Gay Guitarist

Sex Toy


These guys were cool.

And no, not just the ones who made out in the middle of a public pool. All of them. A few minutes later, they were joined by a blond girl, in a one piece bathing suit, dark green. I took one glance, and was almost convinced she was crushing on the hot guy---Aiden.

This girl was named Abigail, and she was just as cool as the guys. Besides the automatic hateful look she gave Melie as Aiden flirted with her heavily. But hey, love makes you do crazy things. When it was my turn, and Aiden started hitting on me, I turned him down flat. He seemed a little surprised, but moved back to Melie, like a dog. I winked at Abigail, and she smiled gratefully, and seemed embarrassed. Probably at having been seen for her looove so easily.

We all sat on the edge of the pool, except for Aiden and Oliver. They floated on those boards, and sang loudly. Panic at the Disco, I noted. They had great taste in music.

"Iiiiii, don't love you I'm just passing the tiiime!" Oliver sang. I noticed his voice was really good, and smooth like velvet. Or, like chocolate. I felt a brief flash of disappointment that he was gay. He was really, really hot.

"Yooooooooooou, could LOVE me, if I knew how to liiie!" Aiden sang, his voice sounding less lovely, but still, better then most.

"Buuuut whoooo, could love me? I AM OUTTA MY MIND!?"

"Throwin' a line out to seeea!"

"To see if I can catch a dreeeeam!" They finished together. The song wasn't done, but they both decided they had enough suddenly. Their thoughts were in sync; as if they knew each other for a really long time.

We all applauded loudly, Parker hooting and whistling.

"That song fits you SOO much, Arty." The boy beside me said. I looked at him; I had already forgotten his name. He had red under his black hair, and a lot of face piercings. I smiled, awkwardly, and he smiled back. "He's a little player." He explained, gesturing to Melie, and to Abigail. They weren't paying attention to what the boy said at all, I noted. He seemed like he was used to being ignored, though. His blue eyes had, 'I'm friendly!' screaming out of them.

I laughed, already understanding that Aiden was a pimp. "Uhh, I forgot your name...?" I said directly. I was never one for beating around the bush. Until the conversation turned to about me.

He nodded, and chuckled. "A lot do. I'm Theo, the least appreciated drummer in the face of the earth."

"You play drums?" I asked, surprised. Theo seemed too jumpy, and somehow less motivated to play an instrument enough to call himself a drummer.

"Oh yeah. We're in a band." He grinned, that thought making him as happy as I've ever seen a person. He pointed out his friends. "Abi play's bass, Aiden guitar, and Oliver sings. Parker's just my brother's sex toy."

"Ahh." I said, "a sex toy. We all need one."

"We do." He looked away, into the pool. I turned back to the main conversation. Aiden seemed to be mocking Melie.

" 'Ello thar!" he said, in a heavy british accent. "Cheerio!"

Melie laughed, rolling her eyes. "Right. Funny." She said, with her slight english accent.

"Hey guys?" Oliver said suddenly, looking at Abigail. "Let's go somewhere else." I looked at Abigail's face. She had a murderous look, and was glaring right at Melie and Aiden. I was surprised to see the same look, but less angry on Parker's face.

Ohh, no. You're kidding me. Both Parker and Abigail like Aiden? I mean, they said he's player, but still. Jeez.

"Sure!" Aiden and Melie chirped, and they pulled themselves out of the pool. Abigail watched, eyes narrow.

"Aiden?" She said, standing up beside them. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Uhh," Aiden said, looking at Melie out of the corner of his eye. "She broke up with me. Remember?"

"Not Rachel. She just broke up with you today. What about Mekayla?" Abigail asked sweetly.

"Mikayla's a hoe." Aiden said, giving Abigail a stony look.

"Still your girlfriend. Well," Abigail looked at Melie. "One of them."

"What the fuck is your problem Abi?" Aiden snapped, stepping up to her.

"I just don't want to see another girl get fucking hurt by you." She got into Aiden's face, and gestured at Melie, who was watching the two awkwardly.

"Who says I'd hurt her?" Aiden snarled, sticking his chin up, arrogantly.

"Ha. Why don't we ask the other 27 sluts you've dated!" Abigail practically screamed.

