Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Lost In Coma

As the food appeared magically on the table, by what I assume is magic, should I say, I felt bile rise into the back of my throat just looking at the feast of gluttony. I saw all of my friends scarfing down inordinate amounts of food, while I remained still, not even wanting to look at the array of vile choices laid out before me. Ron looked at me, as he stuffed shepherd's pie in his mouth, he was going to say something, but Nearly Headless Nick, who had introduced himself earlier, started conversing with them. It wasn't as if any of them were obese like me, they could eat all that they wanted...

I turned my head away from their conversation, to watch in laughter, as Frank and Mikey fought over which food looked more disgusting, and which they could eat more of. Boys will be Boys, as they say.

"Slave labor," I heard Hermione utter angrily, she must have found out that house-elves cooked the food, as she was no longer eating, "That's what made this dinner. Slave labor."

I muttered something about how horrible it was, and didn't eat; now I had a great excuse! But, it wouldn't last for long, nor would I.


I looked across the table, while Frankie babbled incoherently about the importance of Skittles in today's society, Fate wasn't eating. She looked horrified at the very idea of eating. But, she was so fucking tiny, it was like there was nothing left of her, just bones and cartilage. I hoped dearly that someone could convince her to eat; I absolutely hated seeing people waste their lives away until it was too late, it was appalling.

My gaze wandered to her friends, a vibrant ginger, who was obviously very hungry at the rate he was eating his sustenance. There was another girl, not eating, with curly light-brown hair, she, however, actually looked hungry, unlike Fate, who was heavily disgusted at the very idea of eating. Her last friend, other than the Weasley twins, who I already knew, was a black haired guy, I watched him, looking for any identifying marks, his bangs brushed back for nearly a moment and... He had the scar! His name was Harry Potter and everyone knew his story, he was the boy who lived...

The one thing that I would never have thought was that he ended up being so... hot?

I don't even like guys! What is up with me! What about him makes my blood pump even faster and feel like it's going to boil out of my skin!?

My heartbeat thudded thunderously against my ears, it was the consensus of my raging hormones that:

I have a crush on Harry Potter


I ate very little, as my worry for my younger brother overpowered the aching hunger in my stomach. I put some of the scrumptious food in my mouth, but it didn't do much do ease my nerves. I let my eyes focus on Mikey, sitting at the Gryffindor table, I was very glad that he was chosen for that house, confidence was never his strong suit, and I'm quite happy that he's in the same house as I was for the last three years of my education.

Just as Mikey and Frank, I had started out as a Durmstrang student, but transferred later on, it had been a year since I graduated from Hogwarts. For that year, I was working on comics in New York and living in my parent's basement. My own family kicked me out, saying that if I didn't, "have a proper magical job" that I would never be able to help Mikey through school. They also wanted him to get away from a place like Durmstrang, where they focused a little too much on the dark arts.

Of course, they just had to reinstate the Triwizard Tournament, which is what Dumbledore would probably explain soon, Mikey and I had made a lot of enemies at that school, it wouldn't exactly be fun to see them again.

I looked back over to Mikey and saw that Fate, who was across from him, wasn't eating at all. Perhaps her red-headed friend, who was yelling at her previously, had been correct?

Professor Snape, who was seated next to me, commented: "You should keep your sibling and friends, from hanging around with Potter, or Ms. Farice, for that matter, Potter's probably the only reason why she got in. The lot of them are bad news. If the headmaster didn't have a soft spot for them, they would be long gone."

"And what would have happened to you if the headmaster didn't have a soft spot for you, Hmmm?" All of the teachers were informed about Severus' history, that he used to be a Death Eater, but, "he switched sides long before Voldemort's downfall," as Dumbledore had put it. Snape didn't get a chance to respond.

Thunder shook the simulated skies of the great Hall, and a door slammed open, revealing a haggard man whom I recognized as an old friend of my father, an ex-auror. Alistair Moody, commonly known as "Mad-Eye Moody" referring to the electric blue eyeball that swirled around and around, and could see almost anything. He thrust out his wand hand, within it, his wand, and muttered a charm that sent the skies back to normal. Dumbledore introduced him, and a few minutes passed in the utter silence as people stared at what was to become their new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor.

The food suddenly vanished from the Great Hall, and the headmaster stood to speak. I tuned him out and continued staring at the table that I had sat at as a student, only a short year ago.

"But, there will be an age limit for the tournament, seventeen years of age or more, as many have died in years previous. The delegations from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will arrive in October. Now, I bid you all goodnight, as you will want to be well rested for your classes in the morning."

A loud groan came from the audience at the mention of classes, Fate turned towards the teachers table before leaving she smiled at me, I flashed a grin back, she was really nice, and I just hoped that she would make it through the year.


I heard the crackling whispers of the fire soothe my restlessness, as I sat on the vividly red couches crowding the Gryffindor common room, with my oldest friend, Mikey, and my newest friend, Fate. "I'm not even tired," I said out of the blue.

"Me either," The other occupants of the room agreed whole-heartedly.

"20 questions?" I asked. Fate screwed up her face to show her distaste.

"That's so typical, how about... 'Random Shit About My Life!'"

"Okay, then I'll go first." I said.

"I've been playing guitar since I was really young, and I've been in bands since I was like eleven! The only two bands I've been in that have really made it anywhere were Pencey Prep," Fate squealed, I'm guessing that she was a fan, "and My Chemical Romance, Mikey was in that one before me. Ever heard of them?" Her jaw dropped wide open.

"I love Pencey Prep, but I pretty much worshipped the stages that My Chem stood on, I just barely managed to get their CD, and I love it to death. What really happened though? You guys were so fuckin' phenomenal, but you haven't been on for at least six months, I heard that you broke up!" I bit my lip, this was not one of the topics that I enjoyed discussing, but Mikey was able to take over.

"Our drummer, Matt, started getting the singer into drugs and shit, we were eventually invited to do Warped Tour, but..." He sighed, this was hard for both of us, "Matt died from a Heroine overdose, G... The vocalist stopped doing drugs and kind of retreated from the band. All in all: the band, disbanded."

"But, the singer... He seemed so in control of his actions, so unlike a druggie. He seemed in control and sexy, but..." Mikey and I burst into hysterical fits of laughter, little did she know, but she was talking about her history teacher! She looked totally out of the loop, so I explained it to her:

"Gerard or 'Professor Way' was the lead singer!" She grabbed all of the pillows that she could and threw them at me, causing me to laugh even harder, if such a thing was possible.

We passed the rest of the night, laughing and joking, talking about Ray's crazy guitar skills and hair... But eventually falling asleep in our own beds; when we thought that it was due time to retire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Cred: My Chemical Romance, "To The End"

Thank you to: RolingPinz. and AllApologies451994 for your skittley comments! And that is totally a word, thank you very much!

PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE OR THE BAND NEVER GETS BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(insert evil laugh here)

*Edited, now we have Mad-Eye!!!*