Status: Active

Gorgeous In a Way.

Gorgeous In a Way 03; by Jez Heroin

Ronnie's POV

As soon as I I stepped inside the school gates the next morning, I was greeted by my girlfriend Sophie throwing herself at me.

"Ronnie!" she squealed, kissing me passionately. I kissed her back, then pulled away.

"How's it going baby?"

"Better now you're here," she smiled back.

"Cool. Listen, are any of the others around yet?"

"No, I don't think so." she looked kinda pissed off, probably cause I was deliberately not showing much affection to her whatsoever. We'd been going out just over a year, and to be honest, for most of that time I had actually been in love with her. But these last couple of months...I dunno...something had changed. I mean, sure, I still liked her - she was pretty damn sexy and actually interesting to hang out with - but I didn't really feel like we should be together anymore. Maybe just be friends or something. Except that most girls acted badly to a guy telling them that, and stopped speaking to them, etc.

I shrugged and felt in my pocket for my cigarettes and lighter.

"Can I come over after school today?" Sophie asked, slipping her arms around my waist and staring up at me with the look that had made me fall for her in the first place. I sighed heavily.

"Not tonight, Soph, I've got band practice," I lied. I actually had no idea what I was doing after school - we could be having a rehearsal, but I really didn't know. Which was the main reason I wanted to see Max. No, wait, the only reason I wanted to see Max, aside from the fact that we were mates.

"Oh. Fine. Rehearsals always come first to Ronnie fucking Radke," she spat, tossing her auburn-red hair behind her. "But I wanted to watch some movies with you...maybe have some 'fun' together. And you should stop smoking, it's bad for you."

"Oh shut up," I groaned, walking away from her, around to the back of the school. "The band is really important to me. And I can fucking smoke all I want, maybe I'll even get lucky and manage to get lung cancer and die so I can get away from you."

She stopped dead. She was behind me, but I knew cause her heels stopped clacking on the ground. I stopped too, turning around slowly, knowing I'd gone too far. I didn't really care but it wasn't a good idea to break up right in the middle of the school grounds, where everyone could see and hear.

"Oh, Sophieee...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Her eyes were full of tears and I instantly felt guilty. "Look, I don't know why I said that, it was stupid. I love you." I impulsively stepped forward and kissed her hard, on the lips. As we broke apart, I noticed Max and his bitch of a girlfriend just walking into the grounds. Shit. Wait - why did I even care if Max saw us making out? He saw it all the time. It wasn't like I should care or anything.

"Can we go over and see Max and the bi- Nicola, I mean."

"Fine," she replied, rolling her eyes and slipping her hand into mine. Except at that moment, Max turned and spotted us coming - and then walked off, away from us. What the fuck? I stared after him in confusement; evidently I wasn't the only one - Nicola was about twenty metres away from us, but she was staring after him, looking just as surprised as I felt.

"Guess he doesn't want to talk to you, baby," Sophie said softly. She sounded sympathetic but I knew she was trying not to smile at the thought of me having to hang around with her until lessons. Fuck.

Oh well, it could be worse. I decided to go find Max at break. Whatever was up with him, I would get it out of him one way or another.
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Feedback please; it makes me feel loved :)

(and it means i can post the next chapter sooner XD)