Gay Guitarist

My Idiot


Stupid Aiden. Making other people feeling bad for him being a jerk. Makes us feel bad when HE was the one that broke people's hearts.

Uh. I mean, hurts people's feelings. He didn't break my heart. Because I don't love him. I hate him. God, who was I kidding? Not me. I loved him, and I couldn't do anything to change that.

I kicked my laundry basket over, in anger.

"I wish that was your face!" I yelled at the basket, pointing at it menacingly. I looked at the basket for a moment, before I picked it up, holding it tenderly.

"I'm sorry Aiden! I love you-- I mean. Yeah, I love you." I stroked the basket lovingly. I was lost in a moment, entrapped with thoughts of Aiden.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Mooom! What do you want?!" I said, not looking up from the basket. She knew I was a freak, anyways.

"Uhh. Actually, it was your mom that let me in." A male voice said from my door. Oh god no. I know that voice. I hear it every night in my dreams.

"Oh. Hi Aiden." I squeaked, dropping the basket on my toe. I swore loudly, as I jumped on one foot, holding onto my poor, poor toe.

"Yeah. I came to drive you to the party...?" Aiden said, slightly paler then usual.

"Oh. Well, wait a minute." I held up a finger, and retreated to the bathroom.

"Pssht. You mean, wait an hour as you make your hair perfectly blond and bouncy. And shiny."

"Shut up," I snapped, "we both know you spent two hours making YOUR hair nice."


I closed and locked the door behind me. Aiden was notorious for 'accidentally' walking into the bathroom while I was in it. Usually when I was showering.

I pulled a brush through my hair, and tried to keep from hyperventilating. Had Aiden heard what I was saying to my beloved basket?

"So... Do you talk to inanimate objects often?" Aiden called through the door.

Crap, that man's a mind reader.

"Yes, I was acting out a play I made...."

"And the play involved a talking basket? That was named Aiden?"

"Uhhm, yes?"

"Huh." There was an awkward silence. I had stopped brushing my hair, and I was just standing there, staring at my reflection in the mirror. The silence was so great, I had to do something. I flushed the toilet.

"Are you done NOW?! C'mon, my bike's on outside."

"Well, why the hell did you leave it on?"

He was quiet. "I don't know."

"Your smart, someone's going to come and steal it!"

"OH SNAP!" I heard footsteps run from the room, and down the stairs. I heard my mom call lamely, "Bye Aiden!"

I shook my head, and rolled my eyes. What an idiot.

But my idiot.

I sat awkwardly on the back of his bike. I had his helmet on, because he was too stupid to remember one for me. I was holding onto him tight, but I was supposed to. It's a motorcycle. What else am I supposed to? I was still enjoying it, though.

I mean.

Never mind.

"Those stupid punk kids..." I heard Aiden shout, still rambling about the two freshmen that had been hovering around his bike when he got outside. "Just admiring it?! Just admiring my ass."

I sometimes admire his---

Never mind.

"Yeah." I called, a little afraid of the speed we were going. I was worried about what would happen if we crashed. I had a helmet, but Aiden didn't!

"So, listen, Abs. I wanted to make sure WE were cool. I mean, Theo talked to me. But I didn't know if you were mad at me or not...?" Aiden said, as he sped around a corner.

I gulped nervously. "Yeah, yeah, we're cool." Could I say anything else, while I was holding on, as tight as I could to him which was maybe a little more then I had to?

"Good. I didn't want you mad at me." Though I couldn't see him, I could tell he was smiling that dazzling smile of his.

"Are we there yet?" I complained, a few minutes later.

"We're pulling in now. It's right there." Aiden pointed at a building right beside us. I wanted to yell at him to hold onto the bike with both hands.

"Finally!" I groaned, even though I was happy to stay exactly how I was.

"Yeah, I'm sure you loathed every second of the drive." He said, parking into a space. The parking lot was full of tour bus' and nice, nice cars. I could see Theo and Oliver's car clearly. It was the worst car there by far.

"Why would I? It was like taking a ride with a big brother."

Aiden turned back to face me. His expression was disbelieving, but amused. "You don't have a brother, big or otherwise."

"I know, but you're like my big brother." I said, feeling weird about how close he was to my face.

"I'm sure you feel that way. You kiss your imaginary brothers that way? Or just the brothers in your plays?"

I felt my cheeks turn red. "First off, I didn't kiss you. You kissed me. Second, why were you listening to me through my door, anyways? And third, I think of you like a brother. That's all I ever will. " I willed him to believe the words, even though I didn't believe them myself.

"First of all," he used a tone that was clear he was mocking me, "you liked it. Second, the door was open, and third, we both know that's not true." He got off his bike, and held out a hand to help me down.

I felt tears at the corners of my eyes, and I struggled off the bike myself, ignoring his hand. "Why do you do this?!"

"Do what?" He stuffed his hand in his pocket, and watched me struggle.

"Mess with other people's feelings, and act like they mean nothing!" I snapped, stumbling slightly.

"Abi, you're one of the people who DO mean something to me." Aiden rolled his eyes.

"You don't act like it." I said simply, and walked towards the building.

He caught up in a few seconds. "Abi." He sighed, "I'm sorry. Again. I am being a bitch lately."

"I know there's a lot on your mind, especially with your mom's death. But that doesn't give you the right to make anyone feel like shit. And your doing that a lot lately."

Aiden froze, and stopped walking. I looked back, and saw a hurt look on his face. I had never seen him look as sad as he did at that second. He didn't say anything, just started walking, slower then before.

I wanted to apologize, but guiltily I felt a small surge of happiness. For once, Aiden Tyler was the one hurt.

When we reached the doors, Aiden was still silent, and I was feeling really bad.

I just felt worse, though, when I saw Melie and Cali waited with Theo, Oliver and Parker.

I stopped, automatically. "What're you doing here?" I looked directly at Melie. "You're not even in a band!"

"Parker's not in a band." Cali said, standing up for her friend. "Neither am I. We were invited."

"I know Oliver invited Parker, and Theo invited Cali. But who invited you?" I gestured to her, angrily.

"I did." Aiden said suddenly from behind me. He walked to Melie, and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aiden's such a whore. ;)
Next chapterrr~~. <3
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