Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

The Kids From Yesterday

I woke up from my two hours of sleep having felt the best I had in years of living life like an endless circle. Today was something different, something brand new and adventurous. I already knew the sun had come up, from the way it hit my face, once I opened the oppressive velvet curtains that surrounded me during my slumber. The large amount of time I had spent with Gerard the night previous had opened my eyes and opened my nostrils to smelling the roses. Life was good, for now.

I kneaded my eyes to rid them of the tiredness I barely felt. I looked at my thin wrists and decided that I was perfect the way I was. Like putting out a guttering candle, I flushed the disappointment of my life from my face and faced the day with a glittering smile and the furious need to eat something.

Then came yet another wanton desire, which I simply had to indulge in: I decided dress code could hang. I wore my big olive green man pants pulled up to my waist, and a white tank top beneath. I noticed the burly young males from the all-boys school staring at my… accoutrements. They should be staring at the nice French girls; they were dressed far more openly than I was, and they had accents.

“Boo.” I was pulled into a closet suddenly as I made my way through the scenic route to breakfast. I struggled against the unknown arms, until, “Lumos.” The facial features illuminated by the enchantment were Gerard’s. I punched him lightly on the chest for scaring me, and then embraced him, inhaling the scent of him, though I smelled more of the potion ingredients in the storage closet than anything else. It was nice never the less.

He pushed me against the locked door, kissing me like it was the end of the world and he was about to party. A very Gerard thing to do, I thought. I immersed myself in the kiss as well, not letting him have entire control. I began thinking random thoughts, some about kittens with whiskers, some about my favorite things—oh, man, that was dirty, how did he learn how to do that?—now I thought about things I should not think about if I wanted to not risk Gerard’s job.

A slight moan escaped out of his mouth at something I whispered into his ear, before biting it; clearly he enjoyed the idea of what I said. That would just have to remain a secret, between us, though. As Gerard began toying with my belt jokingly, lips latched onto my neck as if I were a life source for him, I thought more random thoughts. This time it was entirely accurate… what would the Sorting Hat say if it were placed atop my head now? Where would I end up? I was having an affair with my teacher, though it was mostly chaste, but still quite dirty.

That thought teased my heartstrings and wracked my brain as I suddenly realized Gerard was unclasping my bra, not having sex with me, just unclasping it. How juvenile! As my head fully returned to my body, I realized how much of a mess I must look: sex hair, undone belt, and my bra entirely about to fall off of me. Gerard gave me one last heart pounding kiss and stumbled out, straightening up as soon as he got out of dodge. I locked the door once again and set to fixing my appearance, though I had to admit my mirror was a jar of flobberworm mucus.

That reminds me, I was supposed to go to the infirmary and renew my wiggenweld prescription… Ah well, I’d do it later. Exiting the storage closet discreetly, I finally made it out alive, bra on and everything. I walked to breakfast quickly, stomach growling, for some food and for the sight of someone else…

I stared at the teachers table blankly, shoving whatever Hermione put on my plate into my mouth. Gerard was gabbing like a girl with his old friends, and, due to space, he was placed next to Hagrid, who shared in the conversation. I had never learned the fine art of reading lips, so I was at a loss to what was said, pretty much all I did was look at my teacher’s lips. Mr. Way… I licked my lips, unwittingly, after eating something that tasted faintly of butter and crunched, I assumed it was toast. He caught my gaze blindly, as if feeling someone’s eyes on him, he winked. I blushed and returned to reality.

It was only then that I realized the Great Hall was filled to the brim this morning, with many people milling about as if they had been lost in a fluxing sea of people. That was when I remembered that the… Goblet of Fire? Or whatever was supposed to be there; was lying dormant for people to insert their names into its enchanted depths. Goblet of fire… Molotov cocktails? That would be fun!

I zoned out about fire for a while, before coming to the realization that a path was being cut through the center of mass. The crowd was thickening, but a snake of emptiness rattled through it, and I saw two flaming red heads of hair at the skull of the snake.

