Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

I'm Saying Something That, I Should've Never Thought

“Apparently Ron tried to get Krum’s autograph,” I whispered to Frankie, whose hair was now black, as we sat next to one of the Beauxbatons girls. I spoke fluent French, and she found my knowledge helpful, and I was happy to help, as the experience was gratifying.

“Tu veux du tarte?” The girl, Dorothy, offered me pie, I refused.

“Non, je n’en veux pas.” She smiled and cut herself a slim slice, nodding her head in beat to a song that happened to not be heard in the air. Ron, Harry, and Hermione walked to the table, after Ron stopped his gawking. I looked to the front table; Gerard was conversing with Ray, who was finally here. I had spoken to him earlier, asking him about his pick-style, we had gone into an in depth discussion of guitar style when he had to actually go be a mandatory civil servant. Ray and Gerard looked at our table slyly, as they began talking to Barty Crouch, Frankie, Mikey, and I all mimed them avid thumbs-ups. They smirked and continued on their adult business. Durmstrang males congregated at the Slytherin table so clearly that it was if a sea of crimson and fur wove amongst the serpentine green, much like a picnic basket. The pumpkin juice and foreign foods passed among the students as the mirth and mingling did.

It was truly a sight.

Mikey turned to me, about to speak, as Dumbledore took the stand. I barely heard his speech about the Tournament, due to the fact that it was all review, no one under the age of seventeen was going to get in. I heard Fred and George whispering, due to their closeness to the age, I supposed that they would attempt to find a way around this rule. What fools these twins be.

My heart skipped a beat as I woke from my trance of studious observation, as Mikey began to speak and Dumbledore discontinued his speech.

“I have to talk to you. In private.” I nodded at the cryptic tone and wording, but decided to follow him out of the Great Hall before all of the crowds. I nearly felt Gerard’s eyes piercing the back of my head as we left, suspicion irritated me to turn around, but I didn’t.

We walked all the way to the staircases, and he pulled me into a hidden room. No one was there, and cobwebs lined the musty walls, I tried not to pay attention to the cracking and slithering I heard in the walls.

“Sorry, but I didn’t want anyone to hear,” I nodded my understanding and he continued, “I’ve been talking to Gerard, and I listen to him and he isn’t happy. It’s been at least a month since grandma died, he should be adjusting. I think he needs you. As much as it kills me to say it, I don’t think he was using you. I hope you go back to him, with caution.” My mouth was gaping in surprise at this; I think he was even more surprised at himself.

“Um…” I couldn’t finish my sentence, but Mikey did for me.

“The old band and us are all hanging out tonight at his quarters, you stay later and do what you think is right to do, whether you follow my advice or not is your choice, but don’t leave Gerard hanging on any hope, he doesn’t deserve that.” I nodded speechlessly as Mikey walked out, after checking the traffic had passed. After a sufficient amount of time digesting, I left as well.

My doubt seeped into the cracks in the walls and the wrinkles that closed in my confused eyes. The framed people that animated the characteristic stone walls whispered as I passed by, I felt their gossiping mouths throw contradictions at me. I ignored them as I made my way to the Gryffindor tower and the sweet bliss of silence, relatively, that is.

Hermione came up to me, curiosity in her quiet brown eyes.

“Nothing,” I muttered. She shrugged and heaved her way up the stairs with sleepy sighs. Clearly she was not going to pursue it until she had some rest, but then, knowing her, she would pursue it as such. Harry glared at me from behind, and I felt it, I hoped he didn’t think I was trying to steal Mikey, but again, knowing Harry, his emotions were easily influenced. I wouldn’t put it past him. I would have to talk to him later, but I didn’t have time now, I was going to congregate with the guys and I was going to enjoy myself.


“And in this movie, she jumped off of the roof, and she’s looking down, and you can see the wires, the mat, and the camera crew right where she’s going. And they didn’t even edit it out!” The group of friends laughed as Mikey jubilated about something from some really bad horror movie.

The clock struck eleven and Mikey and Frank both sighed, realizing there was a reason students weren’t allowed in the corridors at night. They left, as did Ray, who probably needed sleep for the governmental duties he had to perform the next day.

And we were all alone in his quarters. In knowledge of what had happened previously, Gerard had Filch take down the portrait.

“Don’t you have some sleep to catch up on?” He asked, cleaning up some of the empty cups and coasters, I stooped to help him.

“I do, but I figured we should talk,” I continued, hoping to spur him onto the subject.

“Talk about what?” He questioned in monotone.

“Us. And please don’t say there is no us, because it’s been plenty of time and I want there to be an us.” I blurted the sentence out, though it seemed like one whole syllable.

“Alright then. How? What have we done to allow ourselves to, without hurting each other?” I looked down, thinking about the query with an empowered fervor.

“We waited, I know it wasn’t exactly agonizing, but we did, and if we hurt each other that’s just a risk everyone takes, isn’t it?” Gerard smiled in acknowledgement.

“It was agonizing for me, especially when I looked like my head was aflame.”

“Well, I’m sure I can make your head afire in other ways,” I smirked to myself.

And we just kept company with each other the entire night; it was only at dawn when I returned to the Gryffindor common room, heart aflutter with joy. Mikey could sometimes give some sage, wise advice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Cred: Paramore

Thanks for commenting:
Jinx Killjoy
Rayven Sorrows

Hope you liked it, though it was a wee bit short.