Gay Guitarist



The auditorium filled up quickly. One moment, it seemed it was empty, with only stage hands moving up and down the aisles and the next, well, it was packed. I could hear the excited screams and giggles of the audience, waiting for Reach to go on. I peeked from the side of the stage, and I saw that it was indeed, full to the brim with loyal fans, wearing the Reach shirts. I thought vaguely about how I needed to get one of those shirts. I mean, I am dating a Reach member.

I grinned automatically thinking of Aiden--- I mean, Oliver. I'm dating Oliver. OLIVER. But I wish it was Aiden.... I mean. Uhh. I'm dating Oliver. O-L-I-V-E-R.

"Well guys!" I said, putting my hands together, making a loud bang, "are ya ready to ROCK?!" Aiden looked at me, clearly not amused, while the rest of them smiled halfheartedly.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter," I waved my hands in the air, "BECAUSE YOU HAVE A FULL HOUSE!" Theo looked at me like I'm retarded, and Abigail half ran out of the room, muttering, "panic attack, panic attack, panic attack." Aiden looked at the guitar in his hands, and Oliver's eyes bulged out of his head. He started murmuring to himself, as he picked up a hand mirror, and threw it across the room at Theo.

"HEY?!" Theo said, ducking just in time to avoid getting a face-full of mirror. But when he saw the crazed look on his brother's face, he yelled, "just perfect. RIGHT before the show..." With that, he walked across the room to Oliver, and pulled him out the door. I looked at the closed door to the dressing room, confused. What had that been about.

I heard a soft cough. Startled, I spun around, and saw Aiden, not five feet away from me. I had forgotten he was in the room. And with Abigail, Oliver and Theo out of the room, it was only the two of us. We were (blessedly) alone. But almost immediately, my face turned red, and I was lost for words. He seemed just as uncomfortable as me, but no blush appeared on his face. 'Cause Aiden Tyler doesn't blush. I thought, randomly.

"Uh, don't worry about Oliver." He said, scratching the back of his head, "He'll be fine."

I nodded, unable to make any other sounds.

"Maybe you should get a spot in the crowd?" Aiden suggested, "before it gets impossible to move out there."

I nodded, again. I felt stupid for not knowing the words to say, and stupid for Aiden wanting to push me away--far away. I turned from the room, and with a sigh, went to join the crowd.


My breathing started evening out, and the panic attack faded. I took a deep breath, just in case, and started walking back to the dressing room. I expected to see everyone making last minute adjustments to their wardrobes, but I found the room devoid of everyone BUT Aiden, fiddling with his hair. I smirked a little, and said, "Need help?"

He looked at my reflection in the mirror, and smiled thankfully. "Please." He said, his hands putting down the straightener. I picked it up after him, still smiling. Our hands touched each other for a moment, and I felt a jolt of electricity. He didn't acknowledge it though, and he looked up at himself in the mirror.

"So, where's everyone?" I asked, picking at a strand of hair.

"Oliver spaced out, and Parker went to go and crowd surf, probably." He grinned at me, laughing at his lame joke.

"Ahh." I said, laughing a little. But as I giggled, I lost grip on the handle, and I felt it slip through my fingers. I fumbled after it, and the hot ceramic of the straightener touched my wrist, burning flesh. I screeched, and Aiden whirled around, as the straightener clunked on the ground. I held my wrist in my other hand, tears popping out of my eyes.

Aiden gasped, and he pulled the burnt hand out of my own grasp. He put my arm right under his face, and looked at it closely. "Awww, Abi!" He cooed, "Shh, shhh, shhh, it's 'kaay." He patted softly just under the burn, and slowly kissed it with soft lips. I breathed in sharply, and Aiden looked up at me, afraid he had hurt me. Something must have been showing in my expression, because he dropped my hand, hurriedly.

"Uhh, sorry." He said, looking away from me, picking the straightener up off the ground. Just then, Oliver and Theo walked in, Oliver looking shaken up, but fine. Theo opened his mouth to say something, but a man with a clipboard poked his head in, and said, "You're on now."

We all froze, before springing into action. I could hear the mission impossible theme song playing in my head. I could tell by the look on Theo's face that he was thinking of the exact same thing.

He filed out of the door, my arm still burning from the pain, but tingling from the touch of Aiden's lips.

* * * * * *

It was an hour later. We were playing in front of the giant crowd. Parker, like Aiden had guessed, had managed to get on top of the crowd, and was surfing. I had this huge, stupid smile on my face. They loved us. And I loved them.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Parker screamed. It was really saying something about how loud he was since we could hear him over the riffs of Aiden's guitar, and Oliver's streaming melodies. The smile on my face increased in size as I watched him having fun. I already liked Parker.

The song was booming through the speakers, and Parker's body seemed to bounce on waves, as he laughed and cheered. But suddenly, his body was gone. Gone, down below the riptide of the audience. It was a good thing the song was coming to a close, because Oliver and Aiden both stopped playing simultaneously, and the people around where Parker had been moments before, gasped in unison.

"Parker!" two voices cried from the stage. I looked and saw Aiden throwing his guitar down, and Oliver already jumping off the stage. The people parted like the red sea, and let Oliver through. I bet he was crying. As I looked behind me at Aiden's frozen form watching Oliver run, I could tell he was about to cry, too.

It was the most emotion I've ever seen on Aiden's face.

Why couldn't I have triggered that?
♠ ♠ ♠
I just saw the blindside. (:
you should all go and see it. ;D
Comments for the next chapter. ;)