Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

So Long And Goodnight


I walked forebodingly to Professor Dumbledore’s office: Cockroach Cluster I said quietly, the eagle let me pass, though, in the very back of my mind, I wished that it didn’t. I walked up the stairs as slowly as I could, but to no avail, I still had to knock, I still had to hear the disappointment in the headmaster’s voice. I had looked up to him, and now I felt as if I had shamed him. “Come in, Professor Way, I still have guests, but they’re about to leave anyways.”

“May I introduce you to Barty Crouch, and his partner, Ray Toro, co-heads of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.”

“Toro?” I said, astounded, when I looked across the room form the tall and posh man to see my old friend, wearing robes and a tie, with his afro contrasting steadily with his garb. I had not clue that one of my old best friends was a wizard too!

“Way!” He ran and embraced me in a friendly hug, then coughed and broke the embrace, turning around, embarrassed, “I thought you were a muggle for all of these years!”

“Dude, I thought you were one!” I responded, he laughed and clapped me on the back, “Same as always, drawin’ but not making a living?”

“Pretty much, but I’ve actually got a decent job now, shocking, right?” He chuckled and we reminisced in the days of barely making it on tour.

“Very, I thought you were always going to be stuck in your parents’ basement, we’re so grown up, I never thought I’d get a decent job, but then I got this. So how’s the Mikester?” He responded, bringing up a few of my thoughts about Mikey.

“Same as always, a little shook up, I think that he might be gay, but other than that, same old, same old.”

“He’s growing up, I see, though he still likes unicorns, I bet! How’s Ele-“

”Six feet in the ground.” I said, before he could even finish her name, it had affected me so much that I was cold to all sympathy, but I knew that Ray loved her too, she was like another grandma to him.

“Damn, my parents said that she was sick the last time I was in NJ, but I never thought…” He trailed off, at a loss for words, that someone so inspirational to the both of them was gone, forever.

“I didn’t either, she said she was fine last time I visited her… then, a major slap in the face, I guess.” We both took a moment to think of her, because she was such an amazing woman, but we did have to stop talking eventually, so Ray brought up a topic that would halt the conversation.

“You must be used to that. Back on tour, remember, they arrested us in France! That one lady in the convent slapped poor old… yeah.” He stopped talking, because Matt was the one who got slapped, for being high enough to come on to a Nun, he was an idiot. The silence was deafening, but Mr. Crouch coughed, notifying Ray that they ought to be going.

“I’ll be coming here just in time for Frankie boy’s birthday, October 30th, we can catch up then, yeah?” I agreed and they went on their way, but I couldn’t help but wonder… What was the best guitar player in Jersey, in my opinion, doing in the Ministry? I had to stop my train of thought and face my doom, Dumbledore spoke up.

“You really had no right to be that close to a student, especially with what the Dippet told me…” I looked to the portrait of the sleeping man, hating him for telling Dumbledore of what Fate and I did, though, I suppose, it was karma, for I really did have no right.

“I’m not going to tell you any lie about her coming on to me because that would be bull shit, to be blunt. I know that kissing her, and even daring to go that close to… was wrong, I also know that I love her, which makes it even worse for me.” His eyebrows lifted and a knowing smile spread across his face, I looked at him quizzically, I thought that he was pissed at me?

“You are completely honest, and a great teacher, I am not going to lose you over this, but know, that if you go too far with Ms. Farice, by the way, I would prefer if she stay miss while in school, that I will have no choice but to fire you. Understood?”

“Clear as the best crystal, I really had no intention of going anywhere near as far as we did.”

“I know you did, I trust you. I’ve told the portraits not to tell the students a word, or any of the ghosts, but you know how news spreads around here… Now, we should get down to the Great Hall, before people begin to worry.” I nodded and we walked down, though he went in a different entrance, for no reason other than that he just wanted to talk to a few house elves on the way. He was kind, fair, and I never would care to be on his bad side again, for it could be disastrous for Fate and I.

I walked in to the great Hall, no one really noticed, but as I passed the Gryffindor table I gave Fate a passing smile, which made her smile and look down at her plate, perhaps today would be a good day, after all. I ate in silence, with Snape giving me a few side glances from my right, if he knew, that would be horrible… I tried not to think about it.

I entered my class quickly, realizing that it was Monday and that Fate had my class first period, so now I had to teach and try not to jump her, great. Just my luck, she entered the class first, messenger bag swinging behind her, and her skirt looked shorter than it was, even yesterday… I hate having testosterone sometimes.

“What did Dumbledore say?”

