Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

Nighty Night Drunken Guy

“If you don’t get off of me I’ll kick you so hard you won’t be able to have any babies,” Annie growled at Kevin. He got off at her, and then pouted while he crossed his arms.
“You never let me have any fun,” he whined like a little kid. Annie patted his head, and the hugged him tight. He started hugging back, and then he gently started to rub her back.
“Don’t even try unhooking my bra,” her nails dug deep into his back. He left out a little shriek, and then Brian and Garret ran out. Their hair were hair straight, and then the other half pretty puffy. They looked pretty ridiculous, and the expression on their faces completed everything.
“Whoa, you boys are doing each other’s hair? What’s next you two going to paint your nails, and give makeovers?” Kevin chuckled. Brian and Garret both glared at him, and then they flipped their hair.
“You’re just going to be jealous when we look beautiful and you don’t,” Garret stuck his tongue out. Kevin rolled his eyes, and Annie just tried keeping her laughter back.
“Anyway, where’s the real two love birds,” Brian asked ringing his hair. The water droplets fell onto the ground. There was a little puddle of Brian’s water hair just sitting there, staring at all of them.
“They’re getting out getting their groove on,” Kevin smiled while he wiggled his eye brows. Annie rolled her eyes at him, and then slapped him in the arm from being a little too pervy as usual. “First you won’t let me get some action, and now you won’t let me talk about it! What’s wrong with you woman.”
“There’s something wrong with someone, but it’s not me,” she sang with a bright smile slammed across her face. Kevin got up from the couch, and then walked off dramatically. Then Annie slouched back onto the couch staring at the blank T.V., with Brian and Garret staring at her. Her eyes traveled back at them, and she felt an eerie feeling slide down her spine. “What?”
“You know you can be such a bitch sometimes,” Garret slammed his hands on his hip. Brian walked away back into his room to finish with his hair, and Garret sat next to Annie.
“We all are sometimes,” she crossed her arms, and clicked the remote button on. The T.V. show called MADE was on, it was from MTV, and this episode was someone trying to be someone’s dream date. She was apparently an anime freak, never had a boyfriend, never held a guys hand, never kissed anyone, and apparently she wanted to change it.
“Do you like Kevin?” Garret turned his body over towards her. She raised her eyebrow at him, and was confused at that moment.
“Yeah, if I didn’t then he’d be dead already,” she said slowly, probably questioning Garret’s intelligence. Then before Garret can actually explain what he really meant Gabby and John came through the door.
“Lucy we’re home!” John called out. Annie and Garret turned around and their mouths dropped open looking at John and Gabby. Gabby and John’s arms were wrapped around their shoulders, and in their hands were beer bottles. They were totally wasted, and were kind of scary now.
“You’re pretty when you’re blurry,” Gabby poked John’s nose. He giggled and then they all stumbled upstairs, and then there was a door shut. Garret and Annie looked at each other with worried faces, and then raced upstairs. Garret kept kicking the door, and still no answer.
“Coming!” John sang in a very high pitched voice. He opened the door, and they found him having foam all over his chin. He kind of looked like Santa, except he was more fit, and didn’t have a red hat.
“You’re like Santa the Pimp,” Garret laughed. Annie turned around, and started walking down the hall. She knocked on Brian’s door, and started shouting at the actually door.
“Brian get out here! John’s gone crazy!” She screamed. He opened the door, and he had some sort of pony tail hairstyle on top of his head. Annie backed away, and then bumped into Garret. “Oh no! It’s the attack of the horrible looking musicians,” she screamed. She started running downstairs, and bumped into Kevin, and fell down on her butt. “Ow,” she started rubbing her head.
“Oh did the little bitchy girl get hurt?” Kevin sourly scowled. Annie stood up right by her feet, and then slapped him right in the face.

Gabby passed out onto the bed, and Garret was trying to get John to sleep so that he didn’t have to take care of some drunk roaming around the house. John started skipping around the room singing a combination of You Left Me and I Must Be Dreaming. It went pretty much like You Must Be Dreaming Left Me. Yeah, didn’t make any sense, but the sound was worse. It was kind of like a cat scratching glass. “Get in bed or I’m going to kick your ass,” Garret pushed him closer to the bed.
“Garret! My girlfriend’s in the room,” he giggled like an idiot. Garret gave him a sourly look, and just rubbed his temples. “If you wanted a piece of me then all you had to do was walk me to another room.”
“I’d rather take a piece of Brian then you, at least he has awesome hair,” he threw a blanket over John. “Nighty night drunky guy.”
“Nighty,” he giggled, and then just like that he passed out.

Everyone was in their rooms in their little house in Long Island. Not all of them were asleep though. Gabby’s baby was asleep by herself; she was peaceful in her sleep and not one little cry. Annie was staring up at her ceiling, thinking about if Kevin could be more than a friend. Brian was staring in his mirror, he was staring at his face, and his hair. Rob was snoring the night away, with Kevin in the other bed also staring up at his ceiling. Garret was sitting on top of his bed, he was surfing the web, and looking at random videos. The rest of The Maine didn’t even live here, they lived across the street.
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Two updates in one day? O: you guys should love me >>