Gay Guitarist

Muzic Monthly

The Magazine For Right Brained People

Welcome to another issue of Muzic Monthly, the official magazine for the hottest music.

3. Letter to the Editor
7. Take Me Over's New Album
11. January Ice Break Up!
20. Cover Band - Reach
26. Muzic Awards of the Month
32. Dear Sammy...

Page 20

Ever hear of Reach?

Well, you will soon if you haven't, as they release their debut album, Polyester Pin-Ups on April 17. The band, consisting of three 17 year olds and one 18, are already famous in their hometown of Trenton, New Jersey. Who's in this astounding band? Muzic Monthly's gone to find out.

Oliver Freeman, vocals. Oliver's the 17 year old singer of the band, described to be impulsive, funny, and "just a tiny bit crazy." He is the songwriter of the band, and known to be quiet at times, but at others completely off the wall.

Aiden Tyler, guitarist. Aiden, also 17 years old, is the guitarist of the band. We've been told by family, friends, and basically everyone in the town that Aiden is a player, notorious for making girls fall head over heels in love with him. He's the brooding one of the band, serious a lot of the time, but supporting. "He's the one you go to when your in trouble." Reach's bassist said.

Abigail Stewart, bassist. Abigail is the band's only 18 year old. She is the happy-go-lucky mature one of the band, reportedly the only one that can step up and be an adult. She is studious and smart, and often the one stuck solving everyone's problems.

Theo Freeman, drummer. Theo is Oliver's non-identical twin, and the two couldn't be more different. Often seen arguing with his brother, Theo is the most unreasonable member of the band. But he is the most loved, with his childish ways, and his simple-minded jokes. Theo may seem like the brainless member of the group, but is often described as the one who can see past all the formalities, and tell you like it really is.

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Well, there you have it, everybody. Reach. They begin touring sometime this summer, and remember, look for their CD, Polyester Pin-ups!
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I've decided I'm not going to have more chapters then I have comments.
So far, so good.
*thumbs up*
You guys rock. (:
So, keep commenting, and maybe you'll get an actual chapter. ;D