“We’re good.” I said quickly, before Ron, Harry, Frank, Mikey, and Hermione walked in behind her.

“You sure walk fast, Fallon.” Ron said, out of breath.

“Why, are you angry at me Ronald?”

“No, I just wanted to ask if you actually know what we’ve been doing in class!”

“Yes, Hermione’s been bringing me homework.”

“Which you, then, proceeded to pointedly ignore.” Mikey said, grabbing his bass from the corner of the room, “Ohhh, music!” he exclaimed, finding my bass line for a song called “Helena” there, but I left it untitled, for his personal safety.

“Yeah, I suck at bass, so I was wondrin’ if you’d try it out.” He began to play and the rest of the song filled my head, I didn’t let him know that there were lyrics, though. Frank picked up his guitar and began to fill in the blanks with pounding harmonies that actually made perfect sense to the song. “Where’s the words, Gee?” said Frankie, I had hoped that he wouldn’t ask.

“No words.” He stopped plying and looked at me with the knowledge that I was lying in his eyes, he gave me a puppy dog pout and I gave in, stupid boy. I grabbed the music and handed it to him, he began to read it, he knew what it was about from the first line. He handed it to Fate, telling her to sing when he signaled her. I sighed, knowing that this was inescapable.

Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?

The bell rang, “Finally!” I said, by now the classroom was filled and people were clapping, though not very enthusiastically, I knew it sucked, but I didn’t really care, it’s not lie it was ever going to make it past this anyway.

“Is that about Grandma?” Mikey asked me quietly, I nodded, turning around so that no one could see my face and the hurt that lay bare, plastered on by the song. I began the lesson and let forgetfulness settle easily over the class’s atmosphere.


The next period I had herbology with the Hufflepuffs, I was partnered with a blonde teen, when we started squeezing some more Bobotuber pus, his name was Bob, and we were actually quite similar in taste. I would have to talk to him more often. Gerard and I had decided to lay low at the end of the first period, so I hadn’t seen him romantically for a few days, when Thursday came around, I was going stir crazy.

During Professor Moody’s class, he practiced the imperious curse on us, or we practiced fighting it. Harry did quite well. When my turn came around, he chuckled, “You’d know all about this now wouldn’t you?” I glared at him and he began:
Kick Malfoy

I obliged that, though I enjoyed doing so.

Kick Mikey

My subconscious firmly rebelled against that command, I would never hurt him. My leg stayed firmly put.


I stayed firmly put. Moody frowned, “Have you ever been put under the imperious curse before?”

“You’ve met my parents, would you be surprised?” He chuckled, “No, I wouldn’t, at that. Alright class, that is a completely impossible reaction to this spell, like Harry she fought it, but unlike him, she didn’t even have the impulse to do so, I guess she’s really good friends with the boy.”

Jump on the table.

Seriously, no!

“Okay, she’s just really good at this, you better get good grades and become an Auror, and then, I guess, you can arrest your parents.” He told me.

“That’ll be the height of my life.” Everyone else in the room was confused at this, but my friends understood perfectly. I had told them of my parents’ identity, but I had yet to tell them of Gerard and mine’s relationship.

During Potions, Snape made a snide remark that could have easily hinted at my affiliation with Gerard, and whispered something to Draco that made him laugh… If he told him, oh no…

At the end of the day, I went straight to Gerard’s office, not caring if I got caught, since dinner hadn’t even started yet. It was empty, but I had my history textbook, which I slammed on his desk, he emerged from his bedroom, apparently he had been napping due to his mussed hair. I closed the office door and sauntered up to him, “I need some history help.”

“Oh, really?” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist slowly, “I think that you’re trying to weasel a good grade out of me…” He whispered into my ear, I shivered and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly, “Or I’m just in need of a study buddy.”

“Either way, you are going to tempt me beyond belief, because I really would like to undress you right now, but Dumbledore said that I’m getting sacked if I get even close.” He brought his hands to my butt, I giggled when he bit my neck, because he was just so infectious. “Maybe you are getting sacked, or in the sac.” I said, kissing him passionately, but knowing that I wouldn’t do anything with him, because he was definitely the best History of Magic teacher Hogwarts has had in a while, and after all he’s gone through, I was not going to ruin his life for the sake of fulfilling my teenage fantasies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, I got Ray in, WOOT!

Title+Song Cred: My Chemical Romance, "Helena"

Comment thankings: AllApologies451994 and asleepordead95

That was long, so you better like it and comment!!!

Much love to all of my readers!