Fred and George were doing that aging potion thing Frank had told me about. I got up, after flashing a glance back at Gerard, whose reluctant eyes now followed my form, and slid through the quickly closing path. I joined Frank, with a tap on his shoulder. He jolted around, but relaxed, telling me to, “Enjoy the show.” A characteristic smirk crossed his face and Fred took an overly long and tempestuous breath before rocketing over the line with the force of a single step. Cheers erupted everywhere as absolutely nothing occurred. George followed him in, thinking equally that they were safe.

Not half a second later they were shot out like bullets from a gun and began to spring lengthy white beards from their chins. Without a doubt, they got up and began fastidiously picking the dirt out of each other’s beards, as the hall had been scuffed with a lot of dirty shoes this morning and heaven forbid uncleanliness on their pure white snow beards.

“I did warn you.” I turned up to the table, where Dumbledore was leaving his seat to get a better look at the beards, “I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours.” He took another brief glance before exiting the Great Hall. Frank, joining a laughter-delirious Lee in escorting the trouble makers to the hospital wing, gave me a pat on the back as leave. This was probably a great birthday present for him. Good thing I had all day to assemble mine for him. Well, not all day if I got cornered in another storage closet.

Gerard, Hagrid, and Ray, still flustered that Hagrid’s hair could be bigger than his mane, were walking out, laughing and pointing at the retreating old man twins. I joined them, squeezing Gerard’s hand indiscriminately.

“Hey, Fate-y, would ya like to feed the screwts with me? I know you’ve been enjoyin’ taking care uv them in class, and you could use the extra credit with all the time you took off, though yer grade’s still fair solid.” How could I refuse this politely, “You could even take Mr. Way with ya, I’m sure he’d like to see how the older teachers operate.”

“Haven’t you been teaching here for only one more year than him?” Ray asked with his government face plastered back on. At Hagrid’s response he returned to his ear-splitting smile.

“Well…” He mumbled on about something, like the last time the school board had visited, and something else about spiders and Azkaban.

“I actually have to work on my friend’s birthday present, maybe tomorrow. I’m sure the fantastic three are going to visit today, though.” I referred to Harry, Ron, and Hermione and he nodded vigorously, walking off immediately after he saw Madame Maxine heading in. He smoothed his hair down nervously. Ray did the same when his boss came by, following his lead.

I didn’t have time to wonder what Hagrid’s problem was, because I was scooped back into another broom closet. This time he was closer, because he knew I knew who he was.

“Yes, Mr. Way?” I breathed out quietly; intoxicated by the way he smiled in the dim light coming from the cracks in the door.

“What’re you getting Frankie?” He asked, backing up and leaning against the opposite wall. His lean was almost the same angle as the broom’s trajectory, oddly enough.

“What?” I whined, I wanted him closer, last night was all talk, and now I wanted more, so much more.

“Go on, spill.” I shoved him playfully, coming next to him to rest my head on his shoulder.

“I’m making him a collage. I’m not very good at arts and crafts, but I can make a hell of a collage. I need decoupage though, for some parts. I think there’s a decoupage spell, though, I need to go to the library.” I blathered on a little more, until I heard Gerard turn the lock, after realizing it was still unlocked. He turned back to me, a sarcastic smile willing his features.

“You don’t like decoupage talk?” I asked, hurt that he thought so little of my nice idea for Frankie’s birthday. He was turning fifteen and everything!

“I really don’t want to talk right now.” And that was my queue to be against the wall, again. How did I always manage to be in this position?

“What do you want to do?” I asked, biting my lip at the thought of how much I would enjoy whatever he wanted. He breathed out heavily:

“You don’t want to know.” And there was the exit scene again, leaving me to pick up my confused appearance and walk out some minutes later.
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly have no clue who commented on the last chapter, so I will figure it out later! Thank you all for reading and commenting if you so wish :D