‹ Prequel: Blue Rose

Double Trouble

Chapter 12

As he was headed downstairs on Thursday, Eli overheard his father and aunt discussing the upcoming rescue mission; they were going out to save Reuben, Keith, and Dawn, opting to forgo an official police investigation in favor of their own rescue operation. Considering it involved two vampire brothers kidnapping her children, it really wasn’t a good idea for the police to get involved. The police couldn’t exactly handle a case where the suspects were supernatural beings bent on exacting their revenge on the Meadowbrook family. Only the Meadowbrook family could ensure the safety of the kidnapped children.

Knowing that his aunt and uncle intended on venturing off to rescue their children, Eli knew that had very little time to convince his uncle that it was best for him to come along. He walked into school on Friday with the intention of talking to his uncle about coming with him and Aunt Savannah. Eli spent his entire free period—which, on this Friday, occurred just before the history class with his uncle. Upon receiving a quick pep-talk from Elmo Richards, Eli headed off to his history class—U.S. History since 1877—ready to approach his uncle regarding the planned rescue mission and Eli’s involvement in it.

Toby nodded at his nephew. “Eli.”

“Afternoon, Mr. Evermore,” he returned, a trace of a smile evident. Barely anyone knew that Eli was Toby’s nephew. It was best if things remained that way; Eli was sure to be bullied if anyone found out. And, it wasn’t as if Toby showed any favoritism; he was as fair a teacher as they came. If anything, the only advantage had at Toby Evermore being his uncle was that he had extra time to learn the material. There were times where Ivan Richards would sometimes do the same for Eli, but never as much as his uncle; the only downside of knowing the teachers on a personal level was that they expected the best out of him. It was only ever the pressure to do well and impress them that bugged Eli.

While other students trickled in for class, Eli kept his eyes trained on his uncle; he seemed anxious, unsure of something. Other students probably noticed this, but they would never know of the family crisis he was dealing with. The only one who would ever know that the teacher’s kids were missing was Eli; and that was only because he lived with him. If not for that, Eli would be as clueless as his classmates in respect to the high school History teacher’s personal life. Throughout the class, Eli kept peering over at the clock, patiently waiting until the end of the day to speak with his uncle. Clearly, his uncle recognized this as well. “Mr. Meadowbrook, please see me after class,” Uncle Toby said during the middle of class.

“Yes, sir,” he replied.

“Hey, Eli, what’s that about?” a neighbor whispered.

Eli shrugged. “No clue,” he lied.

“Maybe he wants to give you an extra assignment?” they suggested.

“Yeah, maybe,” Eli replied. I wouldn’t put it past him; Uncle Toby will try to do anything to keep me here in New York while he and Auntie V go off to rescue Reuben, Keith, and Dawn.

The remainder of the class went by in a blur and soon it had come time for Eli to confront his uncle about what was going on. Once the classroom emptied of all save Eli and his uncle, Uncle Toby shut the door and spun around to face his nephew. “I know you’re going to save Reuben, Keith, and Dawn,” Eli said quickly. “I heard Aunt Savannah and Dad talking about it.”

“Good, so you know you won’t be going,” his uncle replied.

Saw that one coming a mile away, Eli knew. Uncle Toby is extremely predicable when it comes to telling me everything, especially when it comes to his past. Well, too bad I can’t let that happen. “Uncle Toby, I was actually going to talk to you about that. I think I should go with you and Aunt Savannah to save my cousins. Just because I lost them doesn’t mean I can’t be involved in the rescue mission. And besides, you have your own issues to deal with; you’re mortal now and there’s a chance that you could die at your brothers’ hand.”

Toby chuckled. “You talk to your aunt too much.”

“I do so for good reason,” Eli reminded his uncle. “Talking with Aunt Savannah about your past has kept me in the loop. You and Aunt Savannah will need all the help you can get to ensure that Reuben, Keith, and Dawn are returned safely. Dad and I can help you.”

“If I didn’t love her, I’d kill her,” Toby muttered throwing his hands up in the air. “Eli, even if I allowed you to come with us and confront my brothers, I doubt you’d be of much use. My brothers would sooner kill you and I’d face the wrath of your father and his sister.”

“You do know that I can help, right?” Eli questioned.

“But, that doesn’t mean you should,” his uncle stated.

Eli couldn’t argue with that logic; it was the truth. Even so, he couldn’t let this go. After everything that happened, he wanted to help his aunt and uncle rescue his cousins. “I suppose. But, what of Auntie V’s dream? It was of me facing your brothers; I’m sure that it was more than a dream, but rather a vision. Uncle Toby, I think I’m supposed to be there.”

“I don’t know about this,” Toby said, eyeing Eli.

Just based on the way the conversation was going, Eli could sense that his uncle was giving in. It was only a matter of time until the man gave in completely and allowing his nephew to tag along and see to the safe recovery of the Evermore/Meadowbrook children. “Come on, Uncle Toby!” he pleaded. “We both know that I will be of use to the mission.” A glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. After all that Jason and Justin put him through—merely by existing—Eli wanted to rid the world of their insufferable, intolerable cruelty.

“I’ll consider it,” Toby replied.

Eli breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe I can get them. There might be a chance that I can rescue my cousins and ensure their safety. After everything that Aunt Savannah and Uncle Toby have been through, it’s my turn to step in and make certain that the Meadowbrook family is never threatened like this ever again; I won’t allow it. They won’t get away with this.
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