Gay Guitarist



@#$&*@^$ !

At first, that was all that went through my mind. I couldn't even speak. I just thought mindless cuss words, trying to find a word for how I was feeling, and even what I thought Aiden was. After a few minutes, I realized my feelings was just plain old betrayal. And that Aiden was a fuggin' turtle fucker fetus farm.

"Well shit!" Theo said, watching Melie chase after Aiden. "He can't be serious about Reach being over!"

"That's what your worried about?!" Abi said, voice higher then usual. "Not that we must've lost one of our best friends?"

"Yes it is! For I care about my future!" Theo sniffed, and stuck his nose in that air.

"Do you?" Parker said suddenly. "Do any of you really?"

We stared at Parker, incredulous.

"Of course we do!" I sputtered, offended.

"Well, what do you guys really do for the band? Besides show up?"

Abigail, Theo and I exchanged dark looks. We had no defense for that.

"All the stress of making a band famous would make anyone crazy. Especially if they're doing it alone."

"Huh." Said Theo, thinking about that. "And I have been bitching about his sex life."

"Half of what I say to him is screaming at him." Abigail groaned.

A thought occurred to me. "Isn't it the anniversary of his mom's death soon, or something?"

"Shit." We all said, together.

"Text Aiden." I instructed. "Tell him we're sorry."

"Kay." Theo said, pulling out his phone.

All at once, they faded to the background. Yes, they were still there, still talking. But a new voice had stolen my complete attention.

"And how did this happen?" She said, as she slithered out of the shadows.

When I was a little boy and this person was still a stranger, I had named my nightmare Keanah. She visited sometimes when I had a lot of emotions at once. 'Hallucinations!' the doctors all said. But Keanah was more real then any doctor, more solid then any pill. She used to be just a voice in my ear, but as I grew, she did too. She was lovely, with flowing blond hair, porcelain features and china skin. She was breathtaking, even I can admit that.

Until you saw her pure white eyes peeking out from under her hair. No pupils, just a pure, snow white. If you didn't see her eyes, you might think she was an angel, but he soul was as black as her eyes were empty.

"Oliver? How pathetic are you?" Keanah hissed, shimmering softly.

"Aiden played you all. He's using you. He doesn't love Abigail, or you. Oh no, he wants to fuck your boyfriend. At least he doesn't seem like a disgusting homosexual."

I was unable to speak, unable to move a muscle. Her cruel words, as always, bit down to my bone, without me being able to do anything.

"He fucked you over. And now your asking for his forgiveness? Because of a little stress, and a whore of a dead mother?"

Why hadn't Theo woken me up yet? Sitting here, denying her logic was like trying to push against a moving 18-wheeler. Pointless, and impossible.

"Parker wants to fuck Aiden, too. You're just a one-night stand gone wrong."

Shut up! I thought, tearfully.

"Who would chose you over Aiden Tyler?" Keanah sneered, and she walked up to Parker, and stroked his face, softly. He couldn't feel it, of course. Because she was all in my head.

Stop it! I knew no tears were actually falling down my face, but they felt as if they were.

"Even your father can't love you. Your own flesh and blood, is too disgusted by you." Keanah turned back to me, and raised her eyebrows, as if stating a completely obvious fact.

"Because nobody loves you, Oliver. Nobody could ever love a freak like you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. D:
This chapter makes me sad. ):

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