Gay Guitarist



We ended up going to the park.

It was right beside the swimming place, so it was natural. I couldn't help hating the blond girl, even though I had nearly made her cry in the changing room. Me. Abigail, made another girl cry. It's just weird. If anyone here made girls cry it was Aid---


I snarled the name in my head, trying to make myself hate the person who owned that name. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, because I just loved him too much. It sucked, majorly.

I glared at him out of the corner of my eye, who was ignoring me, and talking to Melie. She looked very uncomfortable, and kept glancing back at me, nervously. It was easy to see that he was flirting with her uncontrollably, but Melie seemed to be too blinded by fear to notice. Poor girl.

I still hated her.

When we got to the park, I headed straight for the swings. Parker followed me, and Theo ran to the slides, Cali running after him, giggling. Aiden went to the bench, where Melie had sat down. Oliver stood in the middle of me and Aiden, hesitating. I willed him to come with me, so Aiden would know that his best friend was on my side. But he shuffled to follow Aiden. Dammit. Leave it to the gay guy to follow the hot guy.

I threw myself on the swing, kicking the sand at the bottom. I didn't start to swing, just sat there, trying not to look to miserable. It wasn't that hard, because Parker promptly started pushing me. I screeched for him to stop. The little bastard just laughed cackled, and pushed me with more force.

Me and Parker were so lost in our yelling and screaming, I didn't notice Oliver talking to Aiden on the side of the park, until Aiden started walking to me. He had a guilty look on his face, and his hands were stuffed into his pockets. Parker stopped pushing me by grabbing the chain, making me nearly fall off. Aiden closed the distance between the three of us, and put his hands over mine on the swing so I wouldn't fall. I felt electricity sizzle on our hands, and I looked up at his face.

To my dissatisfaction, he was looking at Parker, with a weird look on his face. His hands had not only been covering mine, but Parker's as well. I turned my head to see Parker have an awed look on his face, before he pulled his hands out from under Aiden's. He stumbled backwards, still looking at Aiden, and walked to Oliver.

"Abi?" Aiden said, turning to look at me. "We need to talk."

"No we don't." I said, stubbornly.

He smiled. "You're like me. Oliver said 'we need to talk' like, yesterday, and I did exactly the same thing."

"So?" I said, looking away from his perfect face. He had always reminded me of an angel. Wait, not even. An angel was too perfect, without flaw. Aiden was not perfect, only looked it. But his flaws, instead of detracting, made him beautiful.

"So.. we need to talk." He repeated. He stepped back, and gestured for me to follow him.

I shook my head. "I'm staying here."

Aiden rolled his eyes, but walked back in front of me. He crouched down a little bit, to get onto my level, and looked at me straight in the face. "I'm sorry Abi." He pouted his bottom lip a little bit, but almost not enough for anyone to notice. But since he was so close, I was looking at his lips.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, my voice going a little higher in the middle. "for flirting with a girl? That's hardly something to apologize for."

Aiden shook his head, slowly. "But it is. You knew I had Mekayla, so you tried to stop me from being anymore of the fucking slut I already am." He cracked a smile at the end. "And also," the smile fell, "I freaked out on you. THAT I'm sorry for."

"It's okay. I yelled at you too. It was my fault." My eyes fell to the ground.

"No, it's my fault too." Aiden said, a warning in his voice.

"No, it wasn't. It was my fault, Aiden. And you know it."

"I know nothing about it." He disagreed, childishly. I still wasn't looking up at him, but I could imagine the stubborn look on his face.

"It was my fault." I said. "It wasn't my place."

"Abi..." Aiden groaned.

"And I was rude to you!" I continued, as if he hadn't said anything.


"And I was rude to Melie!"

"Abi! Shut up!"

"I almost made her cry in the changing room!"


"I mean, she didn't do anything!"

"Seriously, shut up!"

"And I swear, I wanted to slap her and----"

But Aiden had finally gotten me to shut up. With a exasperated noise in the back of his throat, he threw his lips onto mine. It was such a powerful kiss, that the swing I was still sitting on went backwards, as he stood up.

I opened my eyes once during the whole thing.

Once, and saw the heartbroken look on Parker's face as he watched.
♠ ♠ ♠
THAT kind of kiss. ;)
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