‹ Prequel: Blue Rose

Double Trouble

Chapter 20

Though it was never something she wanted, Savannah knew that the only way to save the man she loved was to bring back his immortality. Iyana would surely do nothing to help him. For all Savannah knew, Iyana wished him dead. Savannah refused to let anything happen to him and would even risk making him immortal again to save him. It went against everything she ever believed in, but it was worth it to save Toby from death, at least for right now. The only means in which Savannah wished to have Toby taken from her were through natural causes. Allowing to be taken by any other means was forbidden, at least in Savannah’s eyes.

Savannah hurried off to find Toby and her brother. Though Thomas was watching over him—ensuring that Toby remained alive—Savannah still wished to be nearby. And besides, Thomas also wanted to speak with his wife regarding all she concealed from him. He was lied to for years and wanted answers; he wanted to know the reason for all the lies. As he dealt with that, Savannah could deal with the fact that Toby was on death’s door and—if she did not return his immortality to him, giving him time to recover—she might lose him. Upon catching up to her brother, she elbowed him. “If you want to go talk to Iyana about all that she lied to you about her family, you can. I’ll be with Toby,” she said.

“Thanks, Savannah,” Thomas replied. He smiled. “I always can count on you to help me. Sorry I didn’t believe you about Iyana; I never once suspected that Iyana had a part in all of this.”

“It’s fine, Thomas,” she shrugged. “You didn’t know.”

“Good; now, to deal with my wife,” he muttered.

Savannah sat in her husband’s room, intending on being a constant fixture at Toby’s side. As she sat there, Savannah could hear the argument taking place between Thomas and Iyana, for the heated exchange between spouses occurred right outside Toby’s hospital room.

“Thomas, what’s this about?” Iyana asked

“This is about you lying to me about your family; about the fact that your father nearly murdered me thirteen years ago; about the fact that you’re related to Toby and his brothers!” Thomas yelled.

“Oh, that,” she muttered.

Savannah heard her brother growl. “Is that really all you can say, Iyana? Do you really care so little about this that you would dare murder me, your son, and all we care about? Are you so much like your thrice great-grandfather and thrice great-uncle that you want to do nothing more than kill your family?” No answer was uttered, so Thomas continued. I don’t know how you can be such a monster like Jason, Justin, and your father; it’s despicable.”

It was evident that this argument was not going to end any time soon. And, Savannah suspected that she knew what would happen in the end; her brother’s marriage would surely end in divorce. It was just another life ruined due to Jason’s Justin’s and Calarasi’s influence. This has to end, she thought. No one in this family can take much more of this. Savannah place a hand on Toby’s slowly rising chest. You’re going to be alright, Toby. Once Eli returned with that blue rose, I which return your immortality to you and allow you time to recover. After that, I’m eliminating the immortality once more and we’ll never have to speak of this ever again. We won’t ever have to worry about your brothers or Calarasi ever again.

An hour went by before Eli returned, the blue rose with him. Savannah gave a weak smile when she spotted him coming. “I have it, Auntie V. I got the rose just like you asked me to. Now, what do you need it for?” Eli wondered. “Why did I have to bring it to you?”

Savannah took the blue rose from her nephew, pushing it up against Toby. “What I’m about to do is only being done to ensure that Toby stays alive. It’s being removed once he’s better. The blue rose has been known to grant wishes; I use this in combination with my own power to reverse the vampire curse, something that I am now about to reverse.” Eli gasped. “I told you before that this is not permanent. When I make this wish, I am doing so with this stipulation that the immortality be removed once he is fully healed.” She placed her hands over the blue rose, pressing down hard on his chest. I wish that Toby’s vampire heritage would return to him so that he can heal. I wish that, once he is fully healed, the vampire blood will vanish without a trace, never to return again. She removed the blue rose and breathed a sigh of relief when the burns on Toby’s body slowly began to retract.

“Auntie V, what did you do?” Eli asked.

“Wait for it,” Savannah replied.

Toby gasped and looked down, seeing the burns slowly retracting; healing. He looked from his wife to Eli, then back to his wife. “Savannah, what did you do?” he asked.
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