Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

He Stole My Underwear!

“Gabby wake up or I’ll throw termites on your little head!” Someone screamed at her. Her eyes shot open, and looked at everyone staring down at her. Then she saw Kevin holding a jar of little termites swarming around. She started to scream, and everyone just started laughing.
“Get them away for me!” She jumped up, and ran into the kitchen. “They’re icky!” She screamed while she was running away. Her mind completely drifted from her two little guests towards some sort of icky type of bug. Annie on the other hand has been talking to them while Gabby was passed out on the ground.
“So I guess you girls are living the dream?” Jeff asked. He was the one that did that happy face thing. Annie smirked a little to herself, and nodded her head yes over towards him.
“It’s nice I guess,” she shrugged. The rest of the guys went to chase after Gabby, and their other little friend was busy in the bathroom fixing his hair. Jeff and Annie sat on the steps of the stairs, and waited for everyone to get Gabby to calm down.
“You know I missed you right?” He said blushing a little. Annie smiled a little, and then silence was present.

Gabby was sitting on top of the drier rocking back and forth of the drier saying ‘so many bugs’ over and over again. John patted her back, and sang a few words from Everything I Ask For. Garret sat on the ground playing patty cake with Brian, and Kevin and Rob were doing laundry. It was pretty much chaotic, with a side of chores to it too.
“Patty cake, patty cake, bakers man, bake me a cake as fast as you can,” Brian and Garret started to sing. Kevin was giving Rob the clothes, and he started to fold them into the basket. Then Kevin and Rob came across some undergarments from Gabby. It was a white looking bra with some fancy drawing all over it, and they started chuckling.
Gabby turned her head over towards them, and tackled Kevin towards the ground. “Give me the bra or burn in the fiery pits of hell!” She screamed at him. He looked terrified at him, and handed over the bra. “Thank you,” she sweetly smiled, and got off of him.
“I see you’re all better now,” AJ walked into the laundry room. Gabby then smiled wider, and gave him a huge bear hug.
“I missed you,” she squealed. AJ looked a little strange at his little friend that seemed somewhat different from last time they talked. He certainly did grow taller, he used to be shorter then her, but now he was at least 2 inches taller. “Yes! Now I’m the taller one.”
“Yeah, by not much,” Gabby smirked. “Speaking of tall people, where are Jeff and Annie?”
“I don’t know,” AJ shrugged. Kevin’s ears went off from a little from the name Jeff, and sort of rushed towards Gabby and AJ.
“Who’s Jeff?” He asked with a strange looking serious face. Gabby and AJ looked at each other for a minute, and then made a skivvies smile.
“He’s totally in love with Annie, you better get your girl before he does,” AJ thought up randomly. Kevin’s face started to grow a little red from the embarrassment since AJ called Annie ‘his girl’.
“I’ll go check on them in case he does something she doesn’t want,” Kevin pulled out from his head. He rushed from the laundry room to find Annie and Jeff cracking up on the stairs.
She looked so happy to him, and a little soft smile was spread across his face. Then Annie and Jeff spotted him, and their laughter was gone. Annie cleared her voice, and stood up on the stairs. Jeff stood up with her, and gently kissed her on the cheek. She turned cherry red, and felt extremely dizzy.
Kevin’s anger bursted through his ears, streaming down his tall sleek body. He just wanted to punch Jeff right in the face. It wasn’t his fault though, he didn’t know that Kevin was practically drooling over Annie every second. “I’m going to go upstairs,” she pointed upstairs with her voice squeaky.
Jeff walked down the stairs chuckling, while Kevin swallowed his breath. Jeff looked over at Kevin and smirked at him, then just kept on walking. Kevin raced in front of Jeff and gave him a sour look. “Don’t play games,” he growled, and walked off. Jeff didn’t have an idea what to do, but just kept on walking.
“HE STOLE MY UNDERWEAR!” John screamed as Garret was running around the house holding up John’s boxers with little ducky’s on them. Garret started laughing like a maniac, as John was practically crying back for little boxers.
“Nah I’m good,” Garret laughed. John started crying like a little boy with his hands reaching for his boxers.
“You meany pants,” he whined.
“But you love me,” Garret chuckled. Kevin just looked at the two of them, and just kept on walking. He had ideas now for Jeff, and they were defiantly no picnic.
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Yeah, I pretty much wrote half of the story xD lol