Gay Guitarist



I couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Despite Oliver.

Despite the fact that I knew Aiden was a player.

Despite how I knew Abigail loved him.

I still felt heartbroken. It couldn't be helped.

When Aiden brought his lips to Abigail's, I was watching closely, wondering what would happen. I knew Oliver had talked to Aiden, and told him to apologize to Abigail. And apologizing for a guy like Aiden Tyler was usually making out.

And I was 100% right.

I froze where I stood, shocked. If it was anyone other then Aiden and Abigail, it would have been mindbogglingly romantic and sweet. She was pushed back against the swing, still sitting, but at Aiden's level. He was leaning into the kiss, so Abigail was sitting a few feet in the air. The sun was just going down, so red beams of light shined on them, making Abigail's blond hair look more red then yellow. She wrapped her arms around his neck slowly, and seemed to smile into the kiss.

It was horrible.

The kiss went on for what seemed like hours, neither breaking apart. Until Theo decided that was enough.

"Hey. You two. I know your madly in love with each other, but c'mon. You can practically hear the screams of hundreds of Aiden's ex girlfriends."

I laughed, because it was funny. But I only laughed because the rest of them laughed, and I didn't want to seem too horrified.

Aiden started the kiss, Aiden finished it. He extracted himself carefully, and slowly put let the swing fall back down. Abigail never took her eyes off Aiden's face, but I noticed with some satisfaction that Aiden avoided her look. Instead, he walked away from Abigail, and went to join me, Theo, Oliver, Cali and Melie who had come together in front of a bench. Abigail looked after him, and I saw her lip tremble slightly, and her eyes get big and shiny.

But only for a second. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. When she reopened her eyes, the traces of tears were gone, and she looked fine.

"Hey." Aiden said to us, a small smirk on his face. It was such a small smirk that you could hardly tell it was there. But it was enough for me to feel slightly sickened for his show.

"Hi." Oliver said, and I saw that he looked a little angry. Aiden was surprised, and looked at Oliver questioningly.

"What?" Aiden said, confusion clear in his voice.

"Your an asshole." Oliver snapped, lip slightly curling up. The rest of us had raised eyebrows, just as confused as Aiden.

"Why....?" Aiden asked, tilting his head slightly to the left. It was endearing, and in normal circumstances, would've made me blush. But the memory of Aiden and Abigail was still floating in front of my eyes, mocking me.

"Because!" Oliver said, throwing his hands in the air. "You just make out with her, and LEAVE?!"

"Oh." Aiden said, simply. He let out a breath, and smiled slightly. "Abi's alright."

Just then, Abigail walked up. "What're you talking about?"

"How Aiden's an asshole!" Oliver shouted.

"No he's not!" Abigail defended, stepping unconsciously in front of Aiden.

"It's fine, Oli!" Aiden said, pushing Abigail slightly out of the way. "Abigail's fine. We're all fine."

"Oh yeah?" Oliver sneered. "So what was it about?"

"It was just a kiss!" Aiden said, "Abi knows it didn't mean anything!"

Right there, you could hear Abigail's heart breaking. Ripping in two, then again, and again, until it was just little tiny pieces on the floor.

Oliver snorted. "She knows that?"

Aiden didn't even glance at Abigail. "Yeah."

"Sure as hell doesn't look like she did!" This time, it was Theo yelling. "Look at her!"

This time, Aiden did. But Abigail had wiped the devastated look on her face, and replaced it with a stony, confused one. "See?" Aiden said. "She's fine."

"My GOD Aiden, you're such an idiot!" Oliver was screaming now, and he wiped his long black hair out of his eyes roughly. "You don't even get it!"

"What don't I get?!" Aiden's voice was raised now, but not as loud as Oliver's.

Oliver made a noise that sounded exasperated. "You really don't?"

"No, I don't Oliver! Maybe you should TELL me!"

"Oh my god..."

"JESUS! I'm sick of this! I'm always doing SOMETHING wrong lately, aren't I?" Aiden looked really angry. "First, I'm a man whore for dating so many people, apparently hurting Abigail's feelings! Next, I'm somehow hurting Parker's feelings, then Abigail's, then Parker's! Now, I'm somehow hurting YOURS? It's fucking ridiculous! It's not my fault that Abi loves me, not my fault that Parker likes me, not my fault that now YOU have a gay crush on me!" Aiden stopped yelling with a deep, gasping breath in.

"It can't be like this anymore." Aiden said, after a moment of no one speaking. "I'm not trying mess all this shit up. I'm gonna try to be better, but seriously. If we can't fix this, Reach is done."

With that, Aiden turned around, and walked out of the park, with the rest of us staring, open mouthed after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I admit it.
I'm a drama addict.
I'm nevereverevereverever getting over it, either. <3
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