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Little white feather

Little White Feather

A dull light casted itself around the room, the usually bright white walls seeming a murky Grey. Rain hammered against the window and the trees outside blew furiously, the wind howling through them, but even the storm outside couldn't disguise the dreadful beeping noise which resounded round the room, echoing dimly much like it would in a nightmare.
I guess to my boyfriend and I this is our own personal nightmare.

Our eyes were locked on the pale figure in front of us, everything about her so frail and sickly. Like a halo, her short black hair spread out around her head and across the pillow. It was once down to below her back but that all changed when she fell ill. She used to be so strong, the best sprinter in the year, her laugh used to be so musical and her blue eyes used to sparkle magnificently with mischief. Well I guess she is still strong, but in a different sense of the word. Maybe she isn't physically strong, but she definitely is emotionally.

Blake, my long time boyfriend laced his fingers with mine as a single tear rolled down his face and dripped off the end of his nose. His blue eyes, so similar to his cousin's were void of all emotion. If it weren't for the tears even I would have a hard time searching for how he felt. Just like his cousin however he was a strong person, both physically and emotionally.

You wouldn't think that they were cousin's, much rather brother and sister. They were alike in both looks and personality. In fact they were so alike that it was almost scary. When I first met the two of them I mistook them for twins, they just laughed and introduced themselves...

"Twins with that thing?" The bubbly girl in front of me had laughed, she was bent over clutching her stomach while tears of laughter danced down her cheek, the sunlight glinting off each one.

"Hey! I take offense to that! Anyone would want to be twins with me! I mean, I've got the looks, I have a great smile and let's just face it, I'm too cool for words." This time it was me who was laughing struggling to catch my breath. The boy in front of me tried to look offended, tried being the key word.

"I'm Serena, this loser is Blake. We're cousins." Her warm smile reassured me that she was a nice person, so sending her a smile of my own back I reached out my hand and shook hers.

"My name's Rain."

It was almost as if the words spoken so long ago were being played into the room. They still echoed fresh in my ears sending a small smile across my lips. At that very moment Serena's eyes snapped open and focused on me. When her eye's met mine a smile like the one when I first met her spread across her face, her eyes lighting up in the process.

Even through this ongoing battle, the one that she had no chance in winning she never did lose that spark that made her the love able seventeen year old. Everyone in the hospital had fell in love with her care free attitude, her cheeky remarks and melodic voice. Little children used to run over and play with her until their parents decided that the children, or even Serena for that matter, needed to rest. She was loved here and it was going to be painful for more than just Blake and I to see her go.

Desperately her hand searched for mine, reaching over I grasped it and stifled a gasp, her hand was freezing! Blake clung to her other hand still and somehow he had occupied my free one without me noticing. We all knew it was time and as much as it pained us it also came as a relief.

Blake walked out momentarily to call her parents back into the room, they had walked out to give us some time to say goodbye, just like we had done with them. So here we are, Serena's parents, Blake and myself surrounding a smiling girl who looked so frail yet even in her dying moments she looked so full of life. As her eyes fluttered closed we all whispered our goodbyes while holding back our tears. Cancer had finally beat her.

However, it was clear that Serena was in good hands because as soon as her heart stopped the windows slammed open and a huge gust of wind blew through the room, papers ripped from the wall and the curtains swung wildly around, but almost as soon as it started it stopped. Our eyes however were all fixed on a single white feather that had drifted into the room. To my eyes it seemed to almost have a golden glow surrounding it so that's why I wasn't surprised when It landed straight on Serena's still chest.

"You always did have to cause a scene!" Jude, Serena's mother chuckled causing everyone to laugh along.

Sympathy spread across the nurses face as she walked into the room and took in the still form. When her eyes drifted away and to the mess around us she too cracked a smile. I guess she knew as well as we did that Serena was going to create havoc even after death.

Seven years later

It's been seven years since the death of Serena and I know that she's watching over Blake and I. Whenever one of us storms out the house after an argument we always know where to find each other. Usually it's because of little clues sent by my best friend and Blake's cousin. Like once, when Blake had ran out the house in anger the TV flicked on. At first it creeped me out, but when I saw the golden sands and the deep ocean I knew he had wondered to the beach. Quickly I left to find him, to explain what happened. He was a bit skeptical of my story to begin with but soon he realized I wasn't lying.

Another time she was there was the second scariest moment in my life. When I found out I was pregnant. I was in hysterics when I found out, scared beyond my wits. How could something happen after I had been so careful? It almost felt like I had no-one to turn to! Yeah I have loads of friends but I've never been as close to anyone as I have been with Serena. So when she appeared in my dreams that night I knew I wasn't in this alone. And I always have had Blake there, so she helped me to realize that I was fine, that everything was OK!

The nine months leading up to the birth were hectic. But I made it through, Blake on one side holding my hand and on the other hand the wind would brush against it occasionally, even on a still day the wind would be there. I've truly convinced myself that's she's holding my hand just like I did hers through the hard times.

Now finally here I am with the most beautiful baby girl in my arms. Startling blue eyes stared up at me with so much love that it pulled at my heart. Blake was sat on the very edge of the bed, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, his soft lips occasionally brushing against my cheek.

"She's going to be trouble when she's older. She has the same blue eyes as you and Serena." A small chuckle escaped from my husbands lips as he gazed down at our daughter.

"Yeah that's true. But she has your lips and nose. I'm willing to bet she will have black hair though." Nodding my head I agreed. Black hair would suit this little one though, I mean my chocolate brown hair and green eyes would do her no justice. She was perfect this way. She would be perfect any way to be honest but this look suited her personality. And we both know she is going to have one hell of a personality.

"So what are we going to call her?" Simultaneously our eyebrows furrowed in thought. We had thought about this before but we hadn't made our decision. It looks like we don't have to though since a soft breeze drifted through the window, a single white feather floating in with it. beaming widely I watched as the feather landed on my child, a golden glow around it.

"Looks like we have our answer. How about Serena Rain Daniels." Eyes alight with happiness he nodded before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Welcome to the world Serena!" We both sang together before laughing out loud, the curtains fluttering slightly with us. My guess now is that Serena's going to continue watching over us, continue keeping us out of trouble while at the same time she's going to have one hell of a time creating havoc just like always.
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Anyways I hope you enjoyed.