Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Breakfast Blows


I yawned and prepared to face the new day, (Note: It's never fully explained where they bathe in the books, but the prefect's bathroom gave a hint that I will use to my advantage) I sighed and grabbed a uniform. After using the Gryffindor girls' toilet that has odd and slightly old showers to clean in, I dressed in my own socks, that happened to be red with black skulls all over, and the skirt, shirt, and tie, skipping the gray sweater.

I absolutely despise wearing skirts. Was basically the only thought running through my head as I made my way down to breakfast, where I would continue to not eat, and receive my schedule. Mikey and Frank were walking down the hallways, barely awake, since they ran into about three people every other second. I caught up with them and decided to give them an actual wake up.

"FRANKIEEE THERE'S A THONG AROUND YOUR NECK, WHERE DID YOUR TIE GO, AND WHY ARE YOU WEARING MIKEY’S THONG!?" I was lying, but it would startle some reaction and take the mickey out of him, since I just yelled straight into his ear. He grabbed the tie around his neck quickly, trying to take it off, but soon realizing that it wasn't a thong, he glared.

"Bloody hell woman!" I heard a Slytherin mutter, I flipped him off and he walked faster to the Great Hall, in order to avoid us.

"Hate to say it, Fate, but I agree with him!" Frankie said, rubbing his ear to get some feeling back in it.

"You were running into people, it was only a matter of time until someone got hurt." I shrugged, he rolled his eyes, Mikey groaned, as if in intense amounts of pain.

"I need coffeeeeeee!" He whined bitterly, someone approached quickly and ruffled his sandy hair, handing him a traveling-cup type thing.

"Nice, Mikes." Gerard said, "Guess what? You lucky fucks have me first thing this morning!"

"Lucky? The last time I had you first in the morning was when we were both really drunk..." Frank said, eyes glazed over, as if in heavy reminiscence, Gerard blushed, which I found quite adorable, as the tinted pink was completely different than his pale, milky skin tone...

Shut it, Fate!

"I've still got the video of that!" Mikey said, taking a moments break from his inhalation of gastronomically damaging amounts of coffee.

"Don't remind me..." Gee said, breaking off from us, since we had reached the Great Hall.

"FATE, OY YOU!" I felt three pairs of strong arms wrap around my waist, as an instinct I tripped the sources of pressure, "Ow!" Two people said at once, the other just stood up and gave me a noogie. It was Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, "Oy, we 'ad something to ask you."

"And that would be?" I said through rasping laughter as they tickled me to "death from giggles," as we had called it during childhood.

"Test some Weasley Wizard Wheezes with us, nose-blood nougat's a treat!"

"No." I plain out refused, I was not going to be a lab-rat, they had run out of favors, plus... it often ended in pain and a broken nose, for them.

"You punched me out last time! You owe me!" Fred said incredulity highlighting his tone.

"I also fixed your nose; I don't owe you guys a thing." I walked away and sat down, next to Frank and Mikey, but I was called by Professor McGonagall.

"Yes?" I asked when I arrived next to her. She handed me a schedule.

"I wanted to know if this is adequate, since you might not have enough experience with these classes, especially Potions. Since, I'm sure you've heard of Professor Snape's teaching... methods."

"No, it's fine, my grandparent's taught me enough about potions, it won't be any trouble for me, but I don't need broom lessons, Harry taught me last summer."

"Yes, well, I'll tell Madam Hooch not to expect you then." I nodded, "You're lucky to have friends like Potter, don't throw them away for new ones that might be less... helpful."

"Mikey and Frank are great people, I'm sure that you'll be impressed once you get to know them." Was she trying to poison me against my own friends?

"I'm just trying to say, that they've... not been the best people in life, nor had the best influences." Was she talking about Gerard now?

"Ger... Professor Way is a great influence on them, they might've been rebels back in Jersey, but they really aren't bad people, you have to understand that. Plus, I'm sure that they'll be great friends with everyone, once they get settled in." She sighed; she wasn't going to get past my defense of these two boys, or three.

"Just, know that you have childhood bonds in the wizarding world that they will never be able to forge, due to their upbringing. Go on, have some breakfast, POTTER!" I left for the table and examined my schedule further:

History of Magic-Professor Way (Slytherin)
Herbology-Professor Sprout (Hufflepuff)Preliminary Broom Training- Madam Hooch
Ancient Runes- Professor Babbling (mixed)
Care Of Magical Creatures-Professor Hagrid (double)

Transfiguration-Professor McGonagall
Charms-Professor Flitwick
Ancient Runes- Professor Babbling (mixed)
Divination-Professor Trelawny (double)

History of Magic- Professor Way
Arithmancy-Professor Vector (double)
Transfiguration-Professor McGonagall
Herbology-Professor Sprout(Hufflepuff)

DADA-Professor Moody (double, Slytherin)
Potions-Professor Snape (double, Slytherin)
Charms-Professor Flitwick
Study/ Gryffindor Meeting

Muggle Studies- Professor Carrow (double)
Herbology-Professor Sprout (Hufflepuff)
History of Magic- Professor Way (Slytherin)

It also had all of the times listed down the side, which I pointedly ignored.

"Three main classes with Slytherin! That's not fair at all!" Ron whined when he sat down at the table with his schedule.

"But we have an extra period of History, which means more sleep time, right?" Harry asked, I laughed at the hope in his eyes, as he asked Mikey. Mikey seemed kind of uncomfortable with this, but answered anyway, keeping his eyes downcast.

"Sorry, it'll be really fun, but it won't be sleep, that I can assure you." Harry hit his head against the plate, sending some kippers flying, "Smooth!" Ron said through a mouthful of partially digested-looking food.

"Do you have muggle studies?" Hermione asked me, I nodded and handed her my schedule, she squealed, "We have all of the same classes! Aren't you exited for History of Magic, it's going to be so much more fun with an actually interesting teacher!"

"Are you pulling a Lockhart again?" Harry asked genially. She sighed, ignoring them and buttering a slice of toast, while adding copious amounts of jam.

"Eating again?" Ron question, she responded with:

"There are better ways of getting the house-elves pay and sick-leave." Ron smiled and turned to me, with a knowing look in his eyes.

"So, now that the boycotting of food is off, you can eat something." My blood ran cold; he was pressuring me to do what was physically impossible for my body! I shakily grabbed a slice of toast from the platter in the center of the table, I forced a bite in my mouth, it tasted like ash and I could practically taste the fattening butter in it. I reached for a napkin to "wipe the crumbs off of my shirt," but I was really going to spit the bite of horrid toast into its soft confines.

"Ah, ah, ah!" He said, grabbing the napkin from me, I glared at him, "Finish it." he said, I swallowed, letting the rough food scrape it's way down my throat, it was vile.

"See, I ate!" I took another bite and repeated the horrendous process of swallowing it, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I seem to have forgotten a textbook." Grabbing my bag, I stormed off.

Rather than turning right to the Gryffindor common room, as I said that I would, I ran straight to the loo. Placing my hair back into a clip, I let my bludgeoned insides vomit out the nutriment that had caused me this pain. I didn't know it, but someone was fast behind me, suspicion fueling their stride, as I left the Great Hall.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took me a long time to figure out that schedule, so be very thankful for it!

I just realized that I forgot to put Mad-Eye Moody in, so I edited the most recent chapter, adding him in, if you want to reread it, go ahead.

Comment props to: AllApologies451994 and RollingPinz.

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I am Dragon master.... Waaaachhaaaaa!