Status: Going to try and update once a week. Remind me if you must.

Chaotic Forbiddance

Tired Of Doing The Right Thing


I walked with Hermione to History of Magic, she had obviously overheard all of the words Gerard and I spoke in the bathroom, due to the echoes of the cavernous space. We walked in awkward silence, even among the buzz of chatter hovering about us. I contemplated just what I had agreed to, eating, even though I knew that I couldn't handle it, physically or emotionally. I could eat to please him and my friends, keep it in for a while, even though the feeling of weight in the pit of my stomach would make me utterly ill, then vomit it out as soon as they left me alone.

I knew that I should not starve myself, but I really don't think that I want to live... Yes, I am finally at Hogwarts, and I do have friends, but even among them, I am segregated, due to what has happened to me; and the fact that all of their friendships were, by now, plain out pity... Maybe dying here would be better than dying alone, with grief and shame etched into my withered features. I could die in a moment of perfection, here, not somewhere where I am in pain. It's not as if Gee actually cares or anything, he's a teacher, and Lord knows few of them care...

"Fate?" I was woken up from dreams of disappointment by Hermione's voice, "We're here." I nodded and braced myself for a class with the people that pretended to care most about me. "Astro Zombies" by the Misfits, my favorite song, other than those on the My Chemical Romance CD, blared from a record player. Yes blared, this thing was magically amped up.

I walked in and sat in the front row next to Mikey who was miming the bass part on an vintage bass, but obviously not plugged in. I noticed that his hand was on the wrong part of the neck for this song, which meant, that had he been playing, it would have been completely off key. I readjusted his hand and he smiled, thanking me, I ruffled his sandy hair, the boy was too nice, sometime he was gonna get his heart crushed...

"Frankie!" I called out, he was jumping about the room with an unplugged Gibson Les Paul, "That your guitar?" He nodded, while still acting like a drugged squirrel with a side of Monster, "Got the same one, back in Jersey." I said, still hoping that my grandparents would find some way to send her to me, that thing was pretty much the only thing that truly mattered to me in my life. I looked at the clock; it still had quite a few minutes until the bell's bellow would grace our ears.

Frank handed it to me, after finishing the song, Gee got up and put in a different record, it was Morrissey, "You Have Killed Me" but, there was a scratch on the record, so neither the vocals nor the guitar were heard. So I started playing the guitar, Frank joined in on the vocals, as did I, after he got kind of shy with all of the Slytherins glaring at him. I never thought that I could sing, the last time I did was as a child, but I never had much of a chance, my parents beat me when I made much noise. Mikey started playing the bass, and, much to my surprise, Gerard started singing, as well as a black haired Slytherin, Frank motioned for him to come over to our side of the room, he came willingly. We had made it through most of the sing and shockingly my vocals were superb, I motioned for everyone to be quieter, and we listened to Gerard sing this part, almost alone. It was purely angelic, yet rough-cut and beautiful.

As I live and breathe,
You have killed me,
You have killed me.
Yes, I walk around somehow,
But you have killed me,
You have killed me.

And there is no point in saying this again,
There is no point in saying this again,
But I forgive you, I forgive you,
Always I do, forgive you..

I let a whine come out of the guitar at the last part, as was customary, and everyone started clapping and cheering, even a few Slytherins joined in. The first bell rang out shocking us all, but the black haired boy, stayed on this side, breaking some boundaries between the two houses. But not enough.

"How do you freaks listen to that utter rubbish?" Was the snarl of Draco Malfoy, as he found that even Crabbe and Goyle enjoyed the song.

"That's one of my favorite Morrissey songs, actually, and I think that many people enjoyed collaborating in that, which shows that you are going to be a great class for group work, especially working with people in different houses..." Gerard said, and directly after, the bell rang. A groan escaped the lips of almost everyone in the room; I smiled at the green traitor and shook the hand that he offered. "I'm Will, I'm openly gay and I think that this house shit is rubbish, and I love British pop music, obviously." I smiled, he was sweet, but any other Gryffindor would be offended by the socialization with the enemy.

