Gay Guitarist

Second Chance


"Hey, it's Oliver. I probably lost my cell right now, so just leave a goddamn message."

I sighed deeply. That had been the third or fourth time I called Oliver in the past half hour. It was nearly 6 o'clock, and we had to get to the stage to set up, and sound check. I think. Aiden usually organized the stuff. Aiden knew what to do. And Aiden, like my brother, was nowhere to be seen. I had called Oliver's cell phone, then Aiden's, then Abigails, then Oliver's, then Abigail's twice, then Aiden's twice, then Oliver three more times. And still no answer from anyone in the band.

I was freaking out, just a little bit.

I flopped myself onto the couch, and grabbed the drum sticks. I played on my legs, a habit I did when I was nervous. And I was shitting bricks. I kept glancing at my phone beside me, hoping someone would call. Unlikely... I thought, feeling quite un-loved and out of the loop. No one told me anything. I also felt a little angry; they could've at least called. Texted. Sent a fax, or whatever those things are. I mean, they're going to feel really stupid when we miss our chance because they're all too retarded to stay in touch with the poor drummer. Not that Aiden wouldn't get us another show in two weeks flat, but still. This is our first chance. Nobody really believes those 'Second times the charm' things, anyways.

Just then, my phone vibrated, but only once. My hand flew to it automatically, throwing the drum sticks wildly in the air. And of course they both hit me in the face. I rubbed my cheek, as I opened my phone to the text message the vibration told me I had. And it better be a pretty damn enlightening text.

F: Abii
Sub: ____
Body: Aiden n me r @ mall w8ing 4 taxi. Oliver n
Parker alredy there. Go w8 4 us.

Oh, it was an enlightening text. Well, that works for me. I smiled to myself as I responded with a 'Kay.' I wondered briefly about who Parker is, but I shrugged it off, seeing as I didn't really care all too much. I picked up the drumsticks from their landing places across the room, and pulled on my jacket. I hovered briefly over Oliver's, but decided he was the one who was stupid enough not to come home and get it.

I smirked, and pulled our old, piece of crap excuse for a car, and turned the ignition with some difficulty. It was rusting inside the engine and outside the car, but mom didn't have the money on her single mother budget to pay for Oliver's treatment, and a nice new car. Especially since dad stopped paying for Child Support. In his words, we aren't kids no more, and should learn to cover our own asses.

I wouldn't really mind the crappy car (material goods are great, and all, but my one joy in life is music) if Aiden didn't come over, flaunting his beautiful bike, complete with matching helmet. If only when we went to his house, he didn't show us his latest Porsche and ATV's. Not that I'm complaining. I got to ride in his stuff. But still. Don't have to rub it in so much.

I like custard. I wish I had some custard right about now. But, custard is funny looking. And it doesn't look good. It looks gross. I'm actually pretty glad that I don't have any custard. At the moment, though. I would like some custard later. It would be pretty weird if I ate custard right now. I mean, I am driving. Imagine if I spilt that shit. I would be disgusted enough to forever take the bus to wherever I'm going. But I guess since we're going to be famous, I wont have this car anymore. We'll get a nice Porsche, and the next sons of bitches to get this car wont care, because they'll be so happy that they get the singer and drummer of Reach's first car. They wont care if there's some nasty custard stain. They'll just be happy. Or so I'd like to imagine.

Oh, look at that. I'm here. TRENTON AUDITORIUM. Trenton has an auditorium? I was not aware of this. Cars were lined up outside the place, and hundreds of people were just hanging out outside. Waiting to get in.

Waiting to listen to us all play.

Oh shit. It's a good thing I didn't have any custard, because if I did, it wouldn't be in my tummy right now.
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I love Theo. (:
His pov's might be hella confusing, but they're so much fun to write.
He's just so simple-minded. :D
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