Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

A Little Reunion

Three months have passed with the misery welding up inside of John, but slowly disappearing every little minute. He wanted to pain to finally go away, but it would defiantly take longer. She had a huge piece in his heart that couldn’t be removed, even by an amazing surgeon.

Gabby put her baby in the crib, and then smiled down at the cute little baby that was asleep. She walked out of the room, and turned the lights off. Once she was in the hallway she noticed there was a light in her friend’s room. “Annie? You’re still awake?” Gabby then walked over towards her room, and opened the door. When she looked in she noticed Annie playing video games.
“Shhh! I’m in the zone,” she quickly explained. Gabby walked over towards her friend sitting on the ground, and stared at the T.V.
“You’re losing,” she looked disappointed towards Annie.
“I said I was in the zone, I didn’t say I was winning,” she remarked. Gabby sighed, and sat on top of her bed. She wanted her to stay with her after she knew warped tour was over, because she knew that John wasn’t coming back. She lost all hope, so she should have a friend so she wasn’t totally lonely.
Then after Annie totally won the game out of nowhere, she sat next to Gabby on her bed. She looked at her with worried eyes, then she poked Gabby’s cheek with her index finger. “Ow, what was that for?”
“Oh snippy today aren’t we?” She relaxed more into the bed. Gabby sighed to herself, while rubbing her temples. “What’s wrong?”
“My life, that’s what’s wrong,” she choked out. Annie put her hand on Gabby’s back gently massaging it. Every night was practically like this, Gabby would remember John, then she’d cry about it, and then Annie would have to comfort her. “I miss him so much.”
Tears were pouring out of Gabby’s eyes, and her head was propped against Annie’s shoulder. It was staining her shirt, but she was used to it by then. Annie petted her hair to calm her down. “It’s okay, things will get better. He loves you very much.”
“And I love him too,” she wailed. Those words made the tears fly out even more, shooting onto Annie’s face. Before John left he talked with Annie about his plain on leaving Gabby. It was wrong for her to keep it a secret, but if she told Gabby then things would get very messy. She promised John, and she doesn’t make promises unless she knows she can keep it. It was for Gabby’s own good, and both of them knew that, but Gabby probably didn’t.
“Of course you do,” Annie said. Then right before Gabby can fling more words of her depression the phone started to ring. “I’ll get it,” she quickly jumped off the bed, and picked up the phone. “Welcome to the house of tears, Annie the manager to the delirious speaking,” Annie said while looking over towards Gabby who was hysterically crying on the bed.
“Wow Annie nice intro,” a familiar voice chuckled into the phone. It took her a while to realize who was exactly talking into the phone.
“Garret! OMG Garret!” Annie screamed in the phone, but she kept it down so Gabby didn’t hear her. “What are you doing?”
“Calling you I think,” he pointed out the obvious. Annie chuckled a little bit, and kept a little smile on. “I was calling because we’re going back home for a concert tomorrow.”
“Are you serious? That’s so awesome!” I started to jump up a little.
“I know, and I want you to bring Gabby too, and bring a picture of the baby,” he said like one of those people ordering something from a restaurant.
“Just do it please, we’re going to give Gabby and John a little surprise. So bring her to the show tomorrow, it’s at the little café they used to hang out at. If you’re really Gabby’s friend you will bring her there,” Garret seriously said. Annie sighed to herself, wondering what actually might happen.
“Ok, I will,” she answered.
“Oh, and I have a little surprise for you too,” he mysteriously commented. She was scared; Garret’s surprises were well very surprising.
“Just don’t jump out of random bathrooms, like last year,” she shivered just of the remembrance of that day.
“I make no promises,” he said seriously.
“So what’s my surprise,” a little hint of excitement touched her voice.
“Uh, I got to go,” he said quickly, and hung up the phone. Annie hung up the phone too, and looked over towards Gabby. She was passed out on top of Annie’s bed, and she sighed to herself, looks like they were switching rooms for this night.

Garret hung up the phone, and looked over towards John who was staring at a picture of Gabby. The picture was when they first met at the park, and they were happy as happy can be. Then John threw the picture at the wall, which made the frame shatter into pieces. Garret glided over towards John, and gave him a little hug.
The rest of the band was asleep in the hotel they crashed at in Arizona, and Garret and John shared a room. It had two queen sized beds, a plasma screen T.V., and an amazing bathroom.
“I’m guessing you’re not okay,” he asked nodding his head yes. John looked at him with beady eyes that made all the heat from Garrets body disappear. It was kind of creepy, and scared him a lot.
“No shit Sherlock,” he sourly snapped at him. John stood up from the bed, and walked over towards the mini fridge. He opened it, and took out a chocolate bar, and then shoved it inside of his mouth. There was a ring of chocolate around his mouth, and it was kind of funny looking.
“You have a little,” Garret made a circle around his mouth. John then wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “We should sleep for the concert tomorrow,” Garret walked over to his own bed.
“Ok,” John just fell down on top of his bed. The chocolate didn’t even give him an energy boost, and that was even more strange.

