Status: Writing a lot! Need more Comments!!!

Second Chance

Kay was in love. She had everything, perfect grades, on JV cheerleading as a freshmen, but she didn't have a boyfriend. The guy in question was clueless and her best friend. Atleast she thinks that until the impossible happens...

This is dedicated to the real Petee who has past on, but will always be in our hearts! I love you, Jeff Petee! <3<3<3
Renamed from "I love You, Petee!"
  1. Leave out all the Rest
    Life sucks...
  2. Crush Crush Crush
    Kay and Petee are getting ready for the big game when Kay gets a terrible note...
  3. Use Somebody
    Justin is starting crap and Kay is trying to calm Petee down.
  4. Where are You Now?
    Terrible news hurts everyone...