Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Acceptance Into Failure

I yawned, hoping that my parent's didn't hear me sneak in through the window. I had just come back from visiting Ron Weasley, he had taught me some more magic, but I was barely paying attention, due to the fact that I had so many bruises from a fight I had earlier with my parents. Mrs. Weasley asked me to stay over, but I said that I couldn’t; only because Ron's other friends were coming over, and I didn't want to be a bother, I would hang out with all of them after they got a chance to catch up.

My name was Fate, and it seemed that all of Fate was against me in my life. Firstly: my father and mother enjoy hitting me, it's not as severe as when they were on the verge of divorce a few years ago, but it still hurt. Secondly, I had never got accepted to Hogwarts, while my childhood friends all did, hell, even Neville got accepted! This was probably why my parents started abusing me.

Fate Fallon Farice, in my public school, I was called "Fat Farice" even though I was abnormally skinny, which Mrs.Weasley always chided me on, saying that I needed to eat more. I was afraid to go downstairs to see my parents, and I would never eat anyways, I actually was anorexic, though I denied it whenever the subject was brought up.

I groaned and pulled on my Green Day pajamas, sighing at the pittance that is my brutal life. I was set to go to bed, after a quick shower, but a tap came at my window. It was an owl!

I was wondering what it could be, probably a note from one of my friends in the magical community, nothing special. I opened the window and untied the paper.

The barn owl made its way out, and I shut the window behind it, my eyes warily making their way to the inconspicuous envelope lying face down upon my bed. I flung myself upon the bed lazily, and tore the top of the postage. Staring back at me was green ink and handwriting that I thought I'd never see my name spelled out in:

Dear Ms. Farice,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

We also apologize that you have been passed over, during these past years, but there was a spell covering your obvious magical talent. Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter, and Ms. Granger informed me of your talent, and how they have been teaching you. If you wish, you will be taking fourth year classes with the other students your age.

Yours sincerely,
Minevera McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

I nearly screamed, but I was thoroughly against being beaten to a pulp twice in one day, so I kept my mouth tight shut, climbing out of my window quietly to thank Ron and the others. Half an hour later I arrived at the Burrow, I knocked on the door lightly, the lights were still on, and it was only 7:00, so they were still awake.

Ron answered the door, I immediately embraced him tightly, he awkwardly put his arms on my waist, "Did I do something right?" He asked in his sweet accent.

I laughed at his confusion and handed him the letter, he read it with wide eyes and giggled as he read the last section. He hugged me, "Didn't think that the old bat would listen to us, actually, but we 'ad to try, you're like a sister to us." I blushed at his compliment, he laughed at my burning red cheeks, and at my pj's that I hadn't bothered to change out of.

"And don't thank me, Harry and Hermione did most of the talking, I just told her about how I had been teaching you and stuff." I hugged him again and walked in to see Harry and Hermione sitting on the couch, talking with the Weasleys.

They looked up as I walked in and said their separate greetings; I waved, and held up the letter.

"She actually listened to us?" Hermione said in disbelief. I smiled at finding her dumbfounded, for once.

"Congrats" Fred and George said at the same exact time, it was mad freaky when they did that.

I spent a few hours there talking and catching up, they let me use Hermes to send conformation to Hogwarts, but eventually, I had to go, seeing as they had an early morning.

As I was leaving they told me that they were going to the Quidditch World Cup, I told them to have a good time, and Harry shouted after me, "I'll buy you a really stupid hat there!" I giggled at his kindness and trudged back to the home that I wasn't welcome to, thankfully, I wouldn't have to stay there for long.


My parents easily let me go, they gave me the key to my savings vault, and they wished me a horrible trip. I went with the Weasley's and friends to Diagon Alley, and bought my supplies there.

My wand was eight and a quarter inches, made of European Boxwood, with the hair from a unicorn in the center. The school books were normal, I got a few of the old ones for study, and I got robes from Madam Malkins, I was like any other new student, except, I was fourteen, and I was starting in the middle of my education!

I very nearly hyperventilated on the train when I saw so many stuents just casually talking about the boggart last year, and how to get rid of it, memories from their first Quidditch lesson, screaming mandrakes, and an evil potions teacher, I felt so out of place!

I was in a sea of people who knew so much more than me, sure, I could, in theory, dispel a boggart, I might be able to play Quidditch very well in the Weasley backyard, but I was probably nothing on the field, it was all theory! After what Harry told me about the Quidditch World Cup, hell, I was scared to play!

Ron, Harry, and Hermione found a compartment; I put my stuff with them and left, not really wanting to get in the way.

I walked down the aisle of the train, hoping to find an empty corner where I could cry, or curl up and die. I bit my nails and clutched my AFI hoodie closer to my body; I wasn't paying any attention to what was in front of me. I completely ran into someone and knocked both of us down, he was laughing; I was embarrassed and humiliated, even though no one had seen.

The sweetest voice I've ever heard woke me out of my self-hating reverie,

"Oh, I'm sorry."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is my first chapter, I hope you like it :)

I don't know why I wanted to do this, but it seems like Hogwarts needs a dash of punk, so this is a Gerard Way.

This first chapter isn't written very well, but this is rushed, so wait for the awesomeness to start :) LOL, yeah right =D