Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

You May Sleep But You Will Never Dream


“Fate?” I turned my head towards myhot History of Magic teacher, who I now would never refer to in a friendly manner; he is just Professor Way, my friend’s brother, not Gerard, not Gee. It was the way it should have always been; I had been kidding myself for too long, thinking that he would actually ever be bothered. It was Wednesday morning, three days after the death of G… Professor Way and Mikey’s grandmother, Mikey was closed off as ever, but it seemed that Harry was comforting him quite a bit…

“Could I see you after class?” I nodded yes, not fully recognizing what I was
getting myself into, too preoccupied with my odd train of thought to notice much. I
barely noticed the perpetual dripping of rain down the beautifully stained glass window,
how it .

“When the by-laws against the Tri-Wizard Tournament were passed by the minister, many people were outraged, but petty protest wouldn’t do anything, and eventually the uproar ceased.”

“Protest isn’t petty.” I said obliviously, not realizing that I had said it, at all, thinking that it was a comment inside of my head, I was obviously wrong in that thought process.

“Excuse me?” he asked, curiosity aroused by the sudden outburst, now I was going to have to defend my point to him, even if it wasn’t really a pivotal subject, “You said that protest was petty, and I thoroughly disagree, it’s really not that confusing.” I said in an almost obnoxious, nearly pompous tone of voice.

“Okay, what protests have you been to, or known enough about to defend that interesting point?” I hate my big-ass mouth quite a lot right now, damn, how was I going to pull this off? Again, I let the first thing I could think of slip out of my mouth.

“My great-grandma was in the women’s suffrage, she protested when a girl was force-fed and died from it. She was arrested and starved herself, but instead of feeding her, they raped her, if you’re asking. It was certainly not a petty feat, as it shows the cruelty of the male gender.”

“The stupid bitches probably deserved it.” Said the idiot with the blonde hair, I think you know what slimy Slytherin I’m talking about… I rose from my seat forebodingly; no one and I mean no one at all, would insult my nana and get away with it. I took a step, when… A splitting pain went through my body and the fatigue of starving myself caught up with my skinny form. My vision blurred and I gripped my stomach as I fell to the ground, then it all went blacker than the blackest depths of the ocean and the night sky.


Rather than going to the rescue of Fate as all of her other friends did, I stormed over to Malfoy, who was laughing, “And I thought Potter was the only pansy who fainted!” My fist collided with his contorted face, it was quite painful for me, but it was worse for him, the bastard deserved what he got. I looked at my bloody knuckles and surprisingly, didn’t care. I had become so attached to Fate as a best friend that I now realized how easily I had pushed her away when Elena died. I felt like a repulsive creature for how I had treated her. I suppose that Gerard did too, we both treated her like shit, but this had been going on far before that.

“It was fun, wasn’t it?” Hermione asked me, I nodded and rushed to Fate’s aid as the rest were currently doing. The Headmaster himself came when Madam Pomfrey alerted him. Soon she was in a hospital bed, and Madam Pomfrey was hustling about over her, pouring various potions and what-not down her throat, we just sat there and waited, Gerard had to go to a class but he would not leave until a very weary Madam Pomfrey made her way over to us to tell us the problem:

“She’ll wake up in an hour. She hasn’t eaten in three weeks, or has eaten, but vomited soon after. We’re lucky that she didn’t die when she fainted. This is going to affect her for the rest of her life, but within a month I think that we can have her eating normal meals, though at a slow pace. It’s going to take a lot of hard work though, and we also have to alert her parents of these suicidal tendencies.”

“No.” All of us said at the same exact time, she continued to object, “But we have to or…”

“No, I’ll tell her grandparents, they live in New Jersey, whatever you do, don’t contact her parents, ever. They’re the reason she’s so fucked up. See you, Mikes. I’ve got to teach a class.” Gerard stated, walking out hurriedly, not giving us a chance to question him. I shrugged and looked over to Fate’s placid form on the stark white gurney, she didn’t look much more colorful, she practically blended into the sheets; it was like a polar bear in a snow storm. Even her vibrant red hair, which was dyed red, not ginger, it was literally a shimmering burgundy, but it seemed to have lost its shine. She just fell apart at the seams, not due to poor craftsmanship, but due to the abuse of the outside world, and, I guessed, the whole killing herself thing.

