Gay Guitarist

Aiden is THAT Sexy


Oliver and I had a lunch date.

After he had gone to pieces yesterday, he promised that he would take me to eat. We had a party to go to later, but we could spare an hour or two. Especially me, because Oliver had promised to tell me what happened to him.

"So!" Oliver said, steering through town, at ease. "Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... I don't really know. I don't know Trenton good yet."

"Hah." Oliver chuckled, "I forgot you were new! Well, let's go to The Rainbow. It has some damn good food."

"The Rainbow?" I raised an eyebrow, laughing. "Oh, you mean the local gay bar?"

"Dude, you cannot insult the Rainbow." He nodded, wisely. "It is the greatest restaurant of all time. Well, to me."

"It's the greatest to a gay man? Well, then I guess it is the local gay bar! That only means I'll like it too."

"Because your so gaay," Oliver sang, grinning.

"And I totally like boys!" I finished, throwing my hands up as far as the cramped car would allow me.

"It just so happens, I have that Katy Perry CD right here." Oliver dug in the little spot in between the seats, and pulled out a blank CD.

I gasped teasingly. "Bootleg!"

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." He said as he pushed the CD in the CD player.

"It's Theo, isn't it? He is such a bad influence."

"Definitely." Oliver responded, and we weaved through the city streets.

"Welcome to the Rainbow!" A perky blond girl greeted as we arrived at the restaurant.

"Hi." Oliver said, smiling at her. The girl responded slightly by smiling brighter, and I almost laughed. This girl thought he was flirting with her.

"Booth or table?" She asked, and led us to the seating area. I noticed she walked close to Oliver.

"Booth." We both agreed.

"Alrighty!" She showed us a booth, and smiled as she handed us menus. "I'll be back."

As soon as she was safely away, Oliver and I immediately started laughing.

"I FEEL LIKE AIDEN!" Oliver said through laughter.

"You're prettier then Aiden!" I said, and reached across the table and held his hand.

"Aww, you suck up. Do you want to go to the party tonight, too?"

"I AM OFFENDED! I wouldn't do that! Besides," I said, smiling now, "I assumed I was coming to the badass party to begin with!"

"Of course you are. Now." Oliver nodded, and rubbed his thumb on my hand.

"Oh, she's coming back." I said, pulling my hands away. He turned around, and probably smiled, because she blushed slightly, and smiled back.

"Any drinks for you guys?" She asked, looking mostly at Oliver.

"Coke pleeease." I said, drawing her attention to me for what seemed like the first time. I saw her asess me for a second, and then turn back to Oliver.

"And for you?"

"Uhh, orange juice please."

"Right. Just a sec." As she walked away again, I looked at Oliver.

"Orange juice?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's yummy in my tummy. Shut up."

"Do you think we should do something to crush her feminine fantasies of getting married to you?" I said, looking at the doorway where she disappeared.

"Depends on what you mean by that." I looked back at him, and he was waving his eyebrows at me. I giggled, and went over to his side of the booth.

"What do you want to do?" I said, sitting so close I could smell his shampoo.

"Maybe, this?" He turned his body, and kissed me lightly, so delicately that it made a shiver run through my body. My stomach clenched as he pulled away, smiling softly.

"Parker." He said, running a finger up my arm. Goosebumps appeared on them, and I breathed deeper.

I leaned in for a second kiss, and he leaned back against the booth wall. He pulled me slightly on top of him, and his lips sucked mine, greedily.

"Oh my god, Parker?" A voice said from behind me. I jumped, because I hardly knew anybody here; definitely not enough for that level of recognition and shock. Me and Oliver both turned to look at the owner of the voice, and I flew off of Oliver.

"Anna?" I asked, a little upset she had interrupted.

"Hey! Long time no see. Ditching me, Parker?"

"My answer depends on if your stalking me or not." I replied.

"Oh, no. I'm here with my boyfriend, Jace." She gestured to the guy standing beside her. I hadn't really noticed him. And that described him a lot, didn't it?

"Oh, hello." I said, willing them not to sit down with us.

"Mind if we sit and eat with you?" Anna asked, smiling with big white teeth.

"Of course not." Oliver said, smoothing out his shirt.

