Gay Guitarist



You know the feeling that you're missing something really important?

This was kind of it.

As Abigail and I stood watching Aiden and Oliver freak out over Parker, I think we both felt it. I could see how much Abigail liked Aiden, and that was pretty sad. Especially seeing as Aiden was no good for her. I don't mean to sound like I like Abigail, or anything, because I don't. I'm just an overprotective guy; no one's good enough for Abigail, Aiden or Oliver. But really, Aiden was no good for Abigail. He was the pimp. The guy who by all rights should be a jerk, but somehow, is not. And Abigail? She's the kind of girl who I could envision in the '60s, cooking some cookies for her family. You know, with the little apron. But in all reality, Aiden and Abigail would be good together, if Aiden would stop being such a man whore. And yet, Aiden was blind to Abigail's love. Or didn't care about Abigail's love.

Too bad, their children would be pretty.

I watched Abigail gazing at Aiden, who watched Oliver running after Parker. So many different types of love in this one little picture. It made my heart ache, a little, because no one was looking at me like that.

The most confusing part was Aiden's expression. It was like, someone burning. It was definitely not like, "oh, he fell. That sucks." It was more like, "Aww, shit." x100. Oliver's expression of worry, and fear was easy to place; his boyfriend just smashed his head off the ground. Parker looked unconscious. The crowd looked confused, or worried depending on where they were standing.

But this sucks. How come love wont find me, no matter if it hurts as much as Abigail's, or is as confusing as Aiden's?

I sighed, and left the stage to call an ambulance.

Because that was me. Never the center of attention, just doing what needs to be done.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, poor Theo.
Do you think the whole "I want love" is a foreshadow? ;D
'Cause if you do, you're right.
2 comments before the next chapter, please. (: