He Does Love Me

It's Bradley Time

In other words, sex. Kathrine’s favorite pass-time! It’s five o’clock, so he’s out of school and he doesn’t go to work on Wednesday.
Kathrine was sitting on the couch with Bubba next to her. She had Criminal Minds on TV, but she wasn’t really paying attention. She checked her phone, there was a new message from Bradley;

Hey honey!! I miss you, so much. I’m free and the guys aren’t coming over today, so want to meet me at my apartment? I’m sure you’ll say yes, so see you then. Love you will all my heart!!

“Oh Bradley, why? Why do I love you more than I can manage? Hmm?” she said aloud, and then petted Bubba on the head. “I love you way to much as well, my silly man!”
Kathrine put Bubba in his little pen, and put his food out for him. “See you Buddy, I’ll miss you,” she said in a childish voice. She gave Bubba a kiss on the head and walked out the door.
Bradley’s apartment was only a mile away, and Kathrine was being lazy so she drove. There it was, it was a beautiful building, Victorian build. It had elaborate carvings and decorated gutters. The rent was surprisingly cheap and Bradley only had to work one job to pay for rent and food. The coolest part was that he rented out the whole thing, so no one else lived in the building. Kathrine would have moved in next door, but she liked living with Jackie and didn’t know how Bradley felt about dogs. “I should find out,” she thought to herself.
When she opened the door she was greeted by a “Hey baby,” and a smile. “Hey,” she said back. He took her hand, and they went to sit on the couch. Bradley kissed her, but it wasn’t to make a move or anything, it was just a kiss. Kathrine was a little down, and he could sense that. It was one of the things she loved about him.
“What’s wrong hun?” he asked, but Kathrine was silent. “If you tell me I can make it better…”
She stared into his beautiful blue eyes; they were deep, and sincere. He cared about her, it was amazing, and so wasn’t the sex, if they broke up, she’d get over it.
“It’s everything, I guess,” she finally said.
“Oh, I don’t know… I don’t know anything anymore. What’s up, and what’s down? What’s right and what’s wrong? I just don’t know!!!” she cried.
“Its fine, everything is fine, relax… Please…” Bradley coaxed as he stroked her face so delicately, so softly. Was he an angel? Sometimes Kathrine believed so.
Within a few minutes Kathrine had calmed down. She kissed him passionately, and it felt good. It was a reminder that she was with HIM that he loved her as much she loved him, that it was a mutual relationship, and that they world would keep turning, for once, while she was happy. It reminded her of the point of living…
“I love you,” she said, she did love him, so much. “Can he comprehend how much?” she wondered to herself.
“And, I love you more,” Bradley said with a smile, showing his beautiful white teeth, and all their perfection.
“You know, this afternoon didn’t turn out quite the way I planned it.”
“Yah, that’s for sure, but if you don’t mind…” he said as he slowly slid his hand up to her waist.
“Oh, Bradley, you’re such a guy!”
“I know, but I’m a HOT guy and you love me...”
“Yep, unfortunately…” Kathrine said as she started un-buttoning his shirt. “You know you look so hot in this shirt, but you look even better out of it!”
“As do you,” he said while making her put up her arms so he could slide her shirt off. The pants were next to go.
Kathrine went over and lay down on the bed, and Bradley came over and crawled on top of her.
“Not to ruin anything, but are you sure that you want to do this? If you’re not up to it, that’s okay. I’m an understanding guy, it’s what you love about me right?” he said. Then he kissed from the bottom of her stomach all the way up to her lips, and let her speak.
“I have no objections,” she said with a smirk. They kissed again and Bradley put his hands on her chest, and the night ended beautifully.
They had done this a million times before, but this time was different. They were so close, physically and mentally. There was a real connection.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bradley Cooper, he plays BRADLEY in the story... YUMMY!!!