noticed Forest wasn’t out yet, so I took it upon myself to start making our lunch. I sneaked a few glances at the clock as the minutes passed, and Forest still hadn’t come out. Just as I put my lunch in my bag Forest made an appearance.

“’bout time you got up!” I said with fake annoyance. He shrugged in response. “c’mon, time for school.” I said throwing his lunch his way.


We both raced onto the school grounds the bell rang out, piercing the air. At my locker I pulled out my books for my morning classes and an envelope fell to the ground. I felt my brow furrow in confusion as I picked the letter off the ground and held it delicately in my fingers.

“What’s that?” Forest asked as I stood up.

“I’m not sure.” I said closing my locker and started walking towards English. I sat down in my seat at the back of the class and Forest followed suit. The class started, and I soon forgot about the letter.

School droned on and on today, as if mocking me. I was so glad it was finally time for lunch.
As we got our lunch, I remembered the letter and discretely put it into my pocket. We ran soundlessly across the oval towards our spot, but slowed to a walk when we saw someone else was there.

“How lovely to see you again Mase.” I said sarcastically.

“And hello to you to Blaze, guess what I heard at the front office this morning…” He chided. “I heard you and lover boy here were going on vacation together … how sweet.” He said his voice turning into a snarl at the end.

“Piss off Mase, and I don’t have time for you today.” I said brushing past him towards the fence.

“So it’s true?” he smiled sweetly, “I hope you have a great time.” And if that wasn’t dripping with sarcasm I’m a fairy princess.

“Whatever.” I replied. He just laughed and turned to Forest.

“Why you so quite there Lover Boy? Embarrassed?” he teased.

“Shut the fuck up Mase, go bug someone else.” Forest spat as he walked past him, deliberately pushing his shoulder into Mase’s. Mase growled and turned after the boy.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I said from my spot as I watched Mase sizing Forest up for a punch.

“And why would that be?” he growled in my direction. He had been getting very violent recently … I wonder why.

“Never judge by appearances, no one is ever what they seem.” I said wisely with a wink. In reply Mase scoffed and walked away.

“I really don’t like that guy.” Forest said as he sat next to me.

“Yea, tell me about it.” I agreed.

As we munched on our lunch, I pulled out the small envelope out of my pocket. Forest saw what I had in my hand.

“What do you think it says?” Forest asked.

“I don’t know, only one way to find out.” I said as I held the envelope up to the sun. the light poured through the thin paper, and I was relieved to see only paper was inside. Always check, it’s better to be safe then dead. I softly opened the envelope and pulled out the paper. Only a few words were on it, written in a light cursive.

“Dear Blaze,
I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

I passed the note over to Forest and his eyes quickly darted across the paper. “Who do you think it’s from?” he asked me.

“God knows. But if that note holds true; we shall find out soon enough.

We finished lunch in silence, both within our own heads.

The bell soon rang and Forest and I walked quickly to our lockers to go grab our sport uniforms. As we changed and made our way to the oval, we saw that our teacher had something different in store for us then running.

The teacher was in the middle of a ring of students as she explained what we were doing. “Listen up kids; because I am not gonna say this again! We are going to play a game of hockey!”The class all groaned collectively. “So I am going to place you in even teams! Now I don’t want anyone switching teams to be with their friends! Got it?” we all nodded in agreement.

The game was rough to say the least, but most people were fine with that. Even the teacher didn’t seem to mind, I swear she has like a blood lust or something. It was a long game, mostly because no one in this class knew how to play, and Forest was on my team, which meant we couldn’t even go at each other. I bored of the game quickly after Forest and I scored the fourth goal in a row for our team. Mase wasn’t happy about that, since he was the goalie.

At the end of the game, the teacher thought the teacher told us she needed to grade us on our hockey skills, so she paired us up for some one on one games. I was thankfully paired with Forest. “This will be fun.” I grinned at him.

“No holding back?” he asked.

“You bet no holding back!” I laughed excited. We took our stances, and the teacher blew the whistle. I managed to get the ball first, but before I could do anything with it Forest had swept it out from under me and was about to score his goal. Before I could block him he dodged, and sprinted towards the goal again.

I tripped him and he fell to the ground as I got the ball back. I raced towards my goal with the ball but Forest was back and he got the ball by hitting me in the shin.

I laughed at his weak attempt to distract me and blocked his advance just long enough for me to shoot. The ball went through the goal and I won.

“Ha! I won!” I laughed at him. He sent me a grin back.

“Well done!” he said shaking my hand. “Good game.”

As the school day ended I could not be happier. We got our stuff together and then raced each other back to our place.

“Good Afternoon guys!” Liz greeted us as we reached the lobby, slightly out of breath.

“Afternoon Liz, how are you today?” Forest asked as we stopped by her desk.

“Not too bad, how was school?” she replied. Liz is so sweet. But our conversations are getting a little rehearsed.

“Normal.” I said with a grin. “Nothing exciting ever happens at that place.” I laughed. “Well I am dying of hunger, so we’ll see you later Liz!” I explained as we headed up to our room.

“God! For once I’m looking forward to starting this mission!” I said as Forest shut the door behind him.

“Why?” Forest asked his brow furrowed.

“I’m not sure; I think I’m just looking forward to the change.” I explained. “Not that I usually don’t look forward to missions.” I edited with a small smile. “What about you Forest? You looking forward to Monday? It’ll test your acting skills.” I winked.

“Yea, I am, it’ll be my first real long term mission. But I’m also a little nervous.” He revealed.

“Don’t worry about it; I’ll have your back.” I smiled.
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I'm sorry it took me so long to get this out, I have just been swamped with school stuff, but thats no excuse.
I'm also sorry it's a little shorter then normal, but i didnt want it to drag on.
I dont really like this chapter, but im to lazy to re-write it right now, so you're just going to have to put up with it :)
Please comment and subscribe! the more comments I get the quicker the next one will come out!!! and i have a feeling you are going to like the next one! ;)