Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

Get Your Butt Down Here

“Rob! Get your butt down here!” Annie called down. Rob ran right down the stairs and looked at Annie strangely. He wore a shirt that said ‘Love or Hurt’ in big white letters that Annie got for his birthday.
“Yeah?” He said looked from Gabby to Annie. He felt a little worried since they always came up with something that involved him shirtless.
“Tell Gabby that she loves him, and that she will marry him,” Annie looked at Rob.
“Oh is that it?” he sighed with a little smile. “Gabby you love John, and you will marry him,” he said a little manly.
“I’m still not sure,” she said a little frustrated. She started to bang her head on the table over and over again. Then let her head just fall after the 5th time. Annie and Rob looked at each other and gave each other worried looks. They both sat down on the remaining chairs
“Look if it came down to me and a certain boy that will not be named,” she glanced at Rob for a second and back at Gabby, “I would marry him in a heartbeat.”
“Okay, first we all know that you have a little crush on Garret here, you don’t have to keep a secret,” Gabby looked up a little. Annie started to blush, and looked down.
“Anyway,” she tried changing the subject, “just marry John. You two are probably one of the best couples ever.”
“We aren’t, we fight and argue. Plus he has a tour next week,” Gabby started growing more sad as she said those things.
“He’ll come back. Pat promised me that he’d look after him,” Annie promised.
“Pat? You’re talking about the Pat that practically clung onto Kennedy when they rode King Da Ka at Six Flags?” Gabby started the scream.
“Yes that Pat,” Annie explained. Gabby started rubbing her temples and sighed even more. She had no hope that he would take care of her beloved boyfriend (maybe fiancé).
“I have more faith in Garret than Pat for taking care of John,” she lifted her head from the table.

John sat on the stairs, staring down, and listening at the conversation that Gabby and Annie had about him. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing; the one he loved doubted their relationship. It was horrible, and he knew that he couldn’t and wouldn’t take it if she said no. He was going to do something about it, which means he’s going to do something stupid that might ruin him.
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