Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Teachers and Trouble-Makers

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it’s fine, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I didn't look up to meet the eyes of whomever I had bumped into, but the beautiful accent, that I now notice is from Jersey, continued to converse with me.

"I like your sweater, I actually met them once." Okay, I had to see who had met AFI, I mean, come on, I'm not that shy.

I looked up and mumbled a quick, "Thanks, that's awesome," before my entire being was captured by the beauty of wise hazel eyes, with golden honey flecks that sparkled with unknown depths and mischief. And shiny jet-black hair... woe.

"How long have you gone to Hogwarts?" The man continued to pester me, though I certainly didn't mind it.

"This is my first year." I looked back down to my shoes, embarrassed at my lack of knowledge, or foresight, to think that no one would ask me this question.

"Oh, you must be Fate, unless you're a really old looking eleven year old." Okay, this guy must be really weird in order to know my name.

"How do you know about me?" I asked, curiosity aroused.

"I'm the new history teacher, since Professor Binns got un-ghosted because of Peeves' stupid trick. Professor McGonagall asked all of the teachers to be especially lenient with you, since you're going to be in your fourth year, with little past experience."

"Oh, well..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say, since I hadn't thought that he was old enough to be a teacher!

"I'm Gerard, until I get in the classroom, then it's "Professor Way," god, that's going to be torture." I laughed at his childish manner, he smiled down at me, since he was considerably taller than my slight frame, though he wasn't all that tall.

"Where are you from?" I was startled that he actually cared, even if it was just teacher instincts kicking in, I answered with all honesty.

"I was born in Jersey, raised in a village just outside Essex, and I spend half of every year in NJ with my grandparents." I said.

"Where in New Jersey?" He asked curiously.

"Small, dangerous town, you wouldn't know it." I stated.

"I lived in one of those myself, for a good part of my life, so I just might." He said, I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Belleville, I practically lived at Maxwell's in Hoboken because of the music scene, though." He chuckled, I sincerely hoped that he didn't find my music taste stupid, but it didn't matter, he was a teacher, it wasn't as if we could be friends.

"That's where I grew up, and the annoying teenagers in my compartment include my brother and his friend, who's from the same area."

"Really? I didn't know that Jersey boys went to Hogwarts."

"Well, I don't think America is even aware of magic yet, plus we all have family in Scotland, so they found us the one time we went down to England." I smiled, but I truly was envious of him, getting a full magical education, and having childhood friends that don't ignore you.

"Lucky," I muttered under my breath, unaware of doing so.

"Do you want to meet them? They're just over..." He was interrupted by a sneering voice, which has been described to me so many times, that it could only be one person's nasal drawl, Draco Malfoy.

"Look, the teacher and the squib." I already hated this boy, and added to all that he has done to my friends, I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't exploding with anger right now.

"If I was a squib, Malfoy, I wouldn't be able to make your insides squirm and I certainly wouldn't be here, now would I?" I retorted sharply.

"How do you know my name, you filfthy mugg-" I cut him off, saving him from making even more a fool of himself.

"I'm pureblood, actually, not that it matters, since I know a muggle-born who can kick your ass any day, who also is top of her class, and you just happen to be afraid of her." I turned to face the greasy blonde himself, tilting my head to the side, "I think you know who I'm referring to, since she gave you quite a shiner, or so I heard." He fumed, I smiled to myself.

"I would keep that pretty little mouth shut if I was you, you wouldn't want lies to be spilling out." He advanced toward me, practically shoving his face in mine.

"And you wouldn't want Daddy's secrets to come out, now would you, I mean, the Quidditch World Cup? Tsk, tsk..." Hermione and Harry had told me of the events at the Cup, and what they suspected, of Lucius Malfoy's Death Eater connections, I firmly agreed with them.

"Is something wrong, Malfoy?" I vaguely heard Ron say as the other members of the trio approached from the other end of the corridor.

"Nothing at all, Weasel-Bee, just telling the newbie who's boss around here." He brought his face closer to mine, glaring angrily at me; I kneed him in the balls, even though I was practically certain he didn't have them.

"You're certainly not the boss of anyone, Draco."

"Woah, Fate?" Harry said, confused that I could be this... emotional, or angry, for that matter.

"Idiot whore," Malfoy said under his panting, groaning breath as he protected his lack of manhood from further attack.

"What did you just say?" I asked, tapping my foot.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Needless to say, he and his cronies left, or more accurately, fled.

"When did you lose the shy 'tude, Fate?" Ron asked incredulously. Hermione hit him in the back of the head, "Ronald!" she said.

"I really don't know, but that boy pisses the hell out of me, I was entirely ready to do much worse." I unclenched my fist, after realizing how tightly I had been holding on to the hem of my hoodie.

"Who's the guy?" Harry asked, pointing at Gerard.

"I'm the new history teacher." He introduced himself, everyone stared with gaping mouths, wondering how a ghost could have ever possibly retired. Gerard obviously got the message and explained.

"Peeves' was messing around in the restricted section, one of the books made Professor Binns alive again, and he promptly had a heart attack. I was applying for Defense Against the Dark Arts position anyways, but they offered me the history position, which I was always better at. Plus there's more of a chance for me to keep my job for more than a year in History." They nodded their understanding.

"D'ya know who the new DADA teacher is?" Harry asked. Gerard nodded his head "no."

"They wouldn't tell me," he said. I heard the rattling of a loaded push cart behind me.

"Anything from the trolley?" The plump kind-faced woman asked, as she came by with the cart full of various sweets and drinks, I felt as if I was about to vomit, just from looking at it.

Harry and Hermione bought a few items, also to share with Ron, and Ron tried to convince me to eat.

"Fallon, you really should eat something."

"You only use my middle name when you're suspicious, Ron, what's up?" I tried to evade the questions, but I was never any good at that sort of acting.

"You never stay for dinner when you're over mine, you never eat with you're family, for obvious reasons, but you're even thinner than Harry for God's sake! You're skin and bones!" His voice was only raised slightly. The trolley had left, not wanting to get in the way of an argument.

"You're starting to sound like your mother, Ronald, I'm seriously fine F-I-N-E."

"You've never been this pale, I'm just looking out for you." He said it with such care in his voice, but I ignored him. I would get sick, I'd be obese, just like they all said, I would never eat. It wasn't just a force of habit now, it was a lifestyle.

"I'm okay Ron, trust me." He sighed, obviously giving up for now.

"Do you want to come back to the compartment?"

"I'm gonna go meet a few people, but I'll catch you up."

"'kay." he responded simply, then walked away, he was blatantly disappointed, but I wasn't a child, I could take care of myself, for now.

"So..." Professor Way said awkwardly.

"If you don't mind, could you introduce me to your Jersey friends?" He weakly smiled at me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the second one.

I really hope that people read this, trust me, the plot I've got planned out so far is pretty damn cool, if I do say so myself :) Not to toot my own horn or anything. I'm not saying that there cannot be improvements in my writing, because there certainly can be.


A'tout a' l'huere!