Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Caught In The Act


I had noticed off-hand, that Fate was still acting suspiciously, she didn’t come to dinner, which worried me greatly, I asked Mikey, and he suggested that we visit his brother’s office, to see if she’s speaking to him about making up her course work. I knew that they also had some issues earlier, about her parents, and that they were resolved, but not dealt with entirely. We walked through the various passageways and short cuts to the upstairs History of Magic room. We walked in to find it empty, with a light shining from the open office door, shadows dancing across the expanse of the classroom with that luminescence, Mikey and I walked in to find those shadows doing their own form of dance.

“Fate!” I said while, Mikey shouted his brother’s name.


I was backed up against the wall, for the moment, but I turned the tables on Gee, I wrapped my legs around his hips and swung my body so that he was between the wall and I. Desperation was our heart’s song. We continued to kiss, but when Harry and Mikey walked in… I swear I could hear their jaws drop to the ground.


“Gerard?” Mikey asked, I sighed and awkwardly climbed out of our position, I could feel the boys’ eyes drill into the back of my head. I scratched my nose and waited for someone to break the silence that crammed the room with uncomfortable glares.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell us? I know that this isn’t the first time; Hermione said that you weren’t in the dormitory when you got back from the hospital wing. Did you go here for him to scratch an itch that you couldn’t?” Harry asked me, or shouted at me, to be more blunt.

“I went here to apologize the first time, no itches have been scratched, we haven’t done anything!”

“You sure looked pretty close.” Mikey looked at Gerard with tears in his eyes, it made me wonder…

“Mikey, it’s not like last time…” Gerard pleaded.

“It’s not like when Matt died? You kissed his skank, now you’re going to defile Elena’s memory with my friend? I won’t let this happen. It’s the same pattern every time someone dies!”

“Skank?” I asked, turning to Gee, jealously flared in my mind, Harry gave me a look that easily said, ‘and you aren’t?’ I glared back.

“Mikey…” Gerard pleaded.

“It’s too late for that, I can’t even look at you.” He said turning away and walking out without another word, Gerard made to go after him, but Harry stopped him in his tracks, with a simple defiant stare.

“He needs time.” Harry said and ran off too. That was a mood killing conversation.



“Mikey!” I shouted after the boy, he stopped running, breathing heavily and wheezing slightly, I ceased running as well and came to comfort him when he laid his body on the ground, his back against the wall, in either shame or disappointment, I didn’t know.

“He’s done it again; it’s not what grandma would want for him. What if he hurts her?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to talk to Dumbledore…” Mikey looked at me with wide eyes, “He’d never fire him, believe me.” He relaxed; I could feel every muscle of his loosen beneath my grip on his shoulder. I looked again into his eyes, but was forced to look away because I couldn’t bear to see the tears in his eyes. I’ve only just realized this, but what I’m feeling, isn’t normal, it’s extraordinary

“Are you going now?”

“Not unless you want me to.”

“I don’t think I do.”

“Good, because I didn’t want to leave you.” I faced him fully, I had to bite my lip in excitement, when Mikey’s face was closer to mine than I had expected. By some unspoken mannerism we both began to lean in, I released my lip and opened my mouth, as did he. We were so close, and Hermione walked out of the library, she lifted her eyebrows and walked off. I sighed and leaned back into my previous position. What a mood killer.

“I’m gonna go talk to Dumbledore, do you want to come with me, or are you okay here?” He nodded and we stood up and made our way to the office of the headmaster himself. If Dumbledore knew about this and was allowing it, I would be furious.

I walked with fury to the eagle, anger flaring at the fact that this made Mikey cry, I wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him that it was alright, kiss him… But I was too livid for such civilized behavior.

“Lemon Sucker?”

“Cockroach Cluster?” The eagle let me pass, surprisingly.

I walked up the winding stairs and Mikey followed. “Professor?” I called through the door after knocking a few times, I barely heard the wizened old man say, “Harry, please come in.” Before I barged in. No one was there but Dumbledore and Fawkes, no one to get in my way.

“Look, Harry, I know that you’re upset at Professor Way and Fate’s action, but-“

“You knew!?” I shouted, accusatorily, anger rising in my chest, I felt my wand and tremble and feel the need to reach into my pocket for the wand that protruded from it.

“I knew, I have decided not to stop them, because they are in love, they might not know it yet, but they are. Don’t think that I never found James and Lily in a broom closet before, but let them go without punishment because of their emotions towards each other.”

“Yes, but that’s different," I stuttered, thinking hard of how it was different, "The age gap!”

“Is no issue, as long as they do not get too bare with their relationship, it is perfectly acceptable.” He stated calmly, not knowing just how beside myself I was at the situation.

“I understand that you’re angered, but if you wish your friend to be happy it is in letting her remain with him, without hassle, it is best for both of them to hold onto love in these troubled times.” Mind reader, but what did he mean by ‘troubled times,’ the only thing approaching was the tournament, and that’s not going to affect anyone under the age of seventeen that much, except for the Quidditch players, like me, of course.

“They’re most certainly in love, he’s not rebounding?” Mikey asked timidly, speaking up for the first time.

“He is not.” We left it at that and walked back to the dormitory in an eerie silence, only broken by the harsh sounds of our breathing and the cackle of Peeves’ joy as he taunted Filch in a far-off corridor. They were in love, and I seemed to be feeling a similar sentiment for… a guy?


“She was Matt’s ex, she didn’t like him doing heroin, we were both really vulnerable and shaken up after his death and kissed, I swear that’s all that it was, I’ve never had sex… me and her nearly did, but Mikey always thinks that I have sex with whoever I kiss, he doesn’t understand that I’m not that kind of guy. He thinks that because I did drugs that I was always at a girl’s house, when I was really getting shit-faced with Matt.”

“Look, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you, but if that was grief, then I couldn’t deal with it if this, what we have here, was too. We shouldn’t see each other in this way until everything’s passed.” I said, knowing that it was breaking my heart to say it, but that it had to be done for our thing to last past school, to know that we were making the right choices, before they blew up in our faces.

“I understand,” He said, I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, waiting for the silence to pass, “I guess I’ll see you in class, then.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I walked out in a daze, petrified at the sensation that I was getting, the intuitive feeling deep in the back of my mind, that I might not be coming back.
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Sorry that it's crap, see you in a few weeks!!!

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