‹ Prequel: Blue Rose

Double Trouble

Chapter 22

For the second time that evening, Eli returned home to his father’s coffee shop, this time for good. As much as he probably would have loved to for a little while longer, Eli knew that his aunt spoke the truth. Watching Reuben, Keith, and Dawn was of the utmost importance; Jason, Justin, and Calarasi were still out there. And, without the vampire curse, they had easy access to the coffee shop. While Eli and his father were at the hospital, no one was home watching his cousins. Something could have happened in the meantime. Eli breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing happened while he was gone.

Eli smiled upon seeing that. It meant leaving to give his aunt the blue rose she needed so desperately wasn’t a mistake. But, it would be best not to do that again, not when there was a chance of Jason, Justin, and Calarasi coming here. And, there was no way that Eli could take that chance, not when the trio posed a very big threat to the younger generation of Meadowbrook kids. Eli slumped down at one of the tables and promptly began to fall asleep; he had a long day and wanted nothing more than to sleep. He nearly did when someone walked through the door. Eli looked up to see his father coming in. “Everything okay?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” his father muttered.

There was only one possibility as to the reason his father was so upset. “Mom,” Eli grumbled knowingly. “If it wasn’t for Mom, I’m sure that Dad wouldn’t be like this. What the hell is she thinking?” Since first learning of his mother’s lie, Eli was positive that his mother was not inserted into the Meadowbrook family by accident; they were purposely targeted. Eli, Reuben, Keith, and Dawn were merely caught in the middle of the whole thing, a family feud that was going on for far too long. On the one side, was his mother, Jason, Justin, and Calarasi; then on the other side of the issue were his father, Aunt Savannah, and Uncle Toby. Because his parents were on different sides of the issue, Eli was torn between the two; his mother’s family, save Toby, fought for one side whilst his father, Aunt Savannah, and Uncle Toby fought on the other. Things could not get more complicated than they were now.

“I think I have to go with Dad’s side,” Eli mused. “I’ve always been closer to Aunt Savannah anyway. Hell, I grew up hearing Aunt Savannah telling me stories about Mom’s family and all of the terrible things they’ve done over the years; during the century and a half that they were alive. There’s no way that I can turn my back on Aunt Savannah after all that she’s done for me; I need to help Aunt Savannah, Uncle, Toby, and Dad. There was nothing his mother had done to warrant his help; Iyana Meadowbrook (nee Cleary) was a workaholic, caring only for herself. As Eli grew up over the years, he spent more time with Aunt Savannah than his mother, a clear indication that the woman who bore him cared nothing for her son. Love was not really something his mother knew anything about. Based on her ancestors and who she was raised by, his mother never would. “How is this going to end?” he muttered before falling asleep.
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