Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Extraordinary Girl


In Hogwarts many events all coincide, due to magical phenomena and the inherent chaos of the community itself. Draco Malfoy sits in his green and silver bed, pondering over how he could possibly find a way into the Tri-wizard Tournament, though failing miserably. Fred and George Weasley test their newfangled creation with Lee Jordan, only to find that it causes massive boils to erupt all over both face and arms, they are most definitely not going to increase the amount of Doxy venom. Ron Weasley thinks of the girl that he had befriended so long ago, and how she has grown, blossomed, and changed into someone that constantly flooded his mind, someone who he could only dream of being with. Hermione thinks not of parchment and how she should have made her Charms essay longer, but of the possibility that as she grew up with male friends, that they would have feelings for her and she for them, which makes her thoughts wander to Ron.

In Dumbledore’s office, the headmaster himself contemplates how one of the portraits in his office could have just told him that he saw Professor Way snogging one of the students, though it was obviously consensual, he heaves a sigh, and decides that he’ll ignore the news. He was informed that it was “that anorexic girl” and his history teacher. Gerard was a great teacher, and Fate needed comfort, but he placed the portrait on duty to make sure that the instructor doesn’t give her too much comfort, Oh, to be young and naïve again… In Professor Way’s office, Fate is laid down on the desk with the teacher atop of her; many portraits look on, bemused by the budding romance, some of the male ones hoping for blatant pornography, though they do not get their wish granted on this night.

At the same moment, Frank Iero is biting his nails in anxiety, for he hasn’t had his beloved Skittles in three weeks, and was unable to conjure them, it reminded the boy of Gerard going through drug withdrawal, but painful to him, as his obsession ran deeper than any addiction, it was pure love for the chewy coated candy. In the next bed over, his best friend is thinking, but only just, he is overwhelmed by feelings that were, to be blunt: gay, which was something ephemeral and powerful that he had never once experienced before. Harry, the one who was being dreamed of, dreamed as well, of someone who had never crossed his mind as more than a friend now crossed his mind far more frequently than he would care to admit, for it is the fourteen-year-old boy’s main thought, to be even closer…

He sits up in bed and so does Mikey, he begins to walk towards the staircase, not wanting to sleep, but to meander and discontinue his vulgar thoughts, Michael obviously has the same idea. Harry realizes that someone is following him when the fire illuminates a shadow behind him in the dormitory; it was the very source of his trouble.


“Mikey, you startled me!” I say softly after jumping nearly five feet when I noted his presence. His eyes widened, he obviously hadn’t seen me either, I heard a scampering behind me, I suppose it was a house elf running away when they saw that we were here, I hoped that it got Hermione’s S.P.E.W. presents…

“Sorry, I just couldn’t sleep, there’s something on my mind.”

“You too? It seems as if everything is becoming more complicated this year… I don’t like it; everything was so simple before, emotionally.”

“I know what you mean…” He trailed off when we sat on the couch, I wanted to press him for more, but his very being there was making it hard for me to speak, to even breathe properly… without getting a hard on, that is. I awkwardly tried to cross my legs, noticing that Mikey was too, perhaps…? No, he couldn’t possibly be feeling these strong emotions pulling on him from all sides, this attraction; I could only feel it, right?


I felt eyes drilling on the back of my head, even a few on my butt… Though, in the current circumstance, I chose to ignore them.

Fate was underneath me, for now, but in my moment of thought she gained dominance, which was something that I’d never thought she’d do, but she did. Her thin and spry body wiggled out from beneath me, her leg bushed the place right in between mine… I now sat on the desk with her seductively lifting her left leg over the both of mine, very slowly, almost painfully so. Finally, she completed that drawn-out movement and straddled me, which made the bulge growing in my pants… enlarge. She slid her hips to mine with her crotch resting over mine, which was when I realized she was wearing a skirt… Oh boy.

Fate gasped when she felt the erection underneath her, but instead of getting off of me, she locked lips with mine, arching her back to mold our bodies even closed together. We interlocked like the missing puzzle pieces that I had been looking for since I had my first childhood crush.

Though I didn’t know it at the time, her hands were removing her over-shirt and tie, leaving her exposed in a thin wife beater, skirt, and tights, tights: which were soon sliding off. We were too involved in our own physicality and arising love to realize how wrong we were, not emotionally, but socially. “We should stop.” I finally said when My leather jacket was being removed from my shoulders, she was getting too close. We were too close.

Fate remained on top of me, though stopped persisting in removing clothing, “You’re right, I’m just…”

“…A hormonal teenager? Believe me, I’m only nineteen, I know what you’re going through.” I did, I definitely never got any as a teen, so it was tempting to go all the way with her, but she was a student, and I could still get in trouble for this… Oh, God, I’m such an idiot, if her parents were told about this, if I lost my job…?

“You’re thinking that this was stupid and risky aren’t you?”

“Only because... What would you’re parent’s do to you if they somehow found out, what if you were killed, how would I live?” I whispered the last part, hoping that she wouldn’t hear it, she did. Her eyes sparkled, “I love you too, which is why I would let them do anything to me if it meant that I could be with you.” I pecked her on the lips and rubbed her shoulders caringly, but I heard something that I shouldn’t have: A chorus of “Awwwww” from women? The paintings, why was I such a rashly acting idiot!? I looked around to see about twenty people squished into the still life of a bat that hung drearily in my office, I glared at them and most of the onlookers left, all except for one, what looked to be Professor Dippet, he responded to my questioning glare as such:

“Dumbledore just wants me to make sure that you two don’t get too close, if you know what I mean…” I groaned at his eavesdropping, but knew that it was right of Dumbledore, but I dreaded having to talk with him, when he would eventually summon me, oh well.

“Does he want me to send her back to her dormitory, or what?” I asked him, Fate still looked on in shock that someone was watching what we just did, which meant that I probably wouldn’t get anymore stripping for a while… No, stop being a guy! It’s her body and if she feels violated she has every right not to do anything more with you, I mentally slapped myself and moved on to a different subject. If it became a circulating rumor, would Fate be respected among her classmates?

“He trusts you, but would like to see you tomorrow morning, you know the password, I presume.” I nodded and accepted my fate… that was a really ironic thought, but I’m glad that people have accepted Fate as a person. I was about to say something else to the man in the frame, but he had vanished from my sight. “I feel like such a whore…”

“If you were a whore I wouldn’t be about to put clothes on you, would I?” I was going to give her some sweatpants; I wasn’t going to go out of my way to make this uncomfortable for her. She looked at me and honestly said: “That just makes me a bad whore. Which is better? I’d rather be a good-” I silenced her with my lips, I couldn’t take the self-deprecation, but the passionate kiss turned into me and her on the table again, what a vicious circle. I sincerely hoped that I wouldn’t end up betraying Dumbledore’s ill-placed trust.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, that was all pretty much inappropriate crap, oh well, I'm sure that porno is great at this late hour of the night! Teo in one night, I am awesome!

Title Cred: Green Day, "Extraordinary Girl"

Comment Thank You's: RollingPinz. and asleepordead95 (twice)!