Jace and Anna sat down on the other side of the booth, Anna already chattering away about something or other. Oliver pulled out his phone, and looked at it.

"So, who's this?" Anna said, looking at Oliver.

"It's Oliver Freeman? You should know him."

"Oliver Freeman? In Aiden's band?"

"Yeah. He's the singer." I boasted, loudly. I knew I sounded like a proud mom at a PTA meeting, but I don't care. I was proud.

"Speaking of Aiden," Oliver said, looking up from his cell phone, "he wants to come eat with us."

"I thought he was mad?" I asked, while Anna did a mini freak out. What a hoe, right in front of her boyfriend.

"Not anymore. We apologized, and everything."

"Oh, well then of course he should come!"

"Kaay." Oliver turned back to his phone to start texting.

"Aiden Tyler, right?" Anna said, still squealing.

"Yeep. I wonder who he'll bring. Melie, or Mekayla, or Abi." I said, looking at the window, as if he could possibly be coming in now.

"He'll probably come alone. I told him about the waitress."

"Hah. As if he'd care. He'd probably get the waitress' phone number, get Anna pregnant in the bathroom, and threesome it up with Mekayla and Melie."

"Wow, you have high expectations of him." Oliver said, shaking his head slightly in laughter as he closed his phone.

"Don't I?' I batted my eyelashes at Oliver. "Anyways, who are YOU?" I turned to Jace.

"I'm Jace?" He said, looking weirded out.

"No shit. But hobbies. Interests. Any family history of diabetes? And most importantly, do you or don't you have any STD s my dear Anna should know about?"

Anna rolled her eyes, but Jace smiled. "I totally can't remember all of what you asked, but no family history of diabetes, and Anna happens to be my first girlfriend."

"Whaat?" Oliver and I said, amazed. He wasn't really a noticeable person, but if you said he was ugly, we would have to take you out for lies against society. He was good looking, in a 'my parents love me!' way, which Oliver and I both lacked.

"I'm serious. I had no life until a few weeks ago. I was always inside on the computer, being a loner."

Oliver coughed fakely once, and I looked at him. He was smiling. "What's wrong with doing that?" He said.

We laughed, and I leaned closer to him. No matter whose company I was in, I would not stay away from him.

"Nothing's wrong, but the way I did it was. So, now I have my first girlfriend here."

"Someone's a viiiiiiirgin!" I sang, in a teasing voice.

Anna said, "So are YOU in a way!"

"If you are talking about how gay I am, then yes, I am more chaste then the Jonas Brothers were when they were 11." I replied.

"There's no fucking way they are virgins now!" Oliver said, shaking his head.

"Especially Joe. I'm sorry Oliver but yum." said I, nudging my boyfriend.

"I know, if he's a virgin, so is Aiden."

"Then the person you're talking about is a filthy whore." A new voice said from beside us. We looked, and saw Aiden, who of course heard only that part of the conversation. Fabulous.

We all laughed, as we all looked Aiden up and down. Jace probably checked him out, too, the straight fruit cake. Aiden is THAT sexy.

Aiden sat down in the booth, right beside me. I was squished in between my boyfriend and the boy I'd sell my boyfriend to the mafia for. Something was very wrong with that picture.

"Hey Oliver, Parker. Uhh, Annie? And you, total stranger." Aiden said, effortlessly charming, even though his words were somewhat rough. He could call Anna 'Bitch-whore-bag-skank' and she wouldn't care, so she just chirped, "Hi Aiden." You could practically hear the hearts in her words.

"I see you've got more people with you?" The waitress said, suddenly back.

"Yeah." I said, thinking 'obviously'.

"Need more time?" She asked.

"Definitely." Aiden said, smiling up at the girl. She practically fainted at his god-like smile.

As she walked away, Oliver laughed, once. He then turned to Aiden and said, "you whore," still laughing.

"I try." Aiden replied, laughing himself.

I felt Oliver giggles on my right side. I felt Aiden's on my left.

Yes, something was definitely wrong with this picture.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is filled with fuuun!
And chapter 27 will be filled with amazing times (and drama, of course)!

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For that, I updated as soon as I could possibly could. <3

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