Gay Guitarist

Trick of the Light


Honestly, I was scared.

I was scared as I waited with Abi, joking around and flirting lightly. I didn't mean to flirt; it just came naturally while I talked to a girl. But even while I smiled, inside, my stomach was clenched up, butterflies swirling. As we rode the taxi in silence, I could sense Abigail's fear. As I hooked up my guitar, now, I could practically cut the tension with a knife. Theo stood in front of a drum set, one stick on one drum, and one on another. Abi was playing softly on her bass, even thought it wasn't hooked up yet. Oliver stood in the front of the stage, directly behind the microphone. He just, stood there, staring into the area where soon, hundreds of people will be there to hear the first song on out tour.

The contract was signed, and stamped. We would be releasing our CD some time next week.

But only if this crowd liked us.

Yes, our tour was all set up, but only just. It was on the tip of a knife, and it could fall either way.

This, was our first, and only shot for fame.

"Wow, this's totally exciting!" Parker said. We all looked at him, with varying degree's of annoyance, or slight humor in Oliver's case. When I looked at them looking at each other, I flinched, and Abigail giggled a little bit.

"Soo..." Theo said, tapping the drums lightly. "Who would you be, anyways?" Parker laughs lightly, and so do the rest of us.

"Theo," Oliver said, walking over to wrap an arm around Parker. "This, is Parker. My boyfriend."

Theo looked at his brother and Parker for a moment, in thought. "You think I would have noticed you going all gay all the time." Theo thought for a moment more. "Huh."

Parker was smiling. "Say thanks to Aiden, for bringing Oliver to the party, and pulling him out of the closet." Theo gave me a weird look, and Abigail was still laughing.

Oliver looked concerned though, as if he just remembered something.

"Aiden," he said, walking over to me. "Can I talk to you?"

"Why?" I said, feeling slightly resentful for reasons unknown.

" 'Cause," Oliver said, pulling me to the side of the stage. I went along willingly, but mostly because I thought resisting would look suspicious.

"We need to talk." Oliver said, looking at me, right into my eyes.

"There's nothing to talk about..." I mumbled, looking at everything but him and his uncomfortable stare.

"Bullshit." he said, shaking his head. "I saw you. Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't crying." I said, looking for a reasonable excuse. "Must of been a trick of the light."

"Bullshit, man! I know when your crying or not."

"I guess you don't." I said, starting to feel more annoyed.

"Alright, you weren't crying." Oliver rolled his eyes. "But that must've freaked you out."

"No it didn't."

"Your best friend having gay sex with a complete stranger didn't freak you out?"

"Nope." I lied. It did, but I didn't know in what ways it did, so I sure as hell wasn't telling Oliver.

"Then you're a pervert." Oliver didn't speak for a moment, and neither did I.

"Aiden," he began again. "I don't know why you were so upset, and I don't know why you're acting like this now. But I'm so scared you hate me."

This surprised me. "I don't hate you." I said bluntly, for the first time returning his gaze.

"You don't?" His lips trembled slightly, and his eyes looked a little shiny. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I don't hate you." I said with authority, looking him straight in his watery eyes. He smiled again, and wiped the tears threatening to break though away with the back of his hand. I smiled back, and took my hand off his shoulder. We both walked back to the main group, who was chatting animatedly to each other. Parker seemed to be creating a more calm atmosphere, constantly joking around, and giving out encouragements and compliments easily.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye, not joining in the chatter. You would think that after all that had happened since just yesterday, the inexplicable pull I felt towards Parker would have been gone. Certainly not the same.

Well, it was different.

It was stronger.
♠ ♠ ♠
D'aww. o:
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