Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

Tell Me Before I Slap You

“There’s never anything wrong with just trying,” Garret said. John sighed to himself and ruffled his hair. He was very nervous, and it was really eating him up on the inside.
“How do you know? Have you ever done this?” John noted. Garret shook his head no, and John sighed. He thought that there would be something that went wrong, he always thought that.
“Just relax, and calm down,” Garret patted him on the back. John stretched out his arms, and sighed again. He walked over towards the kitchen table where Gabby was chewing down some leftover cake that they bought when Jeff and AJ were over.
AJ and Jeff were at a hotel that the rest of The Maine was, since they helped pay for their trip.
“Gabby?” John said a little scared. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes, looking all curious and innocent. Then she swallowed the last piece, and then smiled up at him.
“Yes John?” She said with a little smirk. John swallowed some of his spit, and sat down across from her.

“I love you Kevin,” Annie giggled a little to herself. Kevin blushed a bit, and just looked down at his hands. She pushed his head towards her, and gave him a little peck on the lips. He blushed even more, and pushed her face towards him even more.

“Wake up damn it!” Rob screamed. Kevin’s eyes flew open, and started crying a little from the dream.
“Stupid Rob,” he threw a pillow at him. It Rob right in the stomach and made him make a little groan.
“Stupid Kevin,” Rob rolled his eyes. He walked out of the room, and Kevin just stared at the ceiling.
“Stupid Kevin,” he kept mumbled to himself, while rubbing his eyes.

“What is it?” Gabby asked again. John didn’t say anything for a while, just stared at her. He took her hands, and just
“You love me right?” he asked.
“Duh,” she said, and laughed.
“You know I love you right?” He said.
“You’re not leaving again are you?” There was this giant knot stuck in her stomach to thinking he was leaving all over again. She couldn’t handle that at all, she never will.
“No I never will,” he gently kissed her hand. She sighed, and just smiled again.
“Then tell me before I slap you,” she said.
“Why would you slap me?” He asked.
“I don’t know, because you’re frustrating me?”
“Interesting,” He said a little strange. He shook his head for a minute, and then became serious all over again. “Gabby, I love you so much that anyone could ever figure out. That’s why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He got down onto one knee, and held out a 7 diamond carrot ring.
Gabby squealed to herself, and started jumping up and down over and over and over again like a little girl. Then a thought came to her, and remembered something that wasn’t exactly that happy. Did she really want to spend her life with him? Did she want to marry someone that probably wasn’t going to be home as much from his job? Did she want to go through the hurt of when he left her? So did she really want to marry him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay last update tonight xD
Will she say yes? O:
tune in for the new chapter!!!!
it might be a little delayed with 3 other stories and all ^^"
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