It was concert day, it was also morning, and Gabby and John were sleeping in as usual. Annie and Garret were in different rooms talking to each other, wait no scheming together. They were talking since 10 in the morning, and it was currently 10:05. Yeah, they didn’t talk that long so far.
“So you got to the picture?” Garret asked for about the 7th time.
“Yes the baby’s even asleep, which means extra cuteness!” She squealed a little bit.
“Even better,” he said evilly.
“Oh you sound evil that’s kind of a turn on,” she laughed quietly.
“Then how about we get a room later,” he like one of those players.
“I don’t think that’s legal since I’m 15,” she said sadly.
“Seriously, but you’re so hot,” he made a little perverted little smile. Annie rolled her eyes at him, even though he couldn’t see her.
“Okay perv Gabby’s waking up, so bye. I’ll see you tonight,” she said and hung up the phone. She rolled her eyes one more time at the phone, and then walked over towards Gabby.
She was plopped on the bed, with her hair messed up, and all the sheets covered her head. Gabby started moaning from the morning coming earlier then she expected. Last night she couldn’t stop thinking of John, and kept tossing and turning when she thought she’d actually get some sleep. Same with John though, it was like they shared thoughts. Their emotions were all bottled up, waiting to be let go when they see each other again.
“Good morning sleepy head,” Annie pulled the covers off Gabby’s head. Her eyes turned towards Annie, and glared at her. She wanted to sleep in; too bad Annie wouldn’t let her.
“Let me sleep in,” she turned her body away from her friend. Annie placed her hands on her hips, and turned Gabby back towards her. Gabby let out a little growl, and then dug her head into the pillow.
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” she pulled her pillow out from under Gabby’s head. Then she threw some clothes on top of her body, so she would get dressed. “We’re going somewhere today.”
“Dare I ask where?” Gabby sat up from the bed, massaging her head.
“It’s a surprise, now get dressed,” she said, and then left the room. Gabby just stared at the clothes, and sighed to herself. After she put her clothes on, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a yellow v-neck with white strips, some ripped jeans, and a white sparkly thin scarf. It was John’s favorite outfit on her; it was because she looked beautiful.
When she walked downstairs there was chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and nice sweet syrup. Gabby quickly ran downstairs, and took a seat next to most of the food. “Give Gabby plate, so she can eat food,” she banged her hand against the table. Annie turned around from the sink, and picked up one of the clean plates that was placed on top of the counter.
“Say the magical words,” she sang in a light tone.
“Please give Gabby a plate,” she sighed. Then Annie picked up the plate, and put it in front of Gabby. Then she picked up the fork, and started to jab the food right in front of her. She placed it on top of her plate, and then devoured the food on the plate, like one of those cartoons.
“I see you’re enjoying breakfast,” Annie sat down in front of the table.
“Yeah I am, what do you want?” She put the fork down, and looked at Annie with suspicious eyes.
“What, I just can’t make an awesome breakfast for my best friend,” she made one of those corny innocent smiles.
“No, especially since it’s actually edible, I think,” Gabby looked down at the food, and then back at Annie.
“Just because I gave you something that was less then edible doesn’t mean I’m a totally horrible cook,” she scoffed and crossed her arms. Then Gabby pushed the plate away from her.
“A little? It made me throw up for weeks!” She practically screamed. Annie’s eyes grew a little wide from fear. You never know when she might totally crack, and just start throwing random things at you. “You know what’s funny? John tried cooking me dinner, but he almost burned the kitchen down. The firefighters came, and asked for his autograph after John stopped freaking out about the fire.”
“Yeah, hilarious,” Annie commented sarcastically. Gabby’s head slammed against the table, and she started to cry. “Poor table,” Annie started backing away from Gabby.
Just the thought of another funny, loving, memorable memory of John would bring tears to her eyes. The tingly feeling she’d get in her stomach, would fill her body up with misery. Tears were sliding down her cheeks, and when she looked up Annie was gone.

