Status: Happily Active

Love Me, Hurt Me

Making Out and Smoking Pot

After Annie and Gabby left the kitchen John slammed through the door (not literally). He knew where to go, and of course he was going to head over there first. He slammed the door of his car shut, and started driving over towards the bar. It took him a while, but he finally arrived at the broken down bar.
He forgot his disguise, but walked in totally visible to the crowd. There were screams, but he just ignored them. He sat down at the counter and ordered the usual drink. The bartender handed it over to him, and he just chugged it down his throat. He stared at the empty glass and called the bartender to get him a new one.

Gabby stared at her beautiful daughter as she was sleeping in her pretty little crib. She turned on her little radio that played The Maine songs in acoustic version. It sounded so soft and peaceful. It was the song Girls Do What They Want, probably for confidence in the little girl.
She walked downstairs, and realized that it was a little too quiet for the regular household. There wasn’t any screaming, any shouting, any singing, or any talking whatsoever.
She walked over towards the living room, and saw Garret and Annie making out right on the couch. Her eyes bulged, and she was totally horrified from what she was witnessing.

Garret and Annie talked before Gabby stumbled upon their little scene. Annie was cuddled up on the couch, watching some sort of T.V. show called Degrassi. Garret walked in on her, and sat down next to her.
“Hey Annie,” he smiled.
“What’s up Garret?” She questioned. Garret sighed to himself, both of them haven’t talked, like actually talk to each other normally since elementary school.
“I heard what Gabby said about me, I mean how you feel about me,” he swallowed his breath. Annie’s face flushed with red, and started to stutter an excuse for things not to get awkward. It was too late though, the silence creeped up on them.
“Oh you did?” She looked away from him. He leaned in closer to her, and kissed her cheek. She started blushing even more, and looked back at him with confused eyes. Then he practically jumped on top of her, and started pressing his lips against hers. His hands ran through her hands, and hers were wrapped around his waist. That’s when Gabby walked into their little make out scene.

John wobbled out of the back door, and noticed that there were some teenagers with some pot in their hands. It was a boy and a girl, and they both didn’t seem so excited that John came along.
The boy stood up from the ground, and walked up to him. “Go pretty boy,” he hissed. John didn’t feel threatened, then again he was drunk so he couldn’t really feel anything.
“Is that pot there? Give me some before I report you,” he slurred his words. The boy was caught off guard. He reached into his pocket and handed him the pot. The boy threw him the lighter, and he light it up
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe ^^
happy turkey day everyone!!