Gay Guitarist

5 Dollah


Aiden and Abigail sat cuddling in the back seat, Theo sitting awkwardly beside them. I sat in the driver's seat, and Parker sat in the passenger. He threw all of our garbage into a nearby can, and I turned the car on.

As we pulled out of the mall parking lot, I took Parker's hand in mine, softly stoking the top of it. He seemed to shiver slightly, and he turned to look at me, smiling. I smiled back, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Where we going?" Theo stuck his head in between mine and Parker's, grinning annoyingly at us both.

I shook my head softly, and turned back to the road.

Parker laughed, however, and squeezed my hand tighter as if saying, give him time. I squeezed back, reassuring him, because that's the only thing I could do.

"Let's go to the park!" Aiden said, mocking Abigail's enthusiasm for the old park down the road from her house.

"Nooo!" Abi whined, still in Aiden's arms. "Let's go swimming!"

The car was quiet for a moment, considering this.

"I'm up for swimming." Parker said, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Me too." I agreed quickly, thinking of Parker topless. Parker smirked, as if he got what I was thinking.

"Sure, I guess?" Aiden said, looking away from Abigail, and out the window. Even though they were wrapped up in each others eyes, you could tell he was only slightly interested, and not at all in the way Abigail wanted. Hers probably included getting married one day, and having babies. His, if he thought of anything, involved loveless sex.

"YEAH!" Theo yelled from the middle. We laughed, and I went in the direction of my house to get mine and Theo's bathing suit.

"One second." I assured them all, and ran into the house. I opened the door, and slammed it shut by accident.

"Oliver?" My mom's creaky voice called from the kitchen. I hesitated, before speed walking to see her.

She was exactly how I thought she would be. She was wearing her housecoat and pajama's still, and she held a cigarette in between two fingers. She looked tired; big brown bags sagging under her eyes. Her skin appeared sallow, and oily. She didn't do anything for herself. Only for me, her messed up child.

"Hi mom." I said, twitching in anticipation to get back to the car--- and to Parker--- but she thought it was something else.

Mom frowned slightly. "Have you taken the pills?" She asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Yeah. When I woke up." I replied, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh." She said, looking a little less worried. "What's the hurry?"

"Me, Parker, Theo, Abigail and Aiden are going swimming. They're waiting in the car."

"Parker?" She looked confused. "Who's Parker?"

"My boy--- my friend." I stuttered slightly, but she didn't notice.

"Oh, well. Have fun?" She ended it with a questioningly, and I smiled reassuringly.

"I will." I then ran up the stairs to grab our bathing suits hanging on the chair in our room.

Before mom could annoy me any further with questions regarding my sanity, I ran down the stairs, and out the front door.

I love my mom to death--- only she could ever help me through all of the shit in my life--- but she can really bug me.

I sat in the car, slammed the door shut, and pulled out the driveway.

"What took so long?" Theo asked, chin on my headrest.

"Mom." I said, and Abigail, Aiden and Theo nodded, understanding.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Aiden, Parker, Theo and I exited the changing room. Parker and I were giggling the whole time, but you could tell by the look on their faces that Aiden and Theo found the experience very awkward.

We jumped into the deep end of the pool. No one was really here, except for the lifeguards. I thanked god for indoor pools; the only way to swim in the month of april. We were at the Trenton Civic. Ever since they built the newer, better swimming pool across town, nobody used this one anymore. And since we were too lazy to drive across town that far, or be around the amount of people that the other pool would have, we had just used this one. The only people here was a few kids in the shallow end, and two girls our age sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Uhh, guys?" Parker said, who had not jumped in with us. "Is this a bad time to say I can't swim that good?"

"Don't worry," Aiden said, "I'm sure Oliver can help you." Theo and him immediately started going, "AWWW," and I grinned.

"If you really want me to kiss him that bad, you only have to say so." I said, splashing Aiden.

"Oh, I want you to. OH SO BAD!" Aiden screamed the last part of what he said. At the same time, Theo started yelling, "NO, NO, PLEASE GOD NOO!"

But it was too late.

I pulled myself up and out of the pool. Parker leaned into my arms, and looked up at me. He was shorter by at least 3 inches. But I didn't care. I put my face level to his, and kissed him softly on his warm lips. He wrapped his arms around my back, and I held the back of his head with both hands. I tangled them up in his hair, and I moaned loudly to annoy Theo.

Parker got that I was more bugging Theo then randomly making out with him, so he started moaning loudly too, and brought one leg up, and wrapped it around my leg. My slippery body slid against his dry on, and I felt myself becoming harder. I felt Parker becoming hard, too.

"JESUS CHRIST, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOOOOP!" Theo was screaming. But we didn't stop until we heard girls voice's starting to cheer. We broke apart and saw the two girls watching, mouths slightly open, but cat calling.

"Thanks for that show!" the blond one called. Her hair was platinum blond, and her eyes were lined darkly.

"So hot." The black haired one said. This one had a whole bunch of jewelry around her neck, and had those glasses that everyone likes now.

Parker blushed slightly, but I smiled, sweetly. "We are sexy, aren't we?"

"Woah." Aiden said, putting his hands up, "I wouldn't say that." The girls laughed, and Parker giggled nervously. I noticed that when he met people for the first time, he froze up.

"I'm Cali, by the way." The girl with black hair said. We waved, and said hello, as the other one introduced herself as Melie.

"Melie?" Aiden asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Amelia. I just hate that name." She said, grinning at him.

"I like your necklace." Theo said, pointing at Cali's dollar sign around her neck.

"It means 5 dollah." She nodded, knowingly.

"Your saying your a 5 dollah hoe?" Parker said, talking for the first time.

"No, I'm saying I'm a pimp. Melie's my hoe."

"Well!" Aiden said, swimming towards Melie. "I think we'll be GOOOOOD friends!"
♠ ♠ ♠
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& I'm currently working on the character thingy up there.
So, don't click it yet. D:<