‹ Prequel: Blue Rose

Double Trouble

Chapter 3

Just based on the way his aunt was acting, Eli could sense that there was something terribly wrong. As he grew up, Eli could always tell when there was something wrong with his aunt; this was especially so when it came to Uncle Toby. For Aunt Savannah always seemed as if she was extremely protective of him. Eventually, Eli’s curiosity and perspicacity regarding this particular topic led him to become aware of his uncle’s former life as a vampire; the life he led before coming to New York for good. Before learning that his uncle was once a vampire, Eli always thought that vampires were complete fiction. But, going through a few of the books that Aunt Savannah had in her possession had definitely shed a whole new light on life for Eli. And, through reading those books, Eli could tell that his aunt was hiding something, something big. And, she clearly didn’t want him to know.

Currently, his aunt’s books were tucked securely in his bag so he could look through them again when it came time for free period, which he would usually spend in the library. Elmo Richards was not only a good friend to his aunt, but him as well. He was one of the few that knew of the secret Toby Evermore hid, a secret Eli could only really talk with family about. Then, there was always Ivan Richards, the English teacher. Both men had a history with the Meadowbrook family and Eli could always talk to them about what was going on.

Upon arriving at school, Eli went to speak with the history substitute for a few minutes before adjourning the library to hold a discussion with Elmo. Maybe he could tell Eli something about the peculiar way that Aunt Savannah was attacking. One minute she was fine, the next something happened to his father and uncle causing Aunt Savannah to start running in panic mode. What caused it and why? Eli walked into the library and slumped down. “Ugh!” he groaned. “What could be going to make my aunt act so peculiar?”

“Peculiar how?” Elmo asked, coming over and taking a seat.

Eli shrugged. “I walked downstairs this morning to find my father and uncle acting out of character. Uncle Toby isn’t in school and Dad isn’t running the coffee shop; Aunt Savannah forced both of them to stat in bed after something hit them both in the bed, at least that’s what I understood. I really didn’t pay that much interest in what was happening since I had school and needed to deal with this,” Eli explained quickly to the librarian.

The librarian nodded. “Sounds just like the Savannah I know.”

“How so?” Eli inquired.

He chuckled. “From the time that girl was thirteen, Savannah Dawn Meadowbrook always did look out for those she cared about, your father especially. It was done to make up for the fact that she couldn’t save her parents, your paternal grandparents. The poor girl never did forgive herself for that one. I doubt she still hasn’t, despite getting her revenge.”

Eli eyed the librarian in confusion. He knew of Uncle Toby’s vampire past, a good chunk of it, in fact; of course, despite this, there were some topics left uncovered. “Sir, you know the whole story?”

“Indeed I do, Mr. Meadowbrook” Elmo replied with a grin. “When my niece is your aunt’s best friend, one does come to know what happened. I know of things that were even concealed from you; thought to be too dangerous for you to ever know, your aunt, uncle, and father concealed them, never to speak of them again. You were never to know of certain aspects of what happened; there is one particular instance—one my niece informed me of—that was forbidden to be uttered in your presence and you aunt would kill me if I told.”

At the moment, Eli did not care that Elmo Richards would get in trouble for telling him about this; he needed to know what was going on. Aunt Savannah might not tell him, but her friend’s uncle probably would. “Sir, I must ask that you help me with this; I fear that, should my aunt continue concealing this from me, something dreadful might happen, something I might not be able to stop. I’m sure Aunt Savannah means well, but there’s definitely something going on here, something I’ve been a part of since I was about eight year-old.”

“Are you sure you wish to know?” Elmo inquired.

“I am,” Eli replied.

“Fine,” Elmo concurred. “Stop by during your free period this afternoon and I’ll tell you all you need to know about your aunt’s and uncle’s post. So as not to skip anything, I’ll start from the beginning as well. There might have been something your aunt missed and I doubt you’d want any gaps in your information.” Eli shook his head. “Good. Get on to class then.”
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