Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Jersey Boys

I followed Gerard to his compartment, receiving a few odd stares from random students as we made our way down the hall. When I walked in it was immediately filled with the sounds of laughter, which wasn’t something that I heard often, I guess I would just have to get used to it...

"And then this boy steps in and punches him, then kisses me on the cheek. I ran away from the cooties, I mean, homophobia is shit, but I'm not gay or anything!" A black and blonde haired boy stated, while fiddling with a guitar pick between his slightly stubby fingers. A boy with mousy brown hair and thick black framed glasses gracing the very end of his nose laughed along with the punk. No one else was occupying the plush space.

"'Supp, fuckers," Gerard stated, throwing a dust bunny at the one with glasses, he reacted to it, even though it never actually reached him, and waved his arms in front of him to ward it off, whilst making unidentifiable squealing noises.

"This is Fate, she's from Jersey too, the girl is Mikey, my 'brother' and the gay one is Frankie." He walked to the window and sat down. I raised my eyebrows, but identified them both, brownie= Mikey, punk=Frank.

"Where in Jersey?" Frank asked me, making eye contact.

"Belleville, you?" Mikey and him both came and engulfed me in a hug, I jumped at the sudden physical closeness.

"Both of us are too!" I had never met them before, as far as I know, neither had Ron.

"What Hogwarts house are you in? I've never heard my friends mention you."

"We've just transferred from Durmstrang." said Mikey.

"So that we could assist Gee in his teaching adventure!" Frankie stated enthusiastically.

"You better not." growled Gerard, or as I guess he was known: 'Gee.'

"Have I met you before, back in Jersey?" Frankie asked.

"Did you take summer-school health two years ago?" Frank blushed, "Yes... I always skipped." He admitted

"Did you have Mr. Pannier as a teacher?"

"Yeah, but I never met you during the summer as a kid."

"I go to Jersey for half of every year, my grandparents made me re-take health that year, since apparently health at the school in Essex sucks, but I skip it there anyway."

"Were you blonde before?" He asked, my hand went to my now red locks, which I had dyed blonde and black previously.

"Yeah, with black!" I defended. Frank was about to say something when I interrupted him:

"Oh my Fuck, you were my lab partner who ate the banana when it was his turn to put the condom on!" I said, suddenly realizing, he smiled at the recollection, and how he had gotten kicked out.

"Yeah, it was really yummy, for a condom dummy." Mikey and Gerard burst into erratic fits of giggles while I barely contained the mirth filled laugh pouring out of my mouth. I decided to change the subject to something that these obviously immature boys... and teacher could handle.

"Was Durmstrang a good school?" All three of them vehemently shook their heads "no," I decided not to pursue the subject.

"Do they have Skittles or coffee here?"

"Omygoshohmygoshohmygosh, you like Skittles too!" Frank said breathlessly.

"My favorite kind of rainbow." I stated confidently, which was shocking to me.

We talked for about a half hour more, finding our tastes quite similar, but eventually, the sky darkened and the train came closer to it's final destination, so I had to leave and change into my robes. I bade them goodbye and told them that I would meet them after I got changed and collected my bag from the others' compartment. I walked in, and the silence spread thick like cloud cover.

"Have a good time?" Ron asked, looking sullenly towards the window, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I did, I met some people that are from the states too."

"Did you have a nice time with the teacher." He let the poison seep into his words carefully.

"What do you mean by that, Ronald?" I asked letting obvious distaste for his tone take center stage in mine.

"Was he nice, less boring than Binns, I dunno, enough to make you look at him like you fancy him?" He became slightly flustered, but eventually made his point, and he still managed to evade my piercing violet gaze.

"I don't fancy him. You're just seeing things." He finally turned to me and made eye contact; I saw the fierce protectiveness in his eyes.

"You're like a sister to me, like Ginny, I don't want you to get hurt by someone older." I scoffed; he was too protective, demanding stuff of me: "eat!", "watch out for the orgasmic history teacher", "blah, blah, blah!"

And, no, I did not think orgasmic, shut up; you're hearing things... okay I'm thinking to myself, weird.

"As I have said before, I am not a child, and I would never fancy a teacher, much less anyone." I grabbed my Misfits back pack that I had stowed here before and left, making my way down to the compartment that contained my new friends, Jersey boys.
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Kind of crappy, but I'm tired and sick, at least I updated!

Thanks to: RollingPinz. for her comment