‹ Prequel: Blue Rose

Double Trouble

Chapter 13

For the first time in a long time, both Toby and Eli arrived back at the coffee shop at the exact same time. Savannah recalled the last instance of this occurring to be when Eli was eleven years-old. After not doing so for three years, Savannah wondered what the reason might be for her husband and nephew might show up at the exact same time. Even during his children’s kidnapping, this had not occurred. So, why now? What caused such a strange occurrence? “Toby? Eli? What’s going on here? You two never get home at the same time.”

“We have our reasons today,” Toby replied.

Savannah sat there pondering his statement for a few moments. It was only when her brother came over the she realized what was going on. “Thomas and Eli are coming with us then?” she asked her husband. He nodded. “I think we’re going to need their help.” Based on their last encounter with the Evermore twins, Savannah recalled that neither Thomas nor Eli had ever been seen by Toby’s brothers. And, with regards to Calarasi, only Eli remained unseen during their last encounter. “Toby, as much as even I hate to admit it, having Thomas and Eli come with us might not be a bad idea; Jason and Justin had yet to see Thomas, while Calarasi has never seen Eli. If we can get lucky and have each of them meet up, you and I can rescue Reuben, Keith, and Dawn. An idea like that just might work.”

“It might,” Toby mused.

Eli returned from throwing his things upstairs. “Any idea as to when we might be leaving?” the fourteen year-old inquired. “There’s no telling as to what Jason and Justin might be doing over there; they want revenge for something you guys did over the past two decades. And, the best way for them to get to this family is kidnapping my cousins. We need to find them before anymore damage can be done to this family; we need to put an end to this.”

Savannah looked over at Toby. “Fly?” she asked.

“I think so,” Toby replied. “Only problem would be getting back. Because you kept my ability of flight intact past my vampire stint, all three have some inherent ability to fly. They’re young and I don’t know if they would be able to hold the weight, even if they did fly.”

“All we can do is try,” Thomas said.

Over the next few hours, the quartet prepared for their upcoming trip. Thomas finished up for the week at the coffee shop—he intended on closing the shop for the weekend—followed by writing a not to Iyana, telling her what was going on; Savannah couldn’t understand why he would do this however. Iyana never cared a thing about Savannah or the things she had gone through. Even if she was Thomas’s wife, it wouldn’t help. Under no circumstances would Iyana Meadowbrook ever care anything about what happened to her sister-in-law. Toby spent the time mentally preparing himself for his encounter with his brothers. This was to be the first time in seventeen years that Toby was forced to meet up with the vicious vampire brothers; while Toby aged thirteen years, his brothers remained forever preserved in their seventeen year-old bodies. It was going to be difficult for him to deal with seeing his brothers, especially since they were still immortal. For Savannah and Eli, they spent the time discussing what was to come. Savannah wished to make sure that her nephew was ready for any confrontation, whether it be with Jason, Justin, or Calarasi. “Eli, are you positive you want to come with us?” she asked.

Her nephew nodded. “I have to, Aunt Savannah. Because of everything Jason and Justin have done to this family, everyone capable of doing something should be out there. I have to do everything I can to help you guys. Plus, my cousins were kidnapped from right underneath my own nose; I want Jason and Justin to know that I am not about to stand for something like that.”

Savannah laughed. “Again!”

“Again what?” Eli wondered.

“I was fourteen when I destroyed Jason and Justin; they turned to dust about fourteen years ago exactly. At some point during the end of September; that was when I ensured that Toby was the only vampire left. Well, isn’t that ironic? My kids were kidnapped right around the fourteenth anniversary of their destruction. Oh, Toby’s not going believe this!” Forgetting that it was to be the fourteenth anniversary of when she destroyed Toby’s brothers was not a good thing. Even worse, they sought revenge by kidnapping the Reuben, Keith, and Dawn right when that occurred; right when it would hurt the most.

“That’s just terrible,” Eli mumbled.

“No kidding!” Savannah noted.

“Auntie V, how do you intend on getting back at your brothers-in-law; Jason and Justin have done everything they could to ruin your life. Now they’ve kidnapped your kids, my cousins. I don’t think this family can take much more of this,” Eli reminded his aunt. “Jason, Justin, and Calarasi; by entering our lives, they positively ruined any chance you and Dad had at a normal life. Because of them, I never got the chance to know my grandparents.”

“We’re going to fix this,” Savannah assured her nephew. “Remember, Eli, I’m related to those two assholes through my marriage to Toby. And, Toby? They’re his brothers; he hates them most of all. We’re not about to let Jason, Justin, and Calarasi get away with all that they’ve done to us. Once we find them, they’ll get a punishment befitting the crime. Now, come on, Eli; we have a few more things left to do before leaving.”
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