He Does Love Me

Waking Up

“Hey,” Bradley said and kissed her cheek.
“Hey to you too,” Kathrine said, and kissed him back.
“Last night…” he began.
“…wonderful…” she finished for him. “I love you, I don’t know if you can understand how much, but I love you.”
“I can try at least. As long as you’re happy, I could care less if you didn’t love me. I love you enough to just want you to be happy, no matter what that means. Of course I wouldn’t want you to cheat on me… Not that you would…”
I sat up, but kept the covers around me. “Don’t ever think for one second that I’d ever want to love anyone but you. Not only do you have the best personality, but you know how to rock a girl’s world, if you know what I mean,” she said, and he smirked.
“So you tell me. I wouldn’t say I could rock a girl’s world, just yours, after all I’ve only slept with you,” he said solemnly.
“Well do you really need more than one satisfied girl’s approval? I mean you have me and all my hot, sexiness right here, why should you care?” I said pointing to myself.
“True, true,” he said and laughed. “Yah know what’s also true? That I love you more than you can comprehend as well.”
“If that’s what you say…”
“What, you don’t believe me?”
“Prove it.”
“Well, we have school and work today. Speaking of which, school’s in an hour.”
“Let’s play hooky!!!”
“Why the Hell not? Spend a whole day with you? Sign me up!”
“I guess, it’s not like anyone will care if we’re not there.”
I lay back down on his beautiful, naked chest. He was so warn, he had kept the heat from last night. I wish I had, I was so cold. I snuggled in closer.
“I don’t think I could handle leaving you right now, I’d miss you the second that I got out of bed.”
“I’m not sure I’d let you leave the room, after all your naked, and I’m a guy,” he chuckled.
“Well, I wouldn’t even want to leave. I’d love to see your tortured expression when I stand by the door naked but won’t come near you. You could look, but not touch, wouldn’t that suck for you?”
“You know my kryptonite. However, I know yours, I’d take the covers off me, and you’d realize that you really want me, and give in. So, ha.”
“Yah, probably. I’m weak, it’s sad.”
“Now I know that if I want it bad, all I have to do is stand naked in front of you. Cool!”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“You know we should probably get out of bed soon.”
“Yah, but it’s so warm…mmmm.”
“Oh, fine. Let’s just snuggle,” Bradley said and turned to hug her.
“Really Bradley?”
“Hey, naked guy next to a naked girl, what’d you expect?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd love to see him naked. This is close as I'll ever get to that...