Gay Guitarist

Meet Aiden

Aiden's P.O.V

Class seems totally unnecessary now. School is for guys who don't have a contract, and are in the process of being signed to a label. School is for guys who aren't going to be famous. School is for guys who don't have Mekayla Peter's hanging off one arm, Rachel McAdam on the other. Oh no, school is not for guys like me.

But seeing as it is against the law for me not to be here, I guess I'll be staying here a few more months.

The bell rang, signaling that school was out. I casually got out of the cramped little desk, and went to meet Mekayla or Rachel, whoever was waiting outside my locker. As I walked, the eyes of my classmates followed. Girls watched me wistfully or angrily, depending on how anti-popular they were, or if I dated them already. Guys watched, envious or friendly; wishing they were me, or wishing they were friends with me.

I sound like a real ass hole, don't I? Egotistical and self-centered. It's because I don't know anything other then the stares. I was born into money, and was lucky enough to be good looking, too. I had everything all these people wanted, the looks, the money, the band. Everything.

And now Reach was being signed to Real Works Records, a label famous for signing successful bands. I had known nothing but jealousy in my life, and probably never would know anything else.

I found myself standing outside the school with the lovely blond whore Mekayla, enjoying a smoke and a kiss or ten.

"Hey Aiden," she chirped, taking a drag from my cigarette, "did you see the new kid?"

"No," I responded, taking my own drag, "A new kid? It's April."

"I know, right? But anyways, this boy is seriously hot. Not as hot as you, but still. Hot." She fanned herself with her hand at the last word.

"Somebody want to fuck him already? He must be really hot." I rolled by my eyes, showing her I didn't give a damn about the new kid.

Mekayla got the message, and attached her lips to mine again. However good looking this kid was, she wasn't willing to trade me in for him.

I mean, who would?
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