"Oy, Will, my father is friends with yours at the ministry, do you really want him to find that his son is a double-crosser?" Said Malfoy, Will grimaced at me, but reluctantly sat back where he was supposed to be, he obviously didn't want his parents to think badly of him, it saddened me. Reminding me of the bile that still rested in the back of my throat; I swallowed briefly, but that just made the irritation persist, lovely.

"Alright then..." Gerard stated, but "Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together," was playing on the record, distracting many, he went to turn it off, but people reacted harshly to the intention, "NO!" he laughed, but let the last dregs of the song wear out, then turned off the music before we could stop him.

"Okay, this is not going to be a cake class, but I want you guys to have a good time, rather than what was the monotonous drone of Professor Binns, even though many would envy his passion for this select subject, he still wasn't the most cheerful ghost." He flipped over a chalkboard, which had a deformed drawing on it; it seemed to be a large beast with... wings?

"Who knows what this is?" He asked, Hermione raised her hand immediately, he laughed at her enthusiastic manner, "There is no need to raise your hands in this classroom, just shout it out, I want people to feel free to discuss their feelings on whatever is the subject, it'll help you learn, trust me."

"How will the shouts of everyone at the same time help you learn? Seems like it'll just give you a bloody 'orrid headache." Ron asked, confused by the free and easy method of teaching.

"I went to art school, I would have never learned how to shade in different ways for different looks, had I not heard everyone debate in my class about the best way to shade. I would have never learned how to do a lot of stuff if my family hadn't all given me different opinions on what it was. You can formulate a best possible answer or explanation from a wider range of data, or people shouting at you."

"Yeah, like Grandma Elena taught him how to sing for Peter Pan by having everyone she knew tell him how to play the part, then she made him green tights..." Mikey smiled devilishly as he embarrassed his older brother.

"At least I didn't stick a fork in the toaster oven." He stuck out his tongue, as did Mikey, "And that was in fourth grade, dipshit. You did that just a week ago."

"It's not my fault that Frank won't fix his toaster!"

"My toaster is perfectly fine, thank you very much. Gee would know." He smirked up at his teacher that he was accusing of fucking him, or the toaster.

"That, my friends, is why you do not get shit-faced, and sleep over at Frank's house, and why you stay away from drug-pits at concerts."

"Drug-pits?" The entire class asked almost simultaneously, Professor Way sighed, but Frank stepped into explain, "It's kind of like a circle pit, where you run around and scream at the top of your lungs, but people throw cocaine at your nose."

"Why not heroin?" a particularly nasty Slytherin asked insidiously. Gerard tensed on his grip of a sheaf of papers, "Because it has to be injected, and it's not something that anyone should consider ever using, overdoses are usually fatal." Gerard turned away and started flipping through a textbook; I could practically hear him grinding his teeth, "So? If you would like to answer the question from earlier, Ms. Granger," She nodded and answered:

"It's a dragon; it seems to be entirely fictitious, as I haven't seen any like this in my textbooks before."

"Good job, I was bored, so I just sketched it out, we are going to be studying the some of the laws that have been added to magical restrictions, because it's in the curriculum, and because you really need to be aware of this shit. Open your books to page 47 and take one of these sheets and pass it back." He gave us pieces of paper with various notes on the recent laws, especially those on the control of magical creatures.

"In 1860, the Ministry of Magic..."

I yawned, it was 6:00 and all of my classes had passed by in a dreary blur that I doubt could be recognized by even the keenest eyes. Now it was time for me to eat, properly, sort of, and then vomit it out as soon as I could, sounds like great fun, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the long awaited update, haha not long, but it feels like it!

Title Cred: Morrissey!

The comment thanks goes to: AllApologies451994 and RollingPinz.



*Edited: I had the name of someone in a different story as the P.O.V. smart right?