It was night time, and it was time for the secret surprise for Gabby and John to meet up. Annie and Gabby walked into the café, and there were a bunch of girls giggling and squealing. They picked up an open table that was in front, and nowhere in sight was a single hint of The Maine playing at all. That must have been one of Garret’s ideas. “I’m going to get some hot chocolate, and maybe a muffin. You want something?”
“No I’m good,” Gabby answered. Annie got up from the table, and walked right into the crowds of giddy girls. She plunged her way through the colors of pink, and other random colors. There were also the smell of perfume that almost clogged up her nose to almost not smelling anything. Then after a bunch of faces of random girl’s she found herself backstage.
She looked around a bit, but then she suddenly bumped into someone, knocking her down to the ground. “I’m so sorry,” a voice apologized to her. Her eyes were closed from the pain, but then when she opened her eyes her mouth hung open. He looked at her, and stood up. “I’m very sorry,” he stuck his hand out.
“It’s okay,” she said in a squeaky voice. She took his hand, and he pulled her up onto her feet.
“I’m Kevin,” he introduced. She knew his name, a lot of girls knew his name too, though not all of them.
“I’m Annie,” she finally got out the words. It was weird for her to get star struck since she knew The Maine. He was from the band Stereo Skyline, and she absolutely loved that band. “I thought The Maine were just playing,” she swallowed the words.
“No, Kennedy and Garret invited us to come along with us,” he explained. Annie started to giggle a little, and looked down at the ground. Her cheeks started to get brushed in red, and Kevin smiled a little himself.
“Hey Annie!” Garret called from behind Kevin. Then when he finally caught up with them he stood next to Kevin. “I see you met my friend Kevin,” he patted Kevin’s back.
“I did,” Annie looked over towards Kevin, and smiled bigger. Kevin smiled back, and then there was a small silence from all the smiling going on. Then Annie remembered why she was here. “I got the picture,” she pulled out from her pocket, and handed it over to Garret. He took it, and smiled at it.
“Okay, we’re starting soon. You better get back to your seat,” Garret said. She nodded, took one last look at Kevin, and then headed back to the table. Gabby looked a little confused when Annie came back empty handed.
“Where’s your food?” She asked.
“Ran out,” she shrugged, and sat back down. Then the lights dimmed, and Stereo Skyline appeared on the stage. There was a bunch of screaming girls as the band came on. Brian started waving with his guitar in his hands, Rob was holding his drum sticks, and Kevin walked in front of the microphone.
“So I just met this girl a few minutes ago, and I just wanted to say hi Annie,” Kevin waved towards her. Annie started smiling, and giggling out of control, and then she waved back. “So let’s get this party started!”

After they played a few songs, they got off, and then The Maine finally entered the stage. Gabby’s eyes bulged out of her head, and she just couldn’t stop staring at John. John walked in front of the microphone, and the rest of the band stood in their usual position. Then Garret walked in front of the stage right next to John, and he was kind of confused at the moment. “Hello hot girls I have an announcement for all of you. Our little friend John here has a little baby,” Garret started smiling.
“What are you doing?” John whispered to Garret, but he just kept on blabbing his mouth.
“He has a beautiful little baby girl,” Garret looked over towards John, who’s color was all gone.
“It’s a girl!?!” He said into the microphone. His words bounced throughout the room, so every girl can hear it.
“Yes, your baby’s a girl. I even have a picture of it, Ronny the projector if you may?” Garret cued the café owner. The screen was pulled down, and the picture of his baby was on the screen. A bunch of the girls awed at the sight of the cute little baby, but John was furious.
The anger was burning through his flesh, every minute he tried thinking of a reason not to rip Garret’s face off. He didn’t know that Gabby was here, and it never crossed his mind. His face turned bright red, and his face was clenched together by his sides. Then before anyone saw it coming, John punched Garret right in the face, and he fell to the ground. Garret’s nose was bleeding, and most of the girls rushed out of the café.
Gabby didn’t back away, she ran onto the stage, and held onto John’s arm so he doesn’t get more violent. “John, stop it now!” She ordered, but he didn’t even listen to her. He pushed his arm back, and she fell onto the ground, her back was with searing pain. She let out a little scream, and a tear fell from her cheek in pain.
John looked back at Gabby, and his eyes turned from anger to depression when he noticed that it was his lover he pushed down. Gabby looked at him with fear, and backed away when he walked to help her up. “Gabby, I’m sorry,” he started to apologize.
“Just leave me alone,” she ran out of the door. Annie sighed to herself, and started to rub her temples with frustration. John appeared in front of her, and she was scared.
“Why didn’t you tell me that she was coming?” John ordered. She looked up at him, and he had no emotions on whatsoever.
“It was supposed to be a surprise, Garret was even in on it,” she confessed.
“I think I should go after her,” he said, and before she can object he was out of there. He ran through the cool night air, with the moon and stars staring down at him. He knew where’d she be, and he was heading there first, because he was getting tired soon.
He arrived at a little house, it was cute, and he knew that Gabby was going to be there. No one ever lived there, but it was still kept clean since most people visit here sometimes. He walked in, and he suddenly saw Gabby sitting on the ground with the knees against her chest.
“Gabby?” He said quietly. She looked up, and he knew that she was crying for a while.
“What do you want?” She snapped. John sat down next to her, and she didn’t move at all.
“I’m sorry, I was just mad. Garret pushed me over the edge, and I just lost control,” he admitted. Gabby looked at him, and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. His hand gently rubbed his cheek, and smiled over to her.
“Why did you leave me?” She asked, and his stomach churned.

After explaining to her, and coming back to the café, they all sat down at one table. The café was closed, and they all were sipping some very hot chocolate with some marshmallows. Kevin and Annie were laughing and talking about some random talk. John and Gabby were making out together, they were so loud with the wet kissing, and freaked out the rest of the band. They were all together with the people they love and they were all happy, well just wait for the rest of their lives.
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Updating up to the 6th chapter will be in this day :3 from a very special request xD