Aiden opened his mouth to say something, but Parker darted in between the two. Brave man. I wouldn't have gone between the pair of screaming animals. "Hey, hey now!" He said, voice slightly raised to make them listen. "Let's not fight."

Abigail glared at Parker, and turned around tightly, and stormed to the changing rooms. I dreaded going in there. I'd be sure to take my sweet time.

"I'll go see her." Oliver said. He then half ran to the girl's change rooms.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" A life guard said, not really caring.

"I'm fucking GAY!" Oliver said hotly. "Did you NOT see me and my boyfriend before?!" The life guard shrugged, and turned back to the pool. Oliver then disappeared behind the bend of the changing room.

"Let's wait for him." Parker said, still trying to cool Aiden off. But Aiden still looked really irritated.

"She's gonna fucking run." Aiden snapped. "Like she always does."

"Well, let's wait and see." Parker said, soothingly. Aiden looked at Parker for a moment, before nodding. He seemed to calm down, and walked to the wall, and slid down onto the floor. Melie looked at me, as if wondering what to do. I shrugged.

Theo, however went to sit beside him. I followed him, unable to let the only friend I made out of this group go. Melie quickly came after us, with Parker following. We all sat in a circle, Melie and Theo sitting beside Aiden, me and Parker filling in the gap. I sat beside Melie, but I kept glancing at Theo. It was a compulsion; I couldn't look away too long. Whenever Theo caught my eyes, he smiled lightly, showing his white teeth.

One particular time, we must've been smiling a long time, because Parker stopped talking. He sat in the middle of us, and he suddenly smirked. "Look, if you guys need a moment...?" He offered, cackling. Theo and I both blushed in unison, and Melie, who had drifted closer to Aiden, leaned into him while our gazes were 'averted'.

Oliver came out of the dressing room, still in a wet bathing suit. "She's in there." He jerked his head to the door. "She's gonna come with us, still. Let's get changed." He then walked mechanically to the guys changing room. Aiden, Theo and Parker got up to join him, and Melie and I wandered hesitantly towards the door which Oliver came out of.

We entered the room, and Abigail was pulling a shirt over her bathing suit. She barely glanced at me, but looked at Melie with a cold, calculating look on her face.

"Uhh." Melie said, uncomfortable. This was soo not her scene. She was the timid little one, the girl that never had a boyfriend before. I was the more dramatic one. "Look, I'm sorry." Her eyes went all big and teary; Melie hated when people were mad at her. "I didn't mean to," she choked on the tears that threatened to spill. "I mean, I don't want him." She finished lamely, looking at the floor. I could tell, because she was my best friend, that she was willing the tears to go away.

Abigail made a scoffing noise. "You don't want Aiden?" She shook her head. "Everybody wants him. Hell, even Parker and Oliver want him."

I muffled a snicker with a cough, and instead grinned looking away from her. I was delighted my guesses about Parker were right.

"I'm sorry." Melie repeated, and I knew, even though I wasn't looking at her, that she was now biting her lip.

"Don't be." Abigail said, more softly this time. "You're not the first girl who's wanted him. It's that," she paused, as if looking for words. "I just wish that he wanted us in the way we want him." Her tone was kind, but I couldn't tell if it was an insult. "I mean," she continued. "Soo many girls, no, people have wanted him in a way more then just wanting to sleep with him. Yeah, sure, he dates some of them. But not because he wants them." She clenched her hands together at the 'wants', emphasizing strongly. "Get what I'm saying?"

Melie looked at her blankly, but I nodded. "Yeah," I said, "makes sense. I pegged him as an asshole."

Abigail looked at me, not sure whether to laugh or get angry at me. She then burst into laughter, and shook her head. I grinned, glad that I had made her laugh. Even Melie giggled appreciatively.

"He is such an asshole." She then stopped laughing. "I wish my heart knew that, though."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm still recovering from that last line.
It was quite cheesy, eh?
WEEEEEEEEEEELL, I didn't get 5 comments.
But I seriously have 38 pre-written chapters, and I want to just get to the end of them, so I can actually write again. =__=
So, I post. (:
Send me your virtual looove~~.