“Mikey, are you alright?” Frank asked me, waving his hand in front of my face, “Yeah, I must have just spaced out…” How did Gerard know about her parents? She never even talked to him that often, and after Elena died, both of us have been distant with her, and Frank too. Harry has pretty much been with me non-stop for comfort, he is a really caring person, but it’s been getting harder and harder to ignore the chemical euphoria that being near him gives me… It was like a raw all-out high, Gerard had told me what it was like, and how horribly, powerfully stunning it was… It seemed scary, but it was like that when I was near him, and now there was nary a moment when we weren’t together.

Frank had become good friends with Fred, George, and Lee, he was quite a trickster, I had never thought him to be that good at pranks. He was completely praised when he told Flitwick that he looked really tall and the professor taught the class without the assist of books to stand upon, no one could see him the entire lesson; it was hilarious. My mind was brought back to the laughter of that day, Fate didn’t even crack a small smile; she was like stone, what had really happened to her that made her this… as Gerard put it “fucked up.”

“I thought that she was eating, this is my entire fault…” Hermione said quietly, blinking back tears, Ron placed a comforting arm around her shoulders, but it didn’t seem to help.
“It’s not your fault, we all thought that she was eating properly, she tricked us, but she wouldn’t have eaten anyways even if this intervention came earlier. This would have happened sometime, so at least it happened when she had people who cared surrounding her. At least she’s alive.”

“But she didn’t think that we cared, even though we love her, she didn’t know it, she tried to kill herself because of her parents, but we encouraged it!” she bawled into his shoulder, he patted her back awkwardly, but knew that it would be no comfort to her, either way. Eventually, we had to leave, she still hadn’t awoken, but Dumbledore promised us that he, or someone else, would be here by the time she awoke.


I blinked in a rapid succession, as a blinding light filled the confines of my vision; my hand seemed to be bound to the sides of whatever soft surface I was laid upon, presumably a bed in the hospital wing. I felt a warm calloused hand rested on mine, as my eyes finally adjusted to the bright lights, I realized that it was Professor Way.

“Fate?” I groaned in response, he took it as a queue to continue, “You were getting better, why did you throw up all of the food you ate, why did you try to kill yourself?”

“You know very well why.” I responded, turning away from him, not wanting to see the disappointment in his hazel eyes.

“I know more than I think I should, I know that there’s something missing in your life. But you shouldn’t kill yourself over a mystery, if you’re not deserving of the answer it’s probably not going to come to you.” I scoffed, he was right, but I didn’t think he knew half of what had happened to me…

“Really, not deserving? Huh, then how come I’ve been to the hospital for being stabbed, beaten, and drugged, by my own kin? How come my family is screwed up and the only decent member of my family is dead and was broken even more than me?”

“Your great-grandmother?” He asked me, I nodded yes, old memories had resurfaced in my tormented brain, and tears were cascading out of my eyes.

“Yeah, she was always so strong, she told me I was even stronger, but she was wrong. I failed her.” I looked down at my hands. He was going to respond somehow, but someone burst through the double doors of the hospital wing. I heard Ron howling, all but weeping, and the laughter of someone very immature in the background. It was more of a giggle than a laugh, though, and even through my dead-tiredness and infirmity I could tell instantly who it was: Frankie. I finally looked up to see Ron with a massive and furry spider gracing the top of his head, it looked a lot like the one that Fred and George turned his favorite teddy bear into, during his youth. The palpable fact was that Ron was a cowardly lion, at times he could put his life into dangerous situations, for the good of others, but at most times: he was the most spineless jellyfish around.

“Frankie!” Gerard shouted, the nuisance in question briefly peeked around the large doorframe, but hid himself again when he saw the anger in Gee’s eyes. He uttered a quick spell: “Fereverto.” The spider transformed into a crystal glass, and Ron discontinued his hasty hyperventilation and panic. It shattered as it fell on the polished floor; thankfully, Madam Pomfrey was in her office and was so deeply keen on reading a medical journal that she paid no heed. With another anomalous word, Gerard easily cleaned up the shrill clutter of the broken goblet.

More giggling was heard, “Detention, Iero! Fred and George, if you’re in on this, you have it too. I’ll organize it with Filch later today.” I heard a chorus of “Damn!” and “Bugger!” from the three miscreants. I gradually let a smile creep onto my face, Ron heavily cheered up at the delight expressed on my pale features, though he was still frightened at the recent practical joke pulled over him. They left with head’s hung low, due to their upcoming detention. We returned to the somber conversation, with significantly lighter hearts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know when the next update will be, hopefully soon, I am clueless, as I have stated.

Title Cred: The Smiths, "Suffer Little Children"

Thanks for the great comments: AllApologies451994 and RollingPinz.

COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE OR SOMEONE DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Significantly edited, must read!!!