Gay Guitarist

Meet Parker

Parker's P.O.V

The stares were getting really old. Yeah, I'm a new kid. But so what? You were all new once...

I sighed as I walked down the hallway to my new locker. 16, 15.... And some other numbers. Dammit, what was it? As I finally pulled my locker open, a boy walked by. And not just any boy. It was a boy that could've caused a riot. It was a boy who could be in any girls (or boys) fantasies. He was slightly on the short side, but not too short. He was thin, but not frail. Definitely not frail. You could see the muscles moving powerfully under his skin, showing he was not weak. His dark grey jeans were almost skinny jeans, but were a little baggy. On top of them, he wore a studded belt, and on his feet were black converse. The real kind, not the cheap knock-off. He had a black t-shirt with an abstract design spelling a band I had never heard of. He wore an expensive looking watch, and a black choker around his neck.

Part of me was looking at his couple hundred dollar wardrobe in appreciation. The other half of me was in shock of how amazingly beautiful his face was. It was perfect. Straight nose, strong jaw. Dark eyes surveyed the scene boredly, not returning any of the hopeful stares people shot him. Sunglasses probably worth more then me were pulling back his light brown hair; pieces of it sneaking untidily out. A light grazing of stubble decorated his tan face.


I felt my breath speed up just a hitch as he walked 3 feet away from me. He didn't notice, and I doubted he would care. A guy like that most definitely had a girlfriend.

Still, a guy can dream, can't he? Dream that he wasn't WAYY out of his league, dream there was a possibility of having him.

As the boy walked past and down the hallway, I leaned back and watched him walk from around my locker. Dayum. He had one nice----

I heard someone giggle beside me. A girl with blond hair and icy blue eyes was smiling at me. "Gay, or just curious?" She asked teasingly. I grinned at her. "For him? Both."

She laughed and said, "Don't blame you. Aiden Tyler is hot. I'm Anna, by the way."

"Parker," I replied, already liking this girl. "That's Aiden Tyler?"

"Yep," she said, happily. "and he is the King here. I don't know if he means to or not, but he's got everyone under his thumb. Not that anyone would mind being under HIS thumb. He's got a band that's almost famous, and two different girlfriends a month. His dad is completely rich, 'cause he wrote a book, or something. And of course he's totally gorgeous. So every thing's perfect for him." She ended her explanation sounding rather bitter. But her expression brightened.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, "you should come to my house after school. I'm having a party." Anna smiled widely, and grabbed my arm. "You have no choice. I'm bringing you."

"But, I don't even know if I'm allowed to go---" I protested weakly, half trying to get away from her grip, half wanting to go to the party.

"Oh, shut up." she said, "Aiden's gonna be thereeee."

My breath sucked in. "You're friends with him?"

"Kinda." She shrugged. "But I asked, and he said he's coming."

I mentally slapped myself for ever resisting going to Anna's party. "I'm coming." I said, immediately. She clapped her hands together, then started dragging me out of the school again.

Outside, Aiden was there. My heart fell down into the bottoms of my feet when I saw him kiss a blond girl standing beside him. Anna waved excitedly to Aiden, and he half waved, half smiled at us. Anna nearly ran towards him, dragging me with her.

"Hey Aiden. Hey Mekayla." Anna chirped. "This is Parker." Mekayla smiled what she probably was flirtaciously, and Aiden just nodded at me.

"Coming to the party, right?" Anna asked, looking more at Aiden. She seemed to be trying to block Mekayla out.

"I can't go." Mekayla said in a rather unpleasant voice. "I'm volunteering tonight." Aiden ignored his girlfriend, and said, "I'll never miss one of your parties Annie." He then turned to me. "Are you going?" His voice was low and beautiful sounding. I wondered for a brief moment if he was the singer in his band. He could pull it off. But then, I just nodded frantically.

Aiden half smiled. "I'll see you then."
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You wanted a chapter, so there it is. ;)
